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God's Servants at the "Summit Women's Center" BPT
Reports from 1st Quarter
March Count: Ten babies were saved. Fifteen moms turned away. One hundred eight babies were killed. Saturday, March 29, 2003, Nineteen came, one changed her mind, four turned away, fourteen died. Events for Gospel Proclamation: The national director of OSA (Operation Save America) Rev. Philip (Flip) Benham has been invited to CT for various events, ask me for more details. Please come and invite some friends. This is the tentative schedule, subject to change: Friday - April 4, Afternoon-Yale University, Night-Grace Baptist Church, Milford, 7pm. Saturday, April 5, 7am-9:30 am, "Jesus Loves the Little Children" prayer and worship outreach. Balloons, drinks, and children's praise music. 3787 Main St. Bpt. Graphic signs away from the clinic. Police mounted horses will be on site. Sunday, April 6, 10am-12:30, Calvary-Life Christian Church, 176 SandBank Road, Cheshire. I am attaching the
article below in place of a street report. Print it out and read it when
you have time. MC http://eaglesnesthome.com/gospel.htm. Aren't Christians
Just Supposed to Preach the Gospel? This is a must read article. Thirteen
women went in at baby killing time. "So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one, He was appalled that there was no one to intervene." Isaiah 59:14-16 Thirty prolifers came out Tuesday to pray and plead for the lives of the unborn. There were five deathscorts and the clinic lot attendant on duty for the killing center. Bridgeport Police were present. Three clergy came at the beginning of their busy day to pray and take a public stand against the evil of child sacrifice (Pstrs. Randy, Miller, Fr. Smith) We were there to intervene. One of the moms that we had met in August 2000 at Middle Street came to see us. She brought her daughter that was saved from abortion. She will be two years old in a few days. This mom's demeanor was completely different from when we first met her. When she came to the mill years ago she was so distraught and now she is full of joy and peace! She told us how much she loves her little girl and how bad abortion is. She was even telling the police officer the whole story. She is just so happy now that she chose life for her daughter. She was hugging her and kissing her and telling us how much she loves her how glad she is that she did not kill her. This Mom said how much God has blessed her because of her daughter. She said her family got some money the day before her daughter was born. Now they live in a nice home and have a new van for their four children to get around with them. Her husband has a good job now. She said her daughter is so special they are having her birthday party next week at the Red Lobster. She was just so happy when she saw us! Carmen and I thought back to the day she came to the mill. I was talking to her through her open van window when one of the escorts opened her door and tried to pull her out so she would not listen to me and go into the abortuary. The Mom did listen and did not go in. She then came back another time because her husband was mad and said no way can they take care of another baby -- they already had three (4,2,1) and were struggling. She did not go in the second time either but took the a video home we gave her to watch on abortion. She never came back. We gave her the Scripture from Deuteronomy 30:15 and told her if she chose life God would bless her but death brings a curse! "See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess." Carmen and I spoke with her many times on the phone and brought diapers, pull-ups and wipes to her apartment for the children she already had. Come to find out she lived right next door to my sister Nancy. What a coincidence! When she needed someone to talk to she would go to my sister's house or my sister went to her house. She was from Pakistan and had a hard life. After six months she moved to a new city. Nancy would bring her supplies after work on her way home. Her husband was having difficulty with his job. She was trying to work part time but in her culture that is not good. Please pray for the salvation of this family. Join us every Tuesday and Saturday 7 am and on as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We proclaim the Gospel of Christ to the lost and needy. Abortion will not end in our community until the Church decides she wants it to end. We are the only entity with the power to come against the very "gates" of hell. Not the President, not the Supreme Court, not Congress, it's all up to us! If you never show up for battle, we will never win the war. We must fight evil. President Bush said it was "cruel, brutal, and inhuman treatment our POW's received in Iraq. Our very own children in America receive "cruel, brutal, and inhuman treatment" right here in abortuaries as 3300 are killed each day. We will be here till the killing stops. "However long it takes." For
the Least of These, Fifty prolifers came out to pray Saturday morning between 7am-1pm at 3787 Main Street. Fr. Markey and Pastor Dave were there early in the morning to represent the clergy of our community. It was a horrible sight as we watched twenty-four women go in at baby killing time. Two left, one turnaway and one change. One of these moms was having twins. Fourteen post abortive women were offered help and counseling from Stacia. Stacia still needs other ladies to come out with her between 11am - 1 pm. We have had a real busy week ministering to the moms and families that we meet at the mill. Please contact us on how YOU can help.
We have to do lots of phone calls, copies, computer work for the ministry. We need to video and keep pictures current. We buy, mount, replace, and create signs for the streets when necessary. We are doing home bible studies and ministering to families in need through jobs, schooling, help with bills, food, clothes, diapers, wipes, etc. This week we purchased a brand new crib, mattress, carseat for a Mom that is expecting a baby boy very soon. We also got a new printer for the ministry. We are currently involved in planning many activities. We always need help. Families are taken to church, taken to eat, and counseled consistently. This can be very draining on the few that do put action to their faith and prayers. Please PRAY for them not to grow weary in well doing (Carmen, Nan, Tom, Stan G., Marc, Joan, Jenn, Vinny, Jan, etc.). They are an awesome team! Please pray for the families we are ministering to. Think about how you can help. I thank all of you that do help with donations and sacrificing you time to come and pray and minister to the needy. "All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better countrya heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them."Heb. 11:13-16 Pastor Dave taught on ENDURANCE today from James 5:7-12. When you are involved in going out to do God's work you must have endurance. That is why hundreds, maybe thousands, have come and gone since we started going out to the streets in 1990. You cannot do His service in the flesh, only through His Spirit. The Word says we will be persecuted for His sake. Unjust suffering is felt by the innocent babies killed in their mothers' wombs. Our POW's are experiencing unjust suffering. God tells us in James to respond with a proper attitude and self-restraint. We cannot withdraw, retreat, or resign the task He has given us to go out and proclaim His Gospel. We must not become angry, bitter or hard-hearted. " ... who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreatedthe world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground. These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect." Heb. 11:33-40 Jeremiah was put in stocks, in prison, in a water hole and beaten. He took abuse for proclaiming God's judgement to the people. He had ENDURANCE. We need to stand firm in our community against sin - no matter how difficult it may look as the enemy advances. Take God's promises to heart and wait. Jesus said three times in revelation "BEHOLD, I AM COMING SOON." The righteous judge will make all wrong right. He will reward greatly those who were obedient to His commands. We, the Church, must stand against sin. If we don't - who will? Only His Church has the power to come against the gates of hell. We are His Body - His Hands, His Feet, His Voice. Will you be there? (Tues. and Sat. 7am) "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Heb. 12:2,3 For
the Least of These, "But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. James 4:6 I thank God for over thirty humble servants that loved their neighbor as themselves and got up and out of their comfortable beds to stand on the streets for the little babies sentenced to die. Police were present, Cori was on video early for us, no "deathscorts" and the abortuary lot attendant was on duty. Three clergy were present (Pstr. Randy, Pstr. Miller, Fr. Smith). Some CHS youth came to pray before school. What a way to start your day. "Being at the abortion mill is the only way to save babies that are about to die THAT day. There is no other way to do it. All the pregnancy homes for unwed mothers, political action, educational action, and all the other great things we do in the pro-life movement will not stop abortions on the day children are to die. And in Proverbs 24:11 we are commanded to "rescue those being led away to their death." That command doesn't mean rescue those about to die tomorrow or next week or next years, or when the law is changed. It doesn't mean to send a donation to a pro-life group, preach a great sermon on life, it means to rescue the children that are about to die this day. The only way I can think of to do this is to be here - standing in the gap, offering love and help to the women. That is the bottom line." Pastor Ed Martin From what we saw: I love to get Godly wisdom and counsel from those who have been in the battle way longer than we have. I have such respect for these real men of God. Fr. Francis is one of them and he shared some thoughts with me about those who are for self-promotion of their own interests and could care less about the unborn. But as soon as there is a victory they run out and want to be part of it. But when the going was rough they hid. They fool a lot of people with their "life" words, just like the pro-aborts "choice" words. We need to ask those that say they are prolife "when, where and how often do you go out to the local abortuary?" It is also getting more apparent among Christians that little value is placed on telling the truth and keeping your word. I thought when a Christian tells you something, his word is good. It is beyond my comprehension how Christians blatantly lie. Fr Francis taught me that Christians make the easy mistake of thinking that saving the life of the unborn child and the soul of its parents is a ministry to which others are called but not them. They have a particular ministry that they are persuaded God called them to -- and it is not the ministry of Life, others are called to "that" like you and me. This perception must be challenged at every turn -- because it is not true. It is not true that what we do is a ministry to which some are called and others are not. In fact, it's not a ministry at all. It's not a calling at all. Rev. Joe Foreman got it right years ago when he said prolife does not come under the umbrella of a particular ministry, but the canopy of "love your neighbor as yourself." Christians with the wrong attitude do not bloom to their fullest extent because one is a ministry and the other is an obligation. Their ministries will flourish in tandem with their obligations. The closer the bonding, the more flourishing in faith. All those wanting to meet Fr Francis come to "Oh, Saratoga!" in NY State Aug. 17-21. Reserve a spot today. This will be a regional event with Flip and OSA national. I hope to see you all out on the streets as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be at our local death camp on 3787 Main Street where precious little children are ripped apart to death. We will be there for them, we will plead for their lives and we will mourn for their deaths. Judgment Day is coming soon, all that really matters it what we do for Jesus. For the Least of
These, Seven babies live - Fourteen die on Main Street. "All
of you will desert me." Jesus told them. Mark 14:27 Forty-five lifesavers did not desert Jesus, but came out to do His work between the hours of 7am - 10 am. Some stayed ten minutes, some stayed three hours. Whatever time you give will be appreciated by the moms and babies that are saved. They reached out to the lost and needy on the streets of Bridgeport. Mary is here from Texas on her way to a missionary trip in the Middle East, we were so blessed to have her visit with us! Fr. Markey represented the clergy. There were no escorts (on spring break probably). Police and the guard for the extermination camp were on duty at 3787 Main Street. Mark led praise and worship. Satan hates the praises of God's people and he flees. From what we saw: Twenty-one
moms entered at baby killing time (17B,1H,3W) We exchanged literature, phone numbers, booties, etc. with some moms as they cried leaving the aboritorium. Carmen gave one of them a ride home. These moms are young and some have other children. They need lots of help. Please contact us about how you can help. Carmen and I cannot do this alone. It is good to tell these moms not to kill their children, but we don't want to leave them in desperation. We want to disciple them and help them with their physical needs. We want to stay the course for Jesus and watch Him transform the lost as He uses us in their lives. Our daily readings in Deuteronomy 5-9 remind us not to worship other Gods or have idols in our lives. Idols and "other gods" are anything that come before God and in our life. God tells us we must obey all the commands. (Including "Thou shalt not murder.") As we love God we teach our children and grandchildren to fear Him. God says if we do this we will have a long life and many children. Children are a blessing and not a curse. Our world teaches different. As we strive to love Him with all our heart, soul, and strength we teach our children over and over again. God says "Listen and obey." The Lord promises to destroy the enemies of the Cross. Everyone will face the Judgment. Please come out to the streets every Tuesday and Saturday morning starting 7 a.m. sharp. We are there to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We hope to witness the end of legalized child killing in our nation soon. For the Least of
These, Words From a Gentle Warrior for Jesus on the Streets Marilyn has been faithfully reading through the Bible with us for the past several years. Her theology has truly become biography in the streets of Bridgeport, Connecticut and God is drawing her ever deeper into His Scripture. He is giving to her a depth of insight that comes only to those who seek God with their whole heart. Here is just an "everyday" report from Marilyn but, as you will see, it is more than just an "everyday" report. THE STREETS, BRIDGEPORT, CT - TUES. MARCH 11, 2003 "Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it." James 4:17 Thirty lifesavers came out to pray on the streets between 7 am-11 am this cold March morning. Two clergy were present, Pastor Miller and Father Smith. We thank God for His people who are willing to take a public stand for righteousness on the streets of Bridgeport. It is a matter of life and death for these precious babies sentenced to die. It is no big deal to give of ourselves to try to save even one life. We had police coverage during the course of this quiet morning. The abortuary's parking lot attendant was on duty. Cori and Nancy were on video for us. The abortionist (MAB) arrived with his assistant before ten. Sad to say from what we saw: Seven
women entered at baby killing time. As we do our daily bible reading schedule we see Jesus taught that the most important commandment is to love the only true God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12: 29-31). It is sad to see this is not happening in many American churches. Religious leaders are so busy building their own kingdoms they forget about their neighbors being killed right down the street from them. Their churches have become all about business and money. Jesus hates that. We need to pray for them. In Mark 11:15,16 Jesus was so angry he knocked over the merchant tables and stopped the selling. He told them that they turned His house of prayer into a den of thieves. The religious leaders then got so mad at Jesus they planned to kill Him (v. 18). They even sent supporters of Herod to trap and arrest Jesus, like religious leaders and government officials do to Christians today. It was always the religious leaders that Jesus got upset with. In Mark 12 Jesus gave the parable of the evil farmers. It was all about how God sent many prophets to warn the people and the priests beat and killed them. Then God finally sent his only Son and they killed him, too. God was pointing at their wickedness and hypocrisy and they did not like it. Somewhat like what we go through today with the rejection we get from most Christians. Most disappointing is when people of God just don't care. Legalized baby killing would end in America tomorrow if the Church would just come out and take a stand. The Church is the only entity in America that has the power to prevail against the gates of hell (not the President, the Supreme Court, or Congress). "How do you know what will happen tomorrow? For your life is like the morning fog -- it's here a little while and then it's gone." James 4:14 All that really matters in life is what we do for Jesus. Pastor Dave reminded us Sunday that our plans should always be what the Lord wills. We can make our plans, but the Lord's purposes always prevail (Proverbs 19:21). No plan can succeed against the Lord's (Proverbs 21:30). We should not be self-confident in our own self-sufficiency. Jesus is the only Lord over all (1 Chron. 29:11-13). Our heart attitude needs to be "not my will Lord, but your will." It's all about God, not about us. Each day we have to serve him is an honor and a gift. Many have been called, but few are chosen. What a privilege it is to serve and be humiliated for the living God. Think about what He did for us as he hung naked on a cross. Never in a million years did I ever imagine I would be on the streets in America begging parents not to kill their very own children. But I know it is exactly where God wants me to be. For the Least
of These, About 30 prolifers came out during the course of the morning. Fr. Markey was their to represent the clergy. Christians take a public stand on the streets against child killing in our community. All of these prolifers do not come at the same time. Ten may come at 7 a.m., ten at 8 a.m. and ten at 9 a.m. Whatever time you can come out to pray, please make the effort, it does make a difference. We usually go out for fellowship after 9:30 a.m. The police were there and the mill had their attendant in the lot. One male escort was there with his orange vest on. From what we saw: Seventeen
women went in at baby killing time. We continue to covet your prayers as the shedding of innocent blood continues right here in our own vicinity. "The Lord hates, yes ... an abomination to Him ... hands that shed innocent blood." Proverbs 6:17 "For your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting ... And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man." Genesis 9:5,6 We are responsible for the lifeblood of our fellow man. When Cain asked God, "Am I my brother's keeper?", God said YES! Jesus talks about bloodguilt in the New Testament when he rebuked the religious leaders of His day. In Matthew 23 & 24 Jesus makes it very clear that the ruination of Jerusalem and the leveling of the Temple was in part caused as a consequence of bloodguiltiness. Woe to us in America, as the blood of 45 million "imagebearers" cries out from the ground. Religious leaders today reject the sound of the alarm, just as the angry Sanhedrin did in the days of the early apostles. "Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name! And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood on us!" Acts 5:28 Please join us out on the streets, every Tuesday and Saturday 7 a.m. and on. We reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there for the little boys and the little girls that are sentenced to die. If their parents do not love them, they will know we loved them and we were there for them. Our tiny neighbors will know we pleaded for their very lives. Pray the Lord lessens their pain as their little bodies are ripped apart limb by limb. Lord have mercy on us and help us to fulfill the call you have given us in Proverbs 24:10-12 to "rescue the innocent from slaughter" in our local field of blood. For the Least
of These, About twenty prolifers came out early this brisk cold morning. It was very quiet today with very few people around. Eleven
women went in at baby killing time. Pastor Randy and Fr. Smith were there and led some prayer. A few CHS students came before school to pray. Saturday, a bunch of teens came with the Calvary Youth Group. The police were present on the scene today. The "clinic guard" said it was too cold to stay outside so he remained in the killing center most of the morning. He had five Wesleyan "deathscorts" doing his job for him. Women going into
the mill proclaiming to be "Christians" sometimes tell us nonchalantly
"God will forgive me" (if they kill their child). I wonder what
kind of messages they are being taught in their churches? Yes, God may
forgive them, but they will still face the judgment and consequences for
premeditated murder. "If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for our sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment." Hebrews 10:26-27 "Don't judge me!" they say. "Christians are to "luv" (not real love) one another!" There is a proper way to love and a proper way to judge. When you really love someone, you will judge them according to God's word and confront them with their sin. The world preaches a shallow "luv" that does not really love at all. They preach a "worldy sorrow" that isn't really truly repent. God wants us to have discernment of right and wrong according to His Laws. Jesus is always the standard for us to live by. We are to exercise Godly judgment according to His word. The world felt condemned when Jesus preached. Those who were convicted -- repented -- and received Him as Lord and Savior. We should always evaluate situations according to God's word. A type of judgment God speaks against is when we judge people because of the way they are dressed or because of their apparent failures. God is warning us not to be impressed by one's status or possessions. This kind of judgment stinks in the eyes of God. That is why we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. That is why we lay down our lives for our neighbors. That is why we give up our comfort, our warmth, our sleep, our money, for our neighbors. God commanded us to. "Regarding the apathy and indifference of the church, it seems that, as one of the church fathers has said, it is only the stench on the outside of the ark that makes the stench inside the ark tolerable. The bride sometimes is unfaithful, adulterous, and largely indifferent to sin in and outside the church. Yet, it has in the past won, and will in the future win, many of the battles we face--even against abortion, and neither the gates of hell, nor the gates of the abortion industry will prevail against the church. The blood of these babies will cry out from the ground, even as the blood of righteous Abel, and both God and his church will hear their cry and bring judgment against all those who have followed Cain in his murdering madness. To be sure, we are out numbered, to be sure, our losses are presently more than our gains, to be sure, many of the troops have forgotten that we are at war, but God will awaken us out of our sleep, he will shake us out of our slumber, and he will summons us to the battle. We must also remember that the battle wages on in the unseen world, their are invisible forces at work, and that we fight not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places." Pastor Jim, Orlando ABORTION WILL END WHEN THE CHURCH FINALLY DECIDES IT WANTS IT TO END AND NOT ONE-SECOND SOONER, IT'S ALL UP TO US - HIS CHURCH. I hope to see you all out on the streets where little babies are carried into death camps to face excruciating torture until death because of the selfishness of their parents. We need to reach out to these moms and we need to be there for these babies. We will be there, at 3787 Main Street, until the killing stops. Reporting from a field of blood. For the Least
of These, Over 25 prolifers came out in the freezing cold early this morning in obedience to God and His word. They stood in the gap for precious babies sentenced to die at 3787 Main Street. Three clergy were present at the death camp to represent the leadership of the Church. (Pastor Miller, Pastor Bulkley, Fr. Smith) We had Nancy and Brother John (KY) on video for us. The Bridgeport Police were on the scene and the mill had a parking lot attendant on their premises. At least five college student "deathscorts" stood out with their bright orange vests to walk moms in to kill their children. A male client with tattoos all over his face was taunting a prolifer as he drove out of the driveway. (I am not surprised by the demons drawn to this location.) Stacia & Co.
were there for post abortion prayer and literature distribution. We, like the prophets in Scripture, are not very popuar. We speak the truth that God puts on our hearts because we LOVE (...not luv...) Him. "When I say to a wicked man, "You will surely die, " and you do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways in order to save his life, that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood." Ezekiel 3:18 The motivation for pointing out sin is to save souls. God told Joshua and Caleb to "be strong and courageous" as they fought the enemies in Canaan. Then God repeated himself again and said "be VERY strong and courageous." Why? They had to engage in some serious battles if they wanted to inhabit the Promise Land. Pastor Daniel taught us true hope for America will not be found in Wilderness people, as they sit, eat and play. The Kingdom goes no where. Canaan people are the only hope for America. American Christianity has fallen way short of true Christiandom. That is why we are so little in our culture, and make such little impact on our society. A people making no spiritual progress ... wandering in circles. The Wilderness was never intended to be a place of permanance. ( Read Exodus and Joshua) I encourage you all to come out to "The Streets" and reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We are here every Tuesday and Saturday morning 7 a.m. and on. We will be here ... until the killing stops. As we stand for rightousness and point out sin, souls will be saved (347 souls saved since 1990). This ministry is all about the Gospel. Jesus is the Standard. Reporting from a Field of Blood .... For the Least
of These, BABY SAVED WITH HELP OF MOM WHO PREVIOUSLY CHANGED HER MIND! Forty prolifers came out in the cold rainy weather to stand in the gap for their precious neighbors who were sentenced to die. Some brought shovels to make some room to stand on the snowbanked sidewalk! We found out when we were there that Vinny was unable to come because he hurt his back and could not move. Please pray for Vinny's healing, he is a vital part of this ministry. So Danny then went all the way back home to get some other signs we had on the back porch, I thank God for him. It is great for the whole family to team up and be involved in saving lives and souls. Nothing has taught our granddaughters or us more in our Christian walk than being out on the streets serving Christ. Pastor Turner was there to represent the clergy from Bridgeport. Six college "deathscorts" were on the scene from Yale/ Wesleyan. Nancy was on video for us and they had a camcorder going, too. Officer Gaie and Officer Manny were there from the Bridgeport police. The mill had an attendant in their lot. It looked like a collage of umbrellas from afar as everyone tried unsuccessfully to stay dry. The best thing that happened this morning is that a young pregnant Mom came with her Mom and two sisters to help save babies. She is a young lady that changed her mind months ago and is now six and a half months pregnant. They have all come to know the Lord in a personal way. God used her today in a miraculous way as she went with Carmen and persuaded a Mom not to kill her child. We give our Lord and King Jesus all the glory! We also had another girl turn away and leave. Please pray for these moms. From what we saw: Jeremiah 7:31 "They have built the high places ... to burn their sons and daughters in the firesomething I did not command, nor did it enter My mind. " We need to repent and pray for our nation. About thirty-three hundred babies were killed today in America at local abortuaries. This really rips my heart, and more so the heart of God, their Creator. Just close your eyes and try to picture twenty-three precious babies ripped apart limb by limb right here in Bridgeport. All of this is done in the horrible name of "choice." Choice for moms to kill their children. Please join us on the streets every Tuesday and Saturday 7 a.m. as we reach out to the lost and needy. We will be there till the killing stops. The end is not the end of abortion, the end is that we find Jesus in all of this. We show Jesus how much we love Him by how much we are willing to obey and sacrifice for His purposes. Always remember, we as Christians have a very high standard. Jesus is the Standard. Deuteronomy: 15:7 "If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. 8 Rather be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs. ... 10 Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. 11 There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land." For the Least
of These, Today six prolifers came out after most of our area was blanketed with 1-2 feet of snow. Piles lined the sidewalks and the streets. The lot was not even plowed when we arrived early this frigid morning. A while after we got there a truck came to clean out the abortuary lot. There was a police officer there, #548 (Mike). A few clinic workers showed, only two stayed. Three clients came and we were able to talk to them and give some literature. Pray they don't come back. We gave a good look of abortion and life in the womb to all the passers by as we held signs of life and death in the street. We stayed till 9 o'clock. Please join us Saturday, so far that is the next killing day, 7 a.m. For the Least
of These, SIXTEEN YEAR OLD MOM CHANGES HER MIND TODAY Thirty prolifers came out today in the frigid weather to rescue their tiny neighbors from slaughter. We thank God that a sixteen year old Mom changed her mind because the Lord used what we said to her. She called her Mom to come and get her around ten thirty. PTL! "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command you." John 15:12-14 Our Lord challenges us to experience God's blessings through spiritual poverty, mourning, meekness, and a pursuit for righteousness. Following Christ means denying ourselves, walking away from the world and carnal desires. When you are Christ's disciple, the world hates you. Following Christ is a willingness to forsake all in this life as we love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.' Matthew 5:3-6 Fr. Markey was there to represent the clergy. The police and clinic attendant were on site. Five college deathscorts tried to combat our efforts to persuade moms not to kill their babies. One escort attempted to block Carmen from distributing literature and speaking to a Mom going into the killing center. The abortionist (MAB) came around 9:50 am. From what we saw: "For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you ... for your welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." Jeremiah 29:11 Be encouraged
Saints! Come join us in this battle for life, Tuesday and Saturday mornings anytime between 7 a.m. - 1 p.m., on 3787 Main St. Bridgeport. We need prayer warriors, counselors, sign holders, etc. Whatever time you can give will be appreciated, whether it be half an hour or a few hours. Jesus came to bring life. We go out in His name. He is the head. We are His body. We are His hands, His feet and His mouthpiece as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there until the killing stops. For the Least
of These, Baby Lives, Mom Arrested A Mom going to the mill today came into the parking lot as a passenger in a nice big SUV. The driver was a long haired man and a little boy about four years old was in the back. The truck's CT back plate had the letters "Death" on it. As this Mom exited her car to go towards the abortuary, Carmen went around the side and said "Good morning, we have help for you." The client attempted to go into the mill but was told she could not bring her boy inside. This Mom told Carmen she already had a baby and that he was her love and she did not want another. Carmen then suggested maybe she would like to put her baby up for adoption. After hearing this, the client walked quickly across the clinic lot and around the fence. Carmen thought she was coming to get literature, but instead this woman punched Carmen in the eye! She threatened Carmen and said she would throw a rock at her if she had one. This woman later threatened the police officer, too. The officer on duty saw this and so did others. He told the woman she was going to be arrested. She got on the ground crying and said she had to have this abortion. She was handcuffed and put in the back seat of the police car. She was in the police car for a long time before cover came for the officer. She was going ballistic, jumping all around the back seat and yelling out the back window. Please pray for this young Mom and her children. In the meantime, her baby did NOT get killed and we pray that she changes her mind. Carmen is fine, the Lord has always protected us when we are on the battlefield doing His work. Over fifteen prolifers came out this morning after the snowstorm last night. Father Smith (81) was there to represent the clergy. The clinic lot attendant was on the scene for the killing center. Stacia was there
for post abortion counsel, we are not positive about the count. This reminds me of what I learned about James 2. James is telling us that the law of God is the instrument of judgment. The people he was addressing judged by appearance using favoritism. James tells us (2:8-13) that the law shows no favoritism. The law shows us absolute holiness and sets us free to have a correct opinion of how depraved we are and in need of a Savior. God's judgment applied to our lives causes us to run to Him for mercy as our only hope. All law points to Him (Rom. 10:4) who is our salvation. We become merciful because of God's mercy to us. He who is forgiven much, loves much. Mercy triumphs over judgment because judgment is no longer the last word. Mercy, through the blood of Jesus, covers our sin and the righteous judgment of God. Mercy can never be had apart from judgment. "He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy." Proverbs 28:13 This is a problem in the American Church, as she gives mercy with no judgment. This is a false gospel that never allows sinners to confess and repent. The law of God must do its job and expose our sin so we may run to Jesus and find mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment, but it can never be had apart from judgment. Tonight we had a bible study with one of the families we met at the mill. God's Word is drawing them to salvation. Please pray for this family that has many needs. I hope to see you on the streets Saturday, 7 a.m. as we reach out to the lost and needy that find themselves where they should not be. What can you possibly be doing 7 o'clock Saturday morning that is more important than rescuing a baby and a soul from death? We need you, Jesus needs you. Please purpose in your hearts to be there ... until the killing stops. Abortion could end tomorrow, if only the Church would come out of their comfort zone and take a public stand against evil. Battles cannot be won if we don't show up to fight them. Let's not just view the Promise Land, let's take it. For the Least
of These, Over 30 prolifers went to the streets to intercede for little boys and little girls taken into the killing center by their moms to be ripped apart to death. The police and clinic lot attendant were there. Three clergy were present (Miller, Matthews, Smith). Six college student "deathscorts" were on the scene, with camcorder, to help moms entering the killing center not be persuaded by Christians to choose life. Eleven
moms came to abort. Nine precious babies
were taken into a building on 3787 Main Street by their very own mothers
who paid money and had their children killed. Was there a public uproar?
Did the police go in to try to stop the murders? Was it in the newspaper?
on the radio? On the TV news? Why not? I guess their lives don't matter.
We have become a barbaric nation that legally kills our own children.
I blame the Church for not standing against this evil. Shame on us. James
1: 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
Do we as Christians obey Matthew 22, and James 2 to love our neighbor as ourselves? All the commandments stem from these two -- to love God and love your neighbor. In Matthew 23 Jesus tells us not to follow religious leaders by their example because they don't do what they tell us to do. They do certain tasks for show and try to act holy with their prayers and scripture quotes as they attend banquets and sit at head tables. But where are all the Bridgeport religious leaders at 7 a.m. on Tuesday and Saturday mornings when little babies are being dragged to death in their very own city? Proverbs
24:10-12 Jesus said the more lowly your service to others, the greater you are. He calls the religious leaders blind guides, fools, snakes, sons of vipers and hypocrites. Jesus asks them, "How shall you escape the judgment of hell?" Woe to them. They look so good on the outside and the inside is full of extortion and greed. Jesus reminds them of their bloodguilt, I will send you prophets, and wise men, and inspired writers, and you kill them, hurt them, and hound them. Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 that we will be tortured and killed and hated because we are his. Because of this many will fall back into the sinful world and betray and hate us. BUT THOSE THAT ENDURE TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED. Come out to the streets and reach out to the lost and needy, who find themselves where they should not be! We will be there until the killing stops, together in the "field of blood." "If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms around their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for." Charles Spurgeon For the Least
of These, TWENTY-FIVE PROLIFERS came out in the cold subzero wind chill to reach out to moms going into the Summit Abortuary on 3787 Main Street this morning. As the time passed, the numbers dwindled to a freezing few. But praise be to our God and our King, Jesus, who heard our prayers and ministered by His Spirit. I praise God for the children saved because of the effort of those who spent hours in front of the death camp trying to persuade moms to choose life. We also thank our Lord for the clergy that stands for "God's little ones." Pastor Miller and Fr. Smith (80 years old) were there to represent the Church today. Officer Manny was on duty for the police and the Deputy Chief also stopped by to check on the situation. Daryl was inside his van in the lot for the killing center and the older female abortionist came in to do the grizzly work at 9:35 a.m. It was a sad day in Bridgeport as - Sixteen
moms came to abort. We covet the prayers of all of you that read these reports. Please pray for the children who will die here every Tuesday and Saturday morning. Pray the Lord will ease their pain and their silent screams. Pray for the prayer warriors and sidewalk counselors to be able to sustain the cold weather as they try to reach the moms and dads bringing their children to get killed. Pray for the abortionist and the other workers to stop their killing and turn their hearts to Jesus for total restoration. Wednesday Night, 1/22/03, at our Calvary Church on 489 White Plains Rd. in Trumbull, there will be a special prayer emphasis for the 30th Memorial of Roe v. Wade. It will be at 7:30 p.m. upstairs in the old church building. Please come. Join us tomorrow as we take a stand in our community against the 30 years of legalized killing which has taken the lives of 45 million babies. Please come on your lunch time or take a personal day. We will be holding a press conference in front of the District Federal Court on 915 Lafayette Blvd., Bridgeport. It starts at 11:30 a.m. sharp and will be over by 11:45 a.m. Vinny and Stan will be there at 10:45 a.m. with the signs. Gilbert will be there too, with his RV for heat and hot chocolate. You don't have to freeze, it will be a short time.
If we don't rise against this evil of killing innocent little children, WHO WILL? Now is the time to stand. For the Least
of These, Roe Remembrance Rally - Bridgeport
About 110 prolifers came out to the streets today to repent and mourn for the 45 million babies reported killed nationwide because of thirty years of legalized abortion in our nations. During this time we remembered the millions of lost children and the pain and agony caused to moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, friends and siblings becasue of our failures to God. Two pastors (Hawkins, Miller) and one priest (Markey) spoke at the (mock) gravesite of the aborted baby and also gave a word of hope and promise available through the blood of Jesus. We had TEN CLERGY present (Dave, John, Randy, Larry, Rick, Ron, Pedro) to represent the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ.
soul hath them still in remembrance and is humbled in me." Lam. 3:20 We welcome all the children to come out to the streets, one woman once said she was really moved by seeing the children and it helped her to change her mind. The youth were great today in the funeral procession. We had a bag piper, and a baby coffin (hand made by Vinny) held by four courageous girls (Cori, Colbi, Kelly, Laura) and the two lead pastors behind to lead off the memorial procession. In our video you can see the light reflecting and forming a star above them. The whole morning was blessed by the Lord and we felt His precense there.
The Bridgeport police were so gracious to us. There were nine police officers, five police cars, and three mounted police on handsome horses. We had prolife balloons and Gilbert was kind enough to bring his RV with heat and hot chocolate. Lots of literature was given out to passers by. Signs lined the road. Marc led a Jericho March around the block after the memorial service. We praise God for all these faithful saints that came out in subzero wind chill (the actual temperature was zero degrees). Pastor Hawkins said it was the coldest morning of the year and probably the decade :-)
MOMS CAME TO ABORT (4B, 4W, 4H). For the Stacia and Barbro were there for post abortion counseling. Literature was given to moms after their abortions about repentance, healing and hope in Jesus. We were blessed to have some Hopeliners there today, too. "God delights to increase the faith of his children. We ought, instead of wanting no trials before victory, no exercise for patience, to be willing to take them from God's hand as a means. I say -- and I say it deliberately -- trials, obstacles, difficulties, and sometimes defeats, are the very food of faith." George Mueller We all look forward to the day when baby killing will end in our community and in America. May God bless all of you that work so hard for Jesus and the babies, and a special thanks to Bob with the news release :-) There was a photographer and some media present. Remember - Jesus is the Standard! For the Least
of These, Over 35 prolifers came out to the streets today to pray in the freezing cold. They took a public stand against the horrendous slaughter of tiny children at 3787 Main Street. Our hearts grieve as these little babies are ripped apart right from their own mothers' wombs. Police were present and Daryl was in the lot for the mill. The abortionist arrived by 10. Twenty-five
came at abortion time. Stacia was there for post abortion ministry. She saw twelve leave between 11am and 1:15 am. The workers and a few clients were still there. A young man with a camera was there today. He came with a girl who was trying to argue with prolifers. I think it was just a set up to get some good photos for their purpose. Fr. Markey was there to represent the clergy. During this time we will be remembering the 45 million babies killed in America since the horrendous Roe V. Wade Decision that our very own Attorney General, Dick Blumenthal, helped pen. "My soul hath them still in remembrance and is humbled in me." Lam. 3:20 For
the Least of These, Twenty-five Jesus lovers came out in the freezing cold to stand in the gap for their tiny brothers and sisters that were sentenced to die. It was very hard for us to tell what was going on yesterday. It was an unusual day. By 9:30 we saw seventeen ladies come at baby killing time. One turned away. We think something might have happened between 9:45 A.M. - 11 A.M. when none of us were there. The activity at the mill was busy. Stacia and Barbro were there for post abortion literature distribution and saw only seven post abortive women come out of the mill between 11 am and 1:15 p.m. Most of them took tracts. PTL! Usually by then all the clients are out and the abortion providers are gone, including the abortionist. But they were still there. Daryl left at 12:30 PM and the police were there earlier until 10 am. Two clergy came (Fr. Smith and Pastor Miller). We displayed the signs of live babies and aborted babies so abortuary workers can no longer lie to women about whether it's a baby or the age. Pastor
the Least of These, First Baby Born in New Year PTL! The first baby born into the ministry on Jan. 2, 2003 was Kevin Bryce at 9lbs. 5oz. Wow! We congratulate MeKiba on the birth of her son. We thank God for sparing him from the slaugher of the abortionist's knife at 3787 Main Street this past June. We thank the Lord that some listened to His call to reach out to the lost and needy. Another baby was born on Dec. 20th at 28 weeks that needs our prayers. Little Hannah weighed in at 1 lb. 7 oz. Thirty lifesavers came out in the ice and snow yesterday morning. We thank God for the "faithful few" that love their neighbors more than themselves and their own comfort. We did not have any signs, though, I am sure Vinny was snowed in the valley. The police were present and the clinic lot attendant. The abortionist came in his 4x4 at 10 a.m. from Hartford (MAB). From what we saw: Thirteen
moms came to abort.
We have a very needy family we are helping right now. If you know of any jobs locally (near Milford) please let us know. We are looking for a part time office job for a young pregnant mom and a nursing home or elderly care job for this young lady's mother. Also if anyone has a juicer they don't need, please let us know, we have a person that requires it for health purposes. Our supply of wipes, size 6, size 5 and size 1 diapers is depleted. Thank you so much. For
the Least of These, ARCHIVES in DESCENDING date order
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