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Servants at the "Summit Women's Center" OSA-CT STREET
- Sat. 6/21/03 FOURTEEN
Tues. 6/24/03 BRIDGEPORT, CT
- Sat. 6/28/03 MILFORD,
CT - Sat. 6/28/03 BRIDGEPORT, CT
- Tues. 7/1/03 BRIDGEPORT, CT
- Sat. 7/5/03 I want to share a letter of encouragement to all those who come out to the streets from a 16 year old CHS/Calvary student, I hope it puts a smile on your face and joy in your heart, like it did for me. We give Jesus all the glory, for without Him, we are nothing. Dear Operation Save America, I just want to share this with the Christians at this organization. My name is Laura Barnes and I live in Orange, CT. I want to thank you for all that you are doing for the Lord your God, for the children, and for Christians like me who read about the saved children and mothers in CT because of all that you do. You have obeyed God's command, have followed his ways and not your own or the world's, and that example you have set is to be applauded, respected, and followed. Thank you for standing up for those with no voice, and for making the truth known. God sees your deeds, your obedience, your dedication and your selfless love for Him and he will surely bless you! I encourage you to continue following God's ways! Thank you. Your organization has made a difference in my life and in the lives of others, I am sure. In
Christ's name, On Saturday, there were about forty prolifers that came out to the streets to stand for truth. Fr. Markey represented the clergy. Police were present (Bahr, Honis, Ribas) and the mill has a new doorman. From what we know: Nineteen
women came at baby killing time. On Tuesday, there were over twenty prolifers present to pray for the little children sentenced to die on 3787 Main Street. Police were present (Guilino, Woods, Pierce, Honis) and the mill's new doorman was there. From what we saw: Eight
women came at killing time. As we minister in
the wilderness of our community we must draw nigh to God, because we cannot
do this on our own. Christ's disciples had the same problems in the early
church days: There is no better place to turn for help in a sick and dying world but to our Lord and King - Jesus. Satan loves to deceive us not to trust God, but we stand on His word and His promises. We walk by faith and not by sight. God is searching for those with the courage to fight the giants in the land. If you are going to reign with Christ you must serve in the wilderness. His word tells us we will not lack in our difficulties, He is a feast to the heart that learns to trust Him. God's supernatural supply comes to those hard pressed beyond measure. Jesus will make you shine. Be encouraged as you seek and save the lost and rescue the innocent from slaughter. God's promises live forevermore! 1 Chronicles 16:19-22 "When they were but few in number, few indeed, and strangers in it, they wandered from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another. He allowed no man to oppress them; for their sake He rebuked kings: Do not touch My anointed ones; do My prophets no harm. Join us on the streets every Tuesday and Saturday where little babies are brought in by their very own parents to be killed. We need to be there for these precious and innocent little ones. Every life is valuable to God. He does not make mistakes. We reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. For the Least of
These, Thirty-five prolifers came out to pray for the little babies sentenced to die. We continually pray for the lost parents that bring their children here to be killed and the abortion providers that make money on ripping babies apart limb by limb. Shame on us! supposedly we are a Christian nation. Jesus said in John 17:14 that the world hates us because Christian values differ from the world's. Christ's followers don't cooperate with the world by joining in on their sin. We are living accusations against the world's morality as they follow Satan's agenda and Satan is the avowed enemy of Jesus and His people. "I have given them Your word. And the world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not." God wants to use us in the world to be salt and light (John 17:18, Matt. 5:13-16). From what we saw: The Mom that came in early with her daughter crying and came out to go to the store, is one that changed their mind and the other was the older black woman, short, stocky with the straw hat. They came out before eleven. They said what we said to them helped change their minds. We know it is the power of God! Thank you Jesus for sparing lives. Four clergy were
present today (Pastor Randy, Pastor Miller, Fr. Markey, Fr. Black). We
thank God for the few faithful church leaders that take time out of their
busy schedules to care for their tiny neighbors that cannot defend themselves. In 1 Chronicles we read that genuine worship should be the center of our individual life and our national life. There is no higher goal in life than devoted service to God. God will always be faithful to us, protect us and provide Godly leaders for us to follow. The leaders set the standard by their devotion to God and their true worship. True worship takes place when we take a firm stand for the ways of God recorded in the Scriptures and acknowledge Jesus as the true King of our lives. I hope to see you all out on the streets as we live out our faith for all the world to see. We will be there to intercede for the lost and needy and to reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. If you never show up for battle you can't share in the victory that the Lord has planned for His faithful people. Faithfulness and obedience are the keys. When we stand before our Lord we want Him to say "Well done, good and faithful servant!" For the Least of
These, Storming the gates of hell in Bridgeport, Connecticut OSA-CT targeted two giants in the land today. The giant of abortion and the giant of homosexuality. BRIDGEPORT - EIGHTEEN
CAME AT KILLING TIME. Carmen saw one of the moms from the clinic that changed her mind some months ago. She was happy and grateful to see Carmen. She was with her Mom who was thanking Carmen for helping her daughter and sparing her granddaughter. The baby's parents both work in the hospital in nursing. This beautiful little girl is ten months old. (above) NEW HAVEN- We went to New Haven to meet Stephen Bennett to go to the Connecticut GAY Pride - New Haven Block Party. The New Haven Green was decorated with rainbow balloons and flags in one corner section. MS. Gingrich, Senator Bill Finch and Congressman Michael Lawlor were present. A couple of hundred people were there. It rained on their parade. We were able to give out many tracts and mini-CD's with Stephen's testimony. Stephen was saved from the homosexual life through a personal relationship with Jesus. After the staff got wind of what we were doing, they spread the word via walkie-talkie. Some were following us and telling attendees not to take our stuff. After that we concentrated more on the perimeter of the event and did pass out more gospel literature and CD's in spite the attempt to silence the truth. Please pray that the Lord would use these tracts and CD's to save the lost.
A theme song was from the Wizard of Oz "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are." A male was dressed as Dorothy dancing and singing all over the place. Drag queens and transvestites were present. Children were present. It broke my heart. Some of these people seem so nice and sincere ... sincerely wrong. We need to reach out to pluck them "Out of the Fire" (Jude 1) before it's too late. Jesus commands us to SEEK and SAVE the lost.
My granddaughter Cori (14 yrs. old), was confronted by a lesbian leader. I am so proud of her -- that she knows how to defend her faith. This lady was not happy with us passing out Stephen's tract "I Was Gay." One of the other saints told me about this confrontation transpiring, so I went over to speak to her, too. She wanted to know why we were targeting the homosexuals. I told her we are evangelists and witness to everyone. I reminded her of the scriptures about homosexuals, idolaters, adulterers, etc., not inheriting the kingdom of God. If you love Jesus - you obey His commands. She did not want to talk about scripture. She just did not want us there, but knew we had the right.
I later found out from Cori that this woman was the pastor of the New Haven MCC church (pray for Susan). Their literature said "MCC remains the queer church for God's queer people. Other churches may indeed be "Gay friendly" -- ours is Gay (and lesbian, and bi, and trans, and ... ). At other churches, you may be tolerated, even accepted. Here, we celebrate you. Come out, come home." They offer a class on Reading the Bible with "New Eyes."
1:24-29 "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their
hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created
things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen. Because
of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women We hope to see you out on the streets every Tuesday and Saturday where babies are sentenced to die. We plan to go to another high school soon. There were few apostles, but "they turned the world upside down" (Acts 17:6) We can do the same :-) For the Least of
These, Jesus has many lovers of His heavenly kingdom, but few bearers of His Cross. He has many desirous of consolation, but few of tribulation. Many love Jesus so long as no adversities befall them." Thomas aKempis (1380-1471) Thirty-five prolifers came out today between 6:30 am and 11:00 am. Pastor Randy, Pastor Miller and Fr. Smith represented the clergy. Please try to come early, moms were going in before seven. The police were present, no escort today. Saturday a couple changed their minds after we left. We praise God for that! 'THE SPIRIT OF GOD HAS GIVEN US NO COWARDLY SPIRIT' 2 Timothy 1:7 From what we saw
today: "Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." Alex de Tocqueville (1835) We must never get discouraged or give up. All of this will end. God has called us to be faithful no matter what it looks like. The Church becomes ineffective when it concentrates on results. God was pleased with Jeremiah's obedience and faithfulness even though he had not one convert in forty years. Noah had only six converts in a hundred years. Results aren't the only measure of success. The American Church is submerged in the lie of pragmatism. (Pastor Daniel) If it works do it. This philosophy is fueled by pride, ambition and competition, all attributes of Satan. Many are more concerned with building their churches in number than building their churches with quality Christians. "If I declare with the loudest voice ... Every portion of God's truth except for that one little bit which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ no matter how boldly I may be professing Christ. For the soldier to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that single point. " Martin Luther In Ezekiel 44 the prophet noticed everyone was coming in and out of the temple. God said He is not supposed to be worshiped by everybody, just by His own. In verse 7 God says you brought strangers in My house, uncircumcised hearts. All they care about is votes and numbers. The end result is more people but they are never converted. We don't want just numbers on the streets or in the ministry, but we want the true remnant of the Church. God wants clean vessels that He can use for His glory. God wants us to be holy not common. "You have brought into My sanctuary aliens, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in My sanctuary to pollute and profane it ..." Please come out on Saturday and Tuesday mornings. We reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be." We need a factory job for one of the dads, a nurse assistant job for one of the moms, a toaster oven and monitor, new condition. Diapers size 1, 3, 6 and wipes. Whatever you do unto the least of these, you give unto Me. For the Least of
These, "Give me 100 men who fear no one but God and hate nothing but sin, and I will move the world." John Wesley The total stats for
the month of May from what we saw: Pastor Randy (Tues.), Pastor Ron and Fr. Markey (Sat.) were there to represent the clergy of our community. Pastor Ron comes all the way from Wolcott. Thank God there are "a few good men" still left that are willing to give of their time and their reputation to stand for little children that are being slaughtered legally right in our own community. "The men of Issachar understood their culture and times, and knew exactly what to do." 1 Chronicles 12:32 As graduations draw near, remember the current generation has been decreased one-third because of abortion. For every 66 students that are graduating, 33 are dead. We need to repent and mourn for them. I thank God for the ones graduating, that their lives were spared because of those that were willing to stand in the gap when they were sentenced to die. The helpless infant you save today may grow up to be a future Godly leader of tomorrow. When you come out to the streets Tues. and Sat. 7am- 9:30 am and give into this ministry you are doing missions work in your own community. You don't have to go over salt water to do missions work. There is plenty right here. The harvest is plenty and laborers few. Not everyone can go overseas, so why not get involved in this local mission field? Where else can you go at a known time on a known day and to a known location and save a child's life along with a lost person's soul? For the Least of
Today was a great day for one of the moms that choose life for her baby. Today she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. We went to visit them in the hospital. Since we've met, her family has grown in the knowledge of the Lord through discipleship and bible study. It's just the beginning of God's plan for them. We love them so much. They even come to the mill sometimes to help save other babies. Forty prolifers came out in the rain today. Fr. Markey and Pastor Larry represented the local clergy. We were blessed to have Michael come visit us from Tupelo, Mississippi. Calvary youth and the Rosary group were on the scene to take a public stand against the atrocity of child killing right in our own community. Police were present and there were no deathscorts. The college students are probably done for the school year. From what we saw: FIFTEEN MOMS CAME. As we read 1 Kings 13 in our daily bible reading schedule it brought me back to Pastor Daniel's teaching on the "Old Prophet." He prefaced his teaching with a reminder of our Lord's persecution. He compared the physical beating of Christ beyond recognition to what our nation has done presently to His Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ... The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. "John 1:1,14 Truth has been beaten so beyond recognition that you can't even find it among the God's people. The gap between the biblical church and the cultural church in this nation is astounding. Truth has become so blurred that we can't even recognize it anymore. Just like Sodom before judgment. Lot thought he was living righteous as he lived in complete compromise. The value for children in Sodom was so low there that Lot was willing to give his own daughters over to sodomites. Homosexuals controlled the city. Like Sodom, America is losing as we go into the last minutes of the last quarter. Pastors are preaching first quarter messages without urgency to fight the giants that have taken over our land. The Old Prophet discouraged the young man that had zeal and passion for the Lord. God told him to go and speak out against the evil king. Maybe he was more concerned about retiring, his reputation, or the size of his congregation. He had been around Jeroboam's false altar for so long and away from Jerusalem, that he was out of touch with the true God. He compromised his ministry. He chose the path of least resistance. God couldn't use him. John the Baptist was bold and courageous without compromise. He spoke out against Herod's sin and was beheaded. What did Jesus call John the Baptist? Jesus called him "the greatest of all men"! Be radical for Jesus. He wants us to cry out about sin. Die to yourself and do exactly what He has commanded us to do. Stand on the streets for righteousness, rescue the innocent from slaughter, remove the high places, set a standard in your community, confront sin to remove it. Fight to win. Don't let Satan's bribes stop you from fulfilling God's purposes. You may lose some things temporarily when you stand for Jesus ... but in the long run they will not amount to anything. Don't let the Old Prophet put you in your grave, beware of institutionalized religion. The Old Prophet was buried in dishonor. Remember - Jesus is the Standard. For the Least of
These, Six prolifers came out today, last minute. It looks like the killing center had to change its schedule. There was a different abortionist today. Manny Ribas was there from the Bridgeport Police, one male escort. From what we saw: Fifteen women came. "The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify that what it does is evil." John 7:7 For the Least of
These, We thank our Lord and Savior, JESUS, that no babies were killed today at 3787 Main Street! We believe by faith that child killing will end soon in our community. One client came today and two workers in street clothes. No abortions. No dead babies. Over thirty came out to pray including CHS students, Pastor Randy and Father Smith.
"... I have stepped over the line. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, be still .... I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded ... My pace is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few, my Guide reliable, my mission clear, I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, diluted or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, back up, let up, or shut up until I've preached up, prayed up, stored up and stayed up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go until Heaven returns, give until I drop, preach until all know and work until He comes. And when He comes to get His own, He will have no problem recognizing me. My colors will be clear. " (excerpts from Fellowship of the Unashamed, V. Hance) Saturday eighteen
women went in at baby killing time. Forty-five came out to pray including Pastor Ron and Fr. Markey. Come out to the streets and join us in prayer and public witness against the atrocity of legalized child killing. We need to pray for our President and our nation. As we spend billions to "liberate" the people of a foreign country called Iraq, we need to repent of our own sin and liberate the helpless preborn babies in our own country. For the Least of
Thirteen faithful saints came out 7 am to the streets in Milford near Jonathan Law High School to proclaim the truth about the Gospel, abortion, abstinance and HIV early in the morning before school. Literature was distributed to many receptive students. Danny & Al and Marc & Joan held banners saying "Respect Life" and "Pray to End Abortion" while the rest of us had signs showing life and death, slogans on abstinence and HIV. Hundreds of students gazed at the signs as the school buses passed by. We know what they were talking about in school today. Psalm 147:11 - the LORD delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love. The teachers on one side of the school were not happy that Carmen and I were there. They told me to go "feed the poor." Little do they know that we do. But anything to change the real subject. I asked one of them if they cared that students in their school were having abortions and hurting themselves and killing their children. They did not want to talk to me. They were telling the students not to take our literature and taking away the booklets some students had. After that the students just put the info in their books and bags. It all reminded me of the "deathscorts" and abortion providers at the killing center. I guess they are all on the same page. They want to keep the teens in darkness, not knowing the light of truth. Abortion proves we are willing to kill for sex. AIDS proves we are willing to die for sex. Shame on us. Jude 7 - in a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire. Jude 10 - yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animalsthese are the very things that destroy them.
Kelly was brave and courageous to stand right near these administrators all by herself with a baby sign. They asked her why she ("little girl" ) wasn't in her homeroom yet. The teacher said Kelly needed to be educated. She told them she had time to get to school and that she was trying to educate her peers about abortion since the schools don't. One of the courses in the Milford high schools teaches the students to put condoms on bananas. Jeremiah 6:14 They dress the wound of My people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace. On the other side of the building Cori said one teacher was very nice and took the information offered. Passersby were surprised to see what it actually looks like when an abortionist is done performing a "procedure" to an innocent baby in its mother's womb. We pray that the seeds of truth were sown into hearts and that consciences would be examined. This is all a part of Operation Save America's national campaign "God is Going Back to School." Contact us if you would like to be a part of the next similar outreach. In His Service, Over thirty prolifers came out to pray today including Pastor Miller for the clergy. Four deathscorts from Wesleyan were present to combat our efforts and Daryl was gone. Officers Gaie and Ribas were on duty today. Lieutenant Sapiro and Deputy Chief Honis also came by. Stacia and Barbro were there for the women after the abortions. THIRTEEN CAME AT
Come and stand against the evildoers for our Lord. If you really hate the fact that innocent babies are killed legally in our community ... come and stand for them. If the Church doesn't, then who will? If you don't come to battle, you will never see the victory. We will be here Tuesday and Saturday morning, 7am and on ... until the killing stops. For the Least
of These, Forty-five saints came out to the streets today. There were two deathscorts and Daryl was still there. Officer Woods was back on duty. SIXTEEN MOMS CAME. We thank God for all the coverage we had today from the men, Nancy and Carol, etc. Carmen and I went to THE PURITY CONFERENCE given by the Hopeline. We had two tables, twenty in our group. Ten young ladies and their moms/mentors were taught about sexual purity with their actions, words, thoughts, where they go, what they do and the consequences of sin. Secondary virginity is an option to those who have fallen but want to be pure from this day forward. It was a fruitful and rewarding experience to be there. Seeds were planted in our girls to last a lifetime. We hope to see you all on Tuesday, 7 am sharp and on as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be! We will be there however long it takes, until the killing stops. For the Least of
Saints, Thirty-five
prolifers came out to take a public stand and pray. The count is down, pray that child killing will soon end in Bridgeport and every where. Pastor Miller and Fr Smith were there to represent the clergy. Both sides had video. Five deathscorts were there from Wesleyan. Police and clinic lot attendant were there. Post abortion counselors were on site for moms after their abortions. Saturday after breakfast we plan to go to a hospital that kills children. If you want to come or meet us there talk to me Saturday morning at the mill or call me on my cell. For the Least of
These, Over twenty prolifers came out this rainy chilly morning. Fr. Smith represented the clergy. Police were on the scene (Guilino, Murko) and Daryl was in the lot for the killing center. Stacia & Co. were there for post abortion literature distribution today and Saturday. Five students (Wesleyan/Yale) were there to combat our efforts. Both sides had camcorders going. The officer had to talk to one of the "deathscorts" for pushing Carmen. They forget the FACE law applies to them, too. One young dad was pacing the sidewalk after he had come out of the mill very upset that his wife was killing their baby. They have three children born and she did not want more. The infamous Scott Peterson was charged with homicide for "termination of pregnancy" of his unborn son. Abortionists terminated thousands of pregnancies daily in America and get away with murder. What a double standard we have here in America. When will our blind eyes be opened? A baby is a baby and a life is a life, regardless of where it resides or how old it is. From what we saw today: Fourteen
came to kill. Carmen talked on the phone to one of the moms that changed her mind during the OSA National Event in Dallas, when we were there in July. She had a girl, Sharon, 6lbs.12 oz. on Feb. 27th (my son's birthday). She told Carmen how glad she is that we were there to persuade her to keep her baby. She said her son, Pablo, 2, can't stop kissing his little baby sister. In today's reading: As Flip sometimes says "Everyone wants to follow Jesus, until they find out where He is going." If you've been told that being a Christian is a "cake walk," you have been fed a "false gospel." That's one reason there are so many professions of faith but very few true conversions. Jesus encouraged those who were superficial to go deeper with Him or turn back. Following hard after Christ means total submission and being willing to die for your faith. Many times family and friends separate from you and hate you. Many young Christians give up because they did not count the cost of their commitment to Christ. Some Christians lose their social status and their wealth. They give up their time, their money, and even their careers to follow Jesus. When you count the cost ahead of time, it will help prevent you from being tempted to go back into the world. "In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be My disciple." Luke 14:34 Being a Christian can be a very lonely road. Are you willing to follow Jesus even if none go with you? God wants us to be "salt" to the earth. Many Christians blend into the world and avoid any sacrifice of standing for Christ. Jesus said if we loose our saltiness, we are worthless. What does salt do to a wound/infection? It burns, it heals, it cleans. Just as salt preserves food, we are to preserve the good in the world and bring flavor to life with careful planning, willing sacrifice, and no compromise. Jesus said -- Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Luke 34-35 Please join us this Saturday as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there, at 3787 Main Street, Bridgeport, until killing stops. There is no quick fix, we are in it for the long haul. Please join the Lord's army in this local field of blood as we stand for the lives and souls of the lost and needy. Weather permitting we will go to a hospital that kills children on Saturday after breakfast. See me for details. Thank you for your prayers and material support, we cannot do this alone. For the Least of
These, Forty prolifers
came out the day before Resurrection Sunday to love their little neighbors
more than themselves. Jesus loved us and laid down His life as the sacrifice
for our sins. Seventeen
women came at baby killing time. These aborted babies are also disfigured and marred beyond recognition. For thousands of years Satan has continued to kill, steal, and destroy those made in the likeness and image of God. As we listen to the national news about the Peterson murders, I wonder how alarmed people would be if the 3300 baby boys and baby girls killed by abortion each day washed up on the shores all across America? As Scott Peterson is charged with double homicide, why is it legal for abortionists to kill the same age babies in abortion mills? According to the World Health Organization, five hundred women are maimed or killed by abortion daily. Does anyone care? There is a double standard when it is or isn't OK to kill babies and hurt their mothers. Pastor Daniel taught that the American Church today is just as guilty as the Church in Isaiah and Amos's day (Amos 5 & 6). God's people had no hatred for evil, or pleasure for good. They felt they were OK as long as they gave their offerings. They knew the place where children were sacrificed at the altar of Molech, but the Church separated themselves and wanted nothing to do with it. Although it is apparent that there was nothing God aborred more, there was an attitude of indifference among God's people. They had a false sense of comfort and peace. There was no mourning or sadness. They did not grieve over the state of their nation. Just like today. They wanted to hear nice manna messages (light, sweet, fluffy) nothing hard. They did not want to hear any disapproval or displeasure from prophets of God. They only wanted to hear nice things. Isaiah 29 speaks during the same time and he says the Church is asleep! Men draw near to God with their mouths but their hearts are so far from him. They are spiritually drunk and lethargic in their stupor. The sleeping American Church is out of touch and judicially blind. They do not want the truth so now they cannot see! We are the Church of Laodecia (Rev. 3). That's it, there isn't an eighth church, we are living in the last church age. Apostasy is in full bloom. We think we are so rich and so godly. We don't realize the urgency of our day, we are in the last quarter. But the blind lead the blind right into the ditch. We need to repent and get things right before it's too late. Jesus wept over the city because they missed the day of visitation, "they would not come." Just like when the Church was called out to the streets in Bridgeport, when the alarm sounded, AND THEY DID NOT COME. Baby killing could have ended a long time ago -- if the Church really wanted it to. But like in Isaiah 29:9, they didn't want to see, they didn't want to hear, they didn't want to respond -- they no longer heard the appeals of God. Paul warned in 2 Thes. 2 of this coming apostasy. The falling away of the professing church, the lawlessness in the nation, the false delusion and deep deprovation which brought confusion, darkness and chaos. In Romans they did what was right in their own eyes -- there's nothing wrong with killing babies, there's nothing wrong with homosexuality, there's nothing wrong with pedophiles. Many may profess the faith but there are so few true conversions. We need to love the truth and want the truth -- the truth of Jesus' life - His promises, His cross, His sufferings and His glory. In Amos 4 God's patience ran out. He gave them what they deserved. There was an economic collapse. The only reason God relented after a season was because He heard the prayers of Amos and the praying people. We need to be like Amos and set a plumbline in our nation. Jesus is the standard. When King Herod killed all the boy children in Bethlehem who were two years old and under (Matt. 2:16), there was weeping and great mourning. His needless slaughter was nothing compared to the scale of death produced by modern Americas abortion factories, and yet I can hear hardly a whimper. Who will weep for the babies? Who, I ask you, will raise their voice in prayer and protest? (Richard Exley) Please join us every Tuesday and Saturday on 3787 Main St. Bpt. were little boys and girls are sentenced to die. We also plan on going to one of the hospitals Saturday (let me know if you are interested in coming with us). If we don't stand against sin in our community -- who will? For the Least of
These, Today there were over thirty lifesavers that came out this sunny warm morning between 7am and 12:30 to proclaim the gospel of life to moms entering the aboritorium. We were blessed to have Fr. Smith and Fr. Ramzie to represent the clergy. Alma brought little Christina (one of the saved babies) to see us. One of our pregnant moms came back again today to help save more lives. The Bridgeport Police were on site (Guliani, Torres) and Stacia came for post abortion literature distribution. From what we saw: Fifteen
moms came to abort. Five "deathscort" college students were there. They were telling the clients "You don't have to listen to them!" These so called "educated" yuppies must think all people going into the mill are stupid, or how Margaret Sanger put it "human weeds." These Yalies/Wesleyans act as if the clients don't have a brain and need them to think for them. If they really were for "choice" they would not mind us giving them another "choice." The only "choice" they are for is "the choice for a Mom to kill her baby." Not a "choice" to choose life. Daryl, the clinic lot attendant was washing his car as he guarded the death camp. "I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against a child - a direct killing of the innocent child ... And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? ... So abortion just leads to more abortion. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching the people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion ... Please don't kill the child. I want the child. " Mother Theresa, National Prayer Breakfast, 1994 Carmen took one of the young ladies home. Another Mom that changed her mind asked to see her ultrasound and saw that she was having twins. A different couple left after changing their minds, they also took all our information for help. I believe some hearts were softened as God heard our prayers and His Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way! We have been getting some feedback on the past weekend's gospel proclamation at the schools and at the hospital. Students at Foran said abortion was the hot topic and also a good opportunity for Christian students to share the gospel of truth. Teens were shocked at the photographs and literature. Many had never seen what an abortion really is. They never imagined something so wicked, just like God said three times in Jeremiah. "A deed so horrible, I've never even thought of it, let alone commanded it to be done!" People all over the city knew about us being at the hospital, too. They were shocked to find out babies had been killed there. Please join us at 3787 Main Street, Holy Saturday, as we lay our lives down so others might live. We will be there 7 am and on where little boys and little girls are sentenced to die. These babies suffer an excruciating death as their little bodies are ripped apart limb by limb. They feel pain, I have seen their "silent screams" on abortion videos. These children are precious and valuable, created in the image of God. They deserve better! They need us to be there to stand in the gap for them and pray for them. This is a harvest ground to evangelize the lost as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. For the Least of
These, Over 30 prolifers
came out in the pouring rain to help save their tiny neighbors that were
sentenced to die. The Bridgeport Police (Guilino, Ribas, Sapiro) were
on the scene and the mill had Daryl stationed in the parking lot. Four
college student "deathscorts" were thee trying to hinder our
efforts to save lives. Stacia came for post abortion ministry. From what we saw: One of the young ladies, Miah, that changed her mind in October, came with her two sisters (she is eight months pregnant.) The Lord used her and Carmen to help save the life of another baby! She talked to a girl that had come for an abortion. Miah and this young mom exchanged phone numbers and plan to keep in touch to encourage one another. PTL! This Sunday is Miah's baby shower. She is due to have her baby boy in May. A recording studio
is renting the upstairs from the killing center. They felt terrible to
learn babies are being killed in the same building they are doing their
business. They said they did not know about this. As we read our daily
Bible scedule this week Jesus was teaching: This is the same
story that goes on with the babies. The legal experts use it as a topic
of discussion, the abortion providers as an object to exploit and make
money, the priests as a problem to avoid, the temple assistant was just
curious. ONLY THE SAMARITAN TREATED THE NEEDY AS A PERSON TO LOVE. We need to love these moms and babies as ourselves and show them pity like Jesus taught in this parable. Please join us on the streets every Tuesday and Saturday mornings 7 am and on, as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. For the Least of
These, THE STREETS, CONNECTICUT - APRIL 4 - 8, 2003 We had a very busy week as we proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets in Connecticut. Many followed hard after Christ - unashamed of His Word in this wicked and adulterous generation. Hundreds of gospel tracts were given out, the truth was shown throughout our cities and at least three came to know the Lord as Savior! We thank God for having Rev. Flip Benham (OSA National) and John Reyes (OSA Dallas) here visiting and ministering to and with us. Friday -we proclaimed the gospel and displayed signs showing the truth as students at Foran High, Milford, entered school early in the morning. We were able to pass out literature to some students and speak to the principal about why we were there. We told him about our national campaign, "God is Going Back to School." He took the literature and seemed to understand why we were there. We want to reach the youth before they get pregnant and end up at the abortion mill. It was an awesome experience to promote abstinence and life.
After breakfast at Pop's we headed out to Yale University, New Haven, where we displayed our signs and Flip and John spoke in length to some anti-war demonstrators. Cori was able to give out hundreds of tracts as students passed by between class and lunch. We met up with Proffessor Chu and Casey. We even stood at the corner of Woolsey Hall to show the truth to all that passed. A picture is worth a thousand words! Many eyes were opened.
After an adventure at Bob's bagels we headed home to rest before the next mission. Flip spoke an awesome "rhema" word at Grace Baptist Church in Milford Friday night. Many people from their group came to the mill Saturday morning. Saturday- Seventy prolifers came out in spite of the bad weather. The rain and chill put a damper on our event, but we will try again when the weather is nicer. Gilbert was there to help with his Nightrunners RV. He provided warmth and drinks and sound. We thank God for him, he was a blessing to us. Amy Wolf sang some beautiful songs of worship to our God! Flip did a little preaching and Marc read some Scripture. God's Word went forth. From what we saw, fifteen moms came to abort, one changed her mind and three turned away. Operation Full Court Press was in progress. The Bridgeport police did an awesome job. A different abortionist came (a shorter, younger man.) Six "deathscorts" where on the premises from Wesleyan/Yale. Pastor Miller, Flip and two priests from Notre Dame were there to represent the clergy. Proffessor Chu came, too. Joe, Cori and Nancy were on video for us. One of the students were on video for the pro-aborts.
After brunch we headed off to Milford Hospital where they were having a "Baby Fair" promoting their birthing center. I found it hypocritical to boast of newborn facilities as you allow baby killing in the same medical center. People were shocked to see our signs and the neighbors never knew babies had been killed there. We got to give out literature and open many eyes. The first officer from the Milford Police that questioned us knew our rights. The second cop, Sergeant Delmonico did not know legalities about abortion protest on public ways. I thank God for Michael DePrimo and Steve Crampton (our AFA attorneys) who see to it that our constitutional rights are respected as we peacefully proclaim the truth of the gospel and expose the lie of abortion, homosexuality, Islam and more. Jesus is the standard. Sunday- we visited a local Christian Church early to pass out literature and let them know where and when babies were being killed right in our community. This is a part of the "God is Going Back to Church" campaign. We need to alert the churches to our responsibility to rescue the innocent from slaughter as the blood of 44 million babies cries from the ground.
"Not all that sound religious are really godly people. They may refer to Me as "Lord," but still won't get to heaven. For the decisive question is whether they obey My Father in heaven." Matthew 7:21
Flip gave a prophetic message about the war here and abroad as he preached at Calvary-Life Church in Cheshire. Three or four came to the altar to receive Christ as Lord. John Reyes gave a serious message to the youth group on Sunday evening. "For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And, "If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?" 1 Peter 4:17-18 "And many false prophets will appear and lead many astray. Sin will be rampant everywhere and will cool the love of many. BUT THOSE ENDURING TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED." Matthew 24:11-13 Join us every Tuesday and Saturday morning on the streets at 3787 Main, Bridgeport, as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there on the front-line of this war "however long it takes" to end child killing in our community. Reporting from a field of blood. For
the Least of These, ARCHIVES
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