Webmaster's note: For more information on the background of the Bridgeport injunction, see: May 24 - Police Attempt to Move Gospel
Off the Streets " they will learn to fear Me as long as they live and they will be able to teach My laws to their children." Deut. 4:10b
This is a picture of one of the saved babies. The dad brought him to the mill yesterday for us to see. He was born in December. His name is James. His dad needs a job, he is a high school graduate and has done professional moving in the past. He is willing to do any type of job, if you know of any, please let us know. Sixteen lifesavers came out to the streets, the weather was milder, in the thirties. The police (Artiega) and the doorman (Al) were there. From what we saw: THIRTEEN MOMS CAME TO KILL. I think some of the seven that left probably were given pills or prescription for pills. Possibly RU-486 or the morning after pill, especially the three that left after the abortionist arrived. We thank God for the two moms that changed their minds, both were Hispanic. Here are some tips for sidewalk counseling from Paul Robertson of Cincinnati: 1.) Be there anytime clients are arriving, before the staff arrive and be there when they leave if possible. We also have a sidewalk counseling manual available from a seminar that Carmen and I did a few years ago. If you are interested in it I will send it to you. Just let us know. Stan shared a testimony with us that when he was in the diner a mom came up to him and told him she did not abort her baby because we were out there. The baby is now three and a half years old. So sometimes you don't know how your presence has affected someone. Please join us on the streets as the Lord blesses and protects us regardless of the fact that the world is asleep in the dark ......and the church is asleep in the light . (as Richard Enrico says:-) We are there to try to persuade moms not to kill their children. We reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We plan to be there until the killing stops. For the Least of These, Ten precious saints came out in the frigid weather to try to save lives and souls for Jesus. The temperatures were in single digits and the wind chill was below zero. Those of us out here are realizing the real meaning of the phrase " fair weathered friends" The police (Luna) and the doorman (Al) were on the scene. From what we saw: TWENTY TWO MOMS CAME AT KILLING TIME. It seems busy lately at the killing center. I think maybe its a product of Christmas and New Year's parties. Babies conceived then would be at least two months old. It is so sad to see the cars pile in the parking lot and even some parked next door in the bakery lot. So many other people will be affected by these abortions. Siblings of these aborted children are affected just by knowing or suspecting one of their siblings was killed. Mothers suffering from post abortion depression, guilt and stress treat their other children differently. Studies show some moms think they are going to be punished and harm will come to their other children. They become overly protective and smother their kids or they choke back their love and are afraid to bond with their other children. Some post abortion trauma even leads to child abuse and neglect. I just heard Carol Everett (author of BLOOD MONEY) on Angela Michael's radio show and she said she has a memorial plaque to remember her aborted baby in her home. When her living children come to visit they stop and look and meditate on the fact that their sister was aborted and not with them. There is a definite void in their lives.
When you see mothers bringing daughters to the abortion mill, keep in mind that this parent may be trying to justify their own abortion. Abortion brings a inter-generational curse on families. A passerby once told a sidewalk counselor that her grandmother had two abortions and she wished her two uncles had been allowed to live. She felt the absence of their presence. So please join us we have "church on the streets". We pray, praise, preach, evangelize and counsel moms not to kill their children. If we don't do this, who will? If not now, then when? We are the body of Christ, He is the head, we are His hands, His feet, His mouthpiece. Join us in the battle for life. We will be here until the killing stops. "Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds with great power and glory. And He will send forth His angels to gather together His chosen ones from all over the world -- from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven." "Don't let Him find you sleeping when He arrives without warning. What I say to you I say to everyone. Watch for His return!" Mark 13:26,36 For the Least of These,
Freezing for Jesus! today broke all March records as the temperatures plummeted to single digits and the wind chill varied from 20-40 below zero in the state of Connecticut. I thank God again and again for the faithful few that continue to come out and lay down their comfort to save the lives of others. Today was well worth the effort as 12 pro-lifers came out and at least one (maybe three) babies were saved! Praise be to our God and King that allows us to do His work in spite of the frostbite weather. We could not do this without Him. He would never command us to do something without equipping us to do it. From what we saw today: FIFTEEN MOMS CAME TO KILL (8B, 3H, 4W) Please take heed to these words from our sister counselor Patte Smith in Orlando, Florida: "Let us do whatever is necessary to free the infants from the mothers who hold them hostage and the slaughterhouses that carrying out the evil deed of dismembering and delivering alive through all nine months of pregnancy.' Take your missionary feet to the most neglected mission field in the USA. Let us be like Wilberforce, saying: “If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow-creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large.” So please help us to continue to save lives each Tuesday and Friday morning as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be! With your help and God's grace we can continue to save precious lives. To date over 1600 babies have been saved and over 355 salvations that we know of. Join us as we have CHURCH ON THE STREETS. We pray, we praise, we preach and we counsel, all according to His word. We do this in obedience to His commands and what He expects from us. He tells us to rescue the innocent from slaughter, He tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves, He tells us to bring down the high places where babies are sacrificed, He tells us to proclaim the truth on the highways and byways of our communities. He does NOT say to hide in the church and hide in your house. We are to shout the gospel from the rooftops and not hide His light under a bushel. We salt and light to this sick and dying generation. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may never come for some people that we could witness to today. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? We are His body, His hands, His feet, His mouthpiece. For the Least of These, Eleven people came out in the pouring rain on Friday. I could not take any pictures, it was too windy and wet out. Only a few pro-lifers stayed. We thank God for the few faithful people that were willing to get cold and wet to save lives and souls from the horror of Hell. The biggest problem was that the weather did not prevent eighteen moms from coming to kill their children. Four death-scorts from Wesleyan were there. Russ did an awesome job holding two signs, one of Malachi and one that said YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR MIND. The students were trying to stand in front of him so the moms could not read or see the signs. I thought they were "pro-choice"? What choice do they want these moms to have? They try to prevent us from giving them another choice. The police and the doorman were present. From what we saw: EIGHTEEN MOMS CAME TO KILL. As we read through our Psalms today (28-30) we are reminded that God is our only source of safety. The Lord hears our prayers as we cry out to Him. He is our strength and shield from every danger. We trust Him and He helps us. He is our shepherd who carries us forever in His arms. His great power is manifested all around us through nature and He delivers us from sickness and death. We thank God for His Word and His promises, they are life to us.
We were blessed to see our good friends and attorneys from AFA (Steve, Mike and Brian) this Friday. We need to keep these mighty men of God in our prayers. Please join us each Tuesday and Friday as we continue to in the battle for life. We must not grow weary in well doing for if we do not faint we will reap a harvest. What is the harvest? It can be souls and lives saved for Jesus and Him greeting us with open arms saying "well done good and faithful servants". Help us reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. For the least of these, FEBRUARY, 2007 STATS: 11 BABIES SAVED, 28 TURN-AWAYS, 90 ABORTIONS (BABIES KILLED) Twenty lifesavers came out today. The weather was mild compared to what it has been. Pastor Miller led us in prayer and song. Teens Daniel and Justin sang some solos. We have lots of talent out on the streets, We had music ministry going on both sides today. Patty was singing and playing her guitar, too. We had church on the streets, Pastor Miller and Hector were preaching, everyone was praying and worshiping. Little Daniel (above) was pleading with moms not to kill their babies. The police (Luna) and the doorman were there at the scene of the crimes. From what we saw: FIFTEEN MOMS WENT IN TO KILL (10 B, 2 H, 2 W) As we end black history month we are grieved to see that black genocide is alive and well at our local abortuary. This is just what Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood and promoter of birth control and abortion) longed for. She called blacks "human weeds" and "reckless breeders". As far as racial minorities, the handicapped and the disabled, she said "More from the fit, less from the unfit - that is the chief aim of birth control." She also said "The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." As far as married couples go, she thought they should be required to get a permit to bear children. She wanted Catholic and Jewish immigrants to have immigration restrictions and compulsory sterilization and segregation to a lifetime of farm work (concentration camps). Sanger and Hitler both were supporters of eugenics ( a social philosophy that advocated the creation of a human thoroughbred race). The seeds she planted back in the early 1900's live strong in Planned Parenthoods and abortion mills all over our country. PP promotes global artificial birth control and gives birth control to students without their parents knowing. PP also promotes homosexuality and advocate sterilization to moms who have had two children. So please join us as we reach out to a corrupt and evil generation. We need to bring them the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The youth of today are taught lies in most educational institutions. Most parents do not teach their kids Godly principles that are laid out in the Holy Scriptures. We are swimming upstream and the currents of our society are very powerful. But is we don't bring them the truth, who will? God has commanded us to preach the gospel to every creature until He returns. I hope He returns real soon but until then we Christians must keep busy doing His work. The days are few and many still don't know Him. For the Least of These, Twenty pro-lifers came out to the streets Friday. It was a cold blustery day but we managed to stay the course and thanks be to God at least one precious baby was saved! Pictured above is Jacob and his dad. The doorman and the police were there, no deathscorts. Pastor Miller and also Pastor Pedro joined us this week because there wasn't any school. From what we saw: TWENTY-FOUR WOMEN WENT IN AT KILLING TIME. As we continue reading through Numbers 10-11 today we see a lot of complaining going on from the Israelites. They complained about their hardships instead of praying to God about them. They complained about not having meat and lusted after things they did not have. They complained about being stuck in the wilderness and openly rebelled against God's leaders as they failed to trust His promises. They complained about lack of water instead of trusting God to provide. They failed to realize their problems were brought on by their own disobedience. Oh God, please help us to learn from this, to be grateful for what we have and to always turn to you in our distress! Please join us tomorrow as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. The location: 3787 Main St. Bridgeport, the time: 7:30 am- 9:30 am. Start praying now please that the Holy Spirit will convict these moms of the truth. That the Lord would turn their hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. That they would love their babies more than themselves and give their babies life. Oh Lord, please help us to save lives and souls for your glory. For the least of these, About 35 lifesavers came out to the streets on Tuesday. Praise God for Pastor Miller and his church! They had a large crowd and lots of their youth were present because this is vacation week for the schools. The girls here were singing and praising the Lord. We had church on the streets as we prayed, preached and evangelized the lost and the needy. The police (Luna) and the doorman (Al) were on the scene of the crimes. From what we saw: FOURTEEN MOMS CAME TO KILL. Today in our daily reading ( http://www.operationsaveamerica.org/Bible/Bible/index.html ) the Lord told Moses to instruct Aaron to bless the people with a special blessing: "May the Lord bless you and protect you. A blessing is a way of asking God's divine favor to rest on others. This ancient blessing helps us understand what a blessing is supposed to do. There are five parts that ask our Lord to 1.) bless and protect them, 2.) be pleased with them, 3.) be merciful and compassionate to them, 4.) show His approval toward them, 5.) and give them peace. When we ask God to bless others or ourselves, we are actually asking him to do these five things. It demonstrates our love and encourages others so they know we care for them. We here at OSA-CT want to extend the above blessing to all of you that co-labor with us physically on the streets in Bridgeport and those that co-labor with us spiritually at other locations. We love you all very deeply and are bonded with you in a special way as we all experience the fatigue, the pain and the victories of this battle for our Lord. Please join us here locally at 3787 Main St. Bridgeport. If you live too far please look in your phonebook and go to your local abortion mill. The babies need you. They need someone to love them more than their own mothers do. We need to obey the law of God to love others as ourselves and lay our lives down for them. We reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there, until the killing stops. For the Least of These, Bridgeport and New Haven, CT - 2/16/07 & 2/17/07 On Friday a few good men stood in the sub-zero freeze zone. It's even too cold to take pictures with gloves and all the baggage. Twenty pro-lifers came out to pray. Pastor Miller and Fr DeMayo were there. The police (Artiega) and the doorman (Al) were on the scene. Four "death-scorts" were trying to divert Moms from getting the help we so graciously offer them. I would hate to be in their shoes on judgement day. Even if you don't believe in God, you will still be judged. Even if you don't believe in gravity, the law of gravity still prevails. Please pray for these young Wesleyan students who are deceived and also pray for the workers at the killing center to be convicted of their wrong doing. David Lackey from OR/OSA Alabama was ministering on the streets with us too. He was so busy around the corner - I was not able to get him in the picture. We had an awesome weekend with Dave as he encouraged all who were around him. From what we saw that day: FIFTEEN MOMS WENT IN AT KILLING TIME. On Saturday, about fifteen came out to Planned Parenthood in New Haven. We had the pro-life guard dog there and before we left a kind neighbor brought us all Duncan Donuts coffee. Please pray the Lord blesses this man. Obviously everyone does not hate us over there. It looked like about 15 women went in for abortions, one turned away. Its hard to tell the exact count because other meetings are going on in that building. We received this blessing from Richard Enrico (Foundation for Moral Restoration): "MAY THE LORD CONTINUE TO BLESS AND PROTECT YOU REGARDLESS OF THE FACT THAT THAT THE WORLD IS ASLEEP IN THE DARK ... AND THE CHURH IS ASLEEP IN THE LIGHT. THAT IT SEEMS THAT CHRISTIANITY HAD BEEN REDUCED TO WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE, INSTEAD OF HOW DO YOU BEHAVE... AND OF COURSE ... WHAT IS YOUR DOCTRINE... INSTEAD OF WHAT IS YOUR DUTY! JESUS NEVER SAID IT WOULD BE EASY... HE JUST SAID IT WOULD BE WORTH IT." Yes, every minute of service to our Lord is worth it, no matter how uncomfortable it is. We know He will never leave us or forsake us. And as Dave Lackey taught us on the "Cost of Faithfulness' we were reminded that all is ok NOW, not someday. Everything is fine, right now, because the Lord is with us and He is in control. Amen! So please join us as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there until the killing stops. For the Least of These, THE STREETS, BRIDGEPORT, CT - TUEDAY FEB 13, 2OO7
Here's another precious life that was spared because Christians got out of their comfort zones and came out to the streets in Bridgeport, CT. I thank God for all of you who so selflessly give up their own wants and needs to plead on behalf of these precious ones that are sentenced to die each Tuesday and Friday at 3787 Main St. These babies and moms are eternally grateful that someone cared enough to get up and out of bed one cold dark morning and show up so the Lord could use them. The same thing happened yesterday when at least two precious little children were spared from abortion. One was African-American and the other was Hispanic; that changed their minds. Carmen was able to give a ride home to one of these young ladies who desperately needs our help. She needs us to help her. Please pray for all these moms, that the Lord would be with them, give them healthy pregnancies and supply all their needs according to His riches and glory through Christ Jesus. Pray especially for their salvation. About 20 saints showed up in the frigid cold, Pastor Miller led us in prayer. The police and the doorman were there. From what we saw: THIRTEEN MOMS CAME TO KILL. Let us be faithful to God's command in Matthew 28:18 "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey all the commands that I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Join with us as we read through the Bible each year. Make it your goal and encourage your family to do the same, especially your children. The more you read the Bible, the more you want to read it. We need to acquire a heart for sound Biblical doctrine. I thank God for Pastor Flip and how he does not compromise God's Word. The corruption of God's truth is growing stronger since marketing departments are running the American Church with experimentalism and pragmatism. The seeker-friendly movement reflects the lukewarmness of the Laodiceans in Revelation 3:14-17. They are rich in goods and shallow in doctrinal truth. We all know that conviction of sin doesn't feel good or sell well. There is a way that seems right to the world and also to an enormous amount of Christians who profess to believe the Bible. Paul told us in 1 Timothy 4:16 "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee (from the growing apostasy)" Let's keep one another in prayer, that we would not be deceived in these last days. For the Least of These, Fourteen prolifers came out to pray and plead for the little ones sentenced to die. We were blessed to have Father Markey and Pastor Miller on the scene. It may be cold but at least we don't have the snow to contend with like we did last year (see above). But most likely the snow will blow in on Thursday when OR Alabama Leader David Lackey gets here. The police and the doorman were present, no death-scorts (they did not thaw out from Tuesday yet). From what we saw: Seventeen women (9 B, 1 H, 6 W, 1 O) )went in at killing time. As we continue reading through the Bible together we see (Matthew 26:47 -56) that Jesus was betrayed and arrested. Judas brought the mob that was armed with clubs and swords and identified Jesus with a kiss. They came to arrest Him and at that point all the disciples deserted Him and fled. Just a few hours earlier (26:35) these same men said they would rather die than desert their Lord. How will we react when the going gets rough? Will we stay or will we run away in fear? The Bible clearly shows in a number of situations (Delilah betrays Samson, Absalom betrays David) that when a betrayal occurs, tragedies are caused from these violations of trust. This is a strong lesson to us that we should keep our commitments. So please join us each Tuesday and Friday as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there until the killing stops. We try to persuade moms not to kill their babies. If not us - then who? If not now - then when? For the Least of These, We become "living epistles" on the streets Ten prayer warriors came out in the freezing cold to try to save lives and souls that are sentenced to death. One of the moms (Maria) stopped by on her way to school to show us her baby. He is a cutie and we thank God for his precious life! The police (Luna) and the doorman (Al) were on the scene. The "deathscorts" are back from their winter break. Five Wesleyan students were present. No clergy on this frigid day. It was almost unbearable to be out there but we stuck it out. Thanks be to God! From what we saw: TWELVE MOMS CAME TO KILL. The turnaways listed above mean they left but we do not know why because we were not able to talk to them or find out from them. They could have changed their minds or they could have gotten prescriptions for the morning after pill or RU-486. As we read in Matthew 25 today Jesus tells about the final judgement. He assures us that when He was hungry - we fed Him. When He was thirsty - we gave Him a drink. When He was naked - we gave Him clothes and when He was sick - we cared for Him. We even visited Him in prison or in the hospital. WHATEVER YOU DID TO ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE, YOU WERE DOING FOR ME. So when you come out and freeze trying to save an innocent baby's life, you are really doing unto the Lord. When you give diapers, wipes, food cards and donations for the needy, you are doing it unto the Lord. When you get up early in the dark on cold Tuesday and Friday mornings, you are doing it unto the Lord. He sees, we are only concerned about the audience of ONE and His name is Jesus! So please join us each killing day at 3787 Main Street , where we reach out to souls that are destined for an eternity in Hell, where we try to persuade Moms not to kill their precious babies. Where we become "living epistles" for His glory and His honor. For the least of these,
Twenty self-less Christians came out in the freezing cold to take a public stand in our community against the killing of innocent little baby boys and baby girls. The police and the doorman were there. From what we saw: FIFTEEN MOMS CAME TO KILL (11 Black, 2 Hispanic, 1 White, 1 Other) This is another demonstration of the black genocide that goes on inside the building at 3787 Main Street . This is black history month. What did great African Americans like Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fight and die for? Why did he lead the black revolt in 1955 when Rosa Parks refused to yield her bus seat? Why did he leave a legacy as a nonviolent supporter of equal rights for all mankind? Compare the arguments of those who favored slavery back in 1857 when the US Supreme Court in a 7-2 decision said "black people are not legal persons according to the U.S. Constitution. (Dred Scott) In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court in a 7-2 decision said "unborn babies are not legal "persons" according to the U.S. Constitution. (Roe v. Wade) Dred Scott said a slave is the property of the owner and can be bought and sold, used and even killed by the owner at his own discretion. Roe V. Wade says an unborn baby is the property of the mother and she can have the baby killed by abortion any time up to birth. Dred Scott said even though blacks have a heart and a brain and may be a human life biologically, a slave is not a human person. Roe V Wade says although a baby has a heart and a brain and is a human life biologically, an unborn baby is not a legal person. Dred Scot says a black person only becomes a legal person when he or she is set free. Before that time they have no legal rights. Roe V Wade says an unborn baby becomes a legal person when he/she is born and before that time has no legal rights. If you think slavery is wrong, nobody is forcing you to own slaves, but do not impose your morality on others. If you think abortion is wrong, nobody is forcing you to have one so don't impose your morality on someone else. THE SUPREME COURT SAYS "Supreme Court precedents in general should not be overturned just because a case has been wrongly decided. It is not enough that you may think the prior decision was wrongly decided. "It is a jolt to the legal system when you overrule a precedent." So why then did they overturn the Dred Scott decision? we all know, because it a horrific decision, the same reason whey they should overturn Roe V Wade. Lord help us to get it right in our country, the land that was supposed to be run on Christian principles. "Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God who presides over the destines of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battle for us. The battle sir is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave........" PATRICK HENRY
So join us each Tuesday and Friday, 7:30 am as we work at stopping abortions, one life at a time. Since this ministry began almost 1600 children have been spared death and over 350 adults have professed Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Yes, I know its cold and dark early in the morning and its so warm in your nice comfortable bed ...............but what would Jesus do? Better yet...............what did Jesus do? He laid down His comfort and His life so others may live. We "Christians" are supposed to follow His example. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Please come................... For the Least of These, THE STATS FOR JANUARY 2007 here in Bridgepor, CT:
Today was another very sad day at 3787 Main Street. Once again a dad did not want his baby killed but could do nothing about it. He pleaded with the baby's mother not to kill the child but she would not change her mind. She was still in the killing center when we left. It was another frigid day, the wrath of winter is upon us. The police (Artiega) and the doorman were present. No clergy. Sixteen prayer warriors froze on behalf of the little ones sentenced to die. From what we saw today: Fourteen moms came to kill. As we continue in Exodus 23 we are reminded again to stand on God's word and not compromise (The Birthright). God will drive the enemy away. God tells us not to worship the idols of this world and not to follow their evil example. Instead we must utterly conquer them and break down their shameful idols. He says if we serve only Him, He will bless us with food and water and keep us healthy (The Blessing). He says there will be fertility among His people to reproduce and He said He will give us long lives Please join us this Friday as we try to save lives and souls that are sentenced to death. It is powerful when praying people come together. Just show up and God will do the rest. Ninety-five percent of the battle is just to get there and be present on the scene of the crimes. You don't realize how you can change someone's life for the better. For the Least of These, Bridgeport & New Haven, CT - Jan. 26 & 27, 2007
We were blessed to have fifty lifesavers including eight clergymen on the streets Friday in Bridgeport. In the picture is Pastor Miller, Pastor Flip, Fr Francis, Fr DeMayo, Fr Markey and Pastor Les Young. Pastor Greco and Pastor Pedro were also on the scene. It was indeed the coldest day of the season so far. Whenever we have a Roe Memorial Event in Bridgeport you can count of the frigid weather! The police were there (Officer Luna). We had a morning full of praying, preaching and singing onto the Lord. It was sad as we remembered approximately fifty million babies killed by abortion since 1973. It was sad as we witnessed more babies sentenced to die this day. From what we saw: EIGHTEEN MOMS CAME TO ABORT. At Planned Parenthood in New Haven we had a smaller group of 15 prayer warriors. About ten women went in for abortions and two turned away there too. A Yale security van dropped off a young lady. It must be a taxi service for Yale students to Planned Parenthood? We were able to talk to some moms and give out some literature. We even had a "pro-life dog" come out in the freezing cold to stand with us against the killing of children. Animals take better care of their young than most humans do. Pastor Flip spoke at two services on Sunday at Calvary Life Christian Church in Cheshire. The messages were truly anointed of God and well received. One young man came up after and was heart broken that his girlfriend was planning to get an abortion. He plans to give her a DVD and literature we supplied so PLEASE PRAY THAT THIS MOM WILL NOT KILL HER BABY. Her name is Denise. The weekend went well. If you want to read through the Bible with us the schedule is listed on the national website at www.operationsaveamerica.org Just click on the Sword of the Spirit on the left column. In today's readings;God gave the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20. 1.) I am the Lord your God, do not worship other gods beside me. Then as we read Matthew 19:16 and on, Jesus is speaking to the rich young man. Jesus tells him he can receive eternal life if he keeps the commandments. Jesus also tells him that if he wants to be perfect (mature) to go sell all he has and give it to the poor. Then he will have treasure in Heaven. Then he can follow Jesus. But the young rich man heard this and left because he had many possessions. Then Jesus told His disciples "It is very hard for a rich person to get into the Kingdom of Heaven -- it is easier for a camel to do through the eye of a needle." They then wondered then who can be saved and Jesus told them humanly it is impossible, but with God all things are possible! So please join us out on the streets as we preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the lost and needy. We reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We try to persuade Moms not to kill their precious little babies. We plan to be there until the killing stops. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? For the Least of These, Here we are in the freezing cold again, seems like Roe Memorial Day in Bridgeport is always the coldest day of the year. So please dress warm and in layers. Dress like you are going skiing. Fifteen brave warriors came out. The police and the doorman were present. Pastor Miller led us in prayer. From what we saw: FOURTEEN MOMS CAME TO KILL. As we read today in the daily Bible schedule we see how God used Moses and Aaron in their old age. "Moses was eighty and Aaron was eighty three at the time they made their demands to Pharaoh." Exodus 7:7 This should encourage all our seniors that come out to the streets. We also read that we are not to accept deals. In Exodus 8:25-28 we see Moses would not compromise. Pharaoh would allow the Hebrews to sacrifice but only if they would do it nearby. God's requirement was firm. The Hebrews had to leave Egypt . People often urge believers to compromise and give only partial obedience. Partial obedience is not obedience! You cannot negotiate with God. He says to not change His Word a jot or a tittle, meaning we must follow it precisely. Half measures won't do. The 2007 Bible reading guide online at www.operationsaveamerica.org (see the Sword of the Spirit link on the left-side menu of the OSA web site). www.osact.org is our local site. Please join us each Friday and Tuesday as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there, until the killing stops. For the Least of These, Fifteen lifesavers came out in the snow. It did not amount to much for our first snow of the season, long time overdue. The police (Luna) and the doorman were present. Pastor Miller led us in prayer. From what we saw: THIRTEEN MOMS CAME TO ABORT. Monday, January 22 is the 34th Memorial of the deadly law making it legal to kill little babies in their mother's wombs throughout our nation. Our purpose is to end child killing in the city of Bridgeport by bringing the church out to the streets. Many say "abortion is wrong but it is not my calling" and in the meantime 50 million children are dead. As Pastor Flip always says, "abortion will come to an end when the church makes up her mind to end it, and not one second sooner. Ending abortion rests squarely upon the shoulders of the church of Jesus Christ." As we start the book of Exodus we see that God does His greatest work through frail people. He used Moses in spite of his weaknesses. In Exodus 1:17-21 we see how the Hebrew midwives spared the Hebrew babies in spite of Pharoah's orders. Their faith in God gave them the courage to take a stand for what they knew was right. And that is exactly what we do when we stand against abortion. God never expects us to obey any laws that disobey Him or His word. The Bible is full of true accounts where people were willing to lay down their lives so others would live: Esther and Mordecai (Esther 3:2, 4:13-16) and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3:16-18) are just a few that took a bold stand for what was right. Whole nations get caught up in immorality (ex. slavery). Following the authority or the majority is not always right. When we are ordered to disobey God's Word we must "obey God rather than human authority." Acts 5:29. So please join us Tuesdays and Fridays as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We are obeying God's command to rescue the innocent from slaughter and loving our neighbor as ourselves. We will be there till the killing stops. For the Least of These, Carmen and I are back. These are the stats from the days we were away and for this Tuesday when we were there. Thank you to Stan Gray for being our scribe and keeping tract of the activities. Friday Jan 5, 2007 Tuesday Jan. 9, 2007 Friday Jan. 12, 2007 Tuesday Jan. 16, 2007 As we read along in our daily OSA schedule Jesus tells us in Matthew 13 that anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand. He says we have been permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven and others have not. When we are open to His teachings, more understanding is given. But to those who do not listen, what they have will be taken from them. That is why Jesus spoke in parables. The skeptics see and hear him but do not understand. It all fulfills the prophecy in Isaiah that says they heard, but did not understand. They saw but did not perceive. Their hearts were hard and they closed their eyes, so they did not understand and were not healed. But blessed are those who see, and hear, for the Lord reveals His hidden mysteries. So please join those who see and hear and understand that the Lord commands us to rescue the innocent from slaughter. He commands us to tear down the high places where babies are sacrificed. He commands us to lay down our lives and comforts so others may live. He commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to do the work of the Lord. For tomorrow may never come. For the Least of These, Eighty-one years old and still going strong in the battle for the unborn. We thank God for Stan and my Mom who still come out in spite of the way they may feel. They love others more than themselves. May our Lord richly bless them. It was rather chilly with the wind, but 20 prayer warriors still came out. Pastor Miller led us in prayer. The police (Luna) and the doorman were on the scene. From what we saw: THIRTEEN MOMS CAME TO KILL. Carmen and I will be away to Florida till Jan 15. She is going to see her Dad and I am going to see my cancer doctor. Please cover the post for us, call on my cell if you need to. I hope this piece from Keith Green will inspire you as it did me. For the Least of These, Daniel is five years old and pleads with moms to not kill their babies. He was spared from abortion and adopted by my sister and brother-in-law. He tells the moms he wants a baby sister or brother. The Sheep And The Goats by Keith Green And when the Son Man comes, and all the Holy Angels with Him, Then shall He sit on His Glorious throne, And He will divide the nations before Him, As a Shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And He shall put the sheep on His right and the goats on His left, And He shall say to the sheep; come ye, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom I have prepared for you from the foundation of the world, For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was naked, and you clothed me, I was a stranger, and you invited me in, I was sick, and I was in prison, and you came to me. Thank you! Enter into your rest. And they shall answer Him, yes, they shall answer Him, And they'll say, Lord, when? When were you hungry Lord, and we gave you something to eat? Lord, when were you thirsty? I can't remember. And we gave you drink? Huh, when were you naked Lord, and we clothed you? And Lord, when were you a stranger and we invited you in? I mean, we invited lots of people in Lord. I could never forget that face. And Lord, when were you sick and we visited you? Or in prison, and we came to you? Lord, tell us? In as much as you did it to the least of my brethren, you've done it unto Me. Oh yes, as much as you've done it to the very least of My brethren, you've done it, you've done it unto Me. Enter into your rest. Then He shall turn to those on His left, the goats. Depart from me, you cursed ones, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink, I was naked, out in the cold, in exposure, and you sent me away, I was a stranger, and I knocked at your door, But you didn't open, you told Me to go away, I was sick, racked in pain upon my bed, And I begged, and prayed, and pleaded that you'd come, but you didn't, I was in prison, and I rotted there, I'd prayed that you'd come. I heard your programs on the radio, I read your magazines, but you never came. Depart from Me!!! Lord, there must be some mistake, when? Lord, I mean, when were You hungry Lord and we didn't give You something to eat? And Lord, when were You thirsty, and we didn't give You drink? I mean, that's not fair, well, would you like something now? Would one of the Angels like to go out and get the Lord a hamburger and a coke? Oh, You're not hungry, yeah, I lost my appetite too. Uh Lord uh, Lord, when were you naked, I mean Lord, that's not fair either Lord, We didn't know what size You wear. Oh Lord, when were You a stranger Lord, You weren't one of those creepy people who used to come to the door, were You? Oh Lord, that wasn't our ministry Lord. We just didn't feel led, you know? Lord, when were You sick? What did You have, anyway? Well, at least it wasn't fatal; oh, it was? I'm sorry Lord, I would have sent You a card. Lord, just one last thing we want to know, When were You in prison Lord? What were You in for anyway? I had a friend in Leavenworth .. ENOUGH! In as much as you've not done it unto the least of My brethren, You've not done it unto Me. In as much as you've not done it unto the least of My brethren, You've not done it unto Me. Depart from Me. And these shall go away into everlasting fire. But the righteous into eternal life! And My friends, the only difference between the sheep and the goats, according to this scripture, is what they did, and didn't do!!
OPERATION SAVE AMERICA-CONNECTICUT 2006 stats Total for 2006: Babies saved – 126, Abortions- 984, Salvations- 5 These are the years statistics we recorded for the Bridgeport abortuary:
Fourteen LIFESAVERS came out to intercede for the precious little ones sentenced to die at 3787 Main Street . Pastor Miller led us in prayer. The police (Artiega) and the doorman were there on the scene of the violent crimes against humanity. It was busier today because they were closed Tuesday. From what we saw: FOURTEEN MOMS CAME TO KILL. A young lady came to us there and told us her sister had her baby that had changed her mind from us talking to her. She said her sister had the baby early and she only weighed in at two pounds. They named her "Heaven". We were glad to here that Mom and baby are doing great. The Aunt is so happy and loves her niece. Our readings in Malachi and Revelation should be an encouragement to the faithful. In Malachi 3:16-18, God's Word tells us that the Lord listened to those who feared Him. In God's presence a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who loved to think about Him and reverenced Him. God said "they will be my people". On the day God acts, they will be His own special treasure. God will spare us as He spares an obedient and dutiful child. Then everyone will see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not. In Malachi 4 our Lord tells us He will be sending Elijah before the great and dreadful day and that his preaching will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their parents. Otherwise He will strike the land with a curse! In Revelation 21 God tells of all the blessings the victorious will inherit. And He will be our God and we will be His children. But the cowards who turn away from Him and unbelievers and the corrupt, the murderers, the immoral and those who practice witchcraft and worship idols, all liars, their doom is the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death. Nothing evil will be able to enter His temple, no dishonesty, only those whose names are written in the Lamb's BOOK OF LIFE. Come quickly, Lord Jesus! So our prayer to you is that all of us will be a part of those who fear Him and serve Him. Please join us each Tuesday and Friday at 3787 Main Street, Bridgeport as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there until the killing stops. If not us, then who? If not now? then when? For the Least of These, ARCHIVES 2006 4th Quarter October - December