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News & Articles From NY
Another Abortion Mill Closes
Rescue Rochester June 2005 Update
Posted June 28, 2005
Abortion mills across America are closing down for good. Not just a few, but hundreds of them. All of this, yet no one in the media seems to be reporting such GREAT NEWS! Here is our latest abortion mill closing in Rochester, New York. Way to go Mike and Jerry!
This year the "Oh Saratoga!" days and "Church Without Walls" explosion are August 14-18
Posted May 9, 2005
Christians from across the United States will expose the fruitless deeds of darkness at the gates of hell abortuaries in the Capital District of New York State where exactly 35 years ago abortion was legalized in NARAL's shameful march toward Roe vs. Wade.
Father and son reporting from Glens Falls, NY
By Jeff & John Smith
Posted October 11, 2004
There were two Pastors, one Priest and 40 others that decided that the emergency that day was being at the death camp physically and spiritually where God and Satan were contending for the next baby that was going to be killed. We don't know of all the hearts that were touched that day and how many people that God allowed us to witness to!
Christians Called to Observe the National Day of Prayer At the Local Abortion Mill
By Rev. Mike Warren
Posted May 13, 2004
Rescue Rochester coordinated two National Day of Prayer gatherings and had 26 believers from 8 different churches participate. While we were praying and quietly interceding for the clinic workers and the moms and dads that had scheduled appointments to have Dr. Wortman kill their child, three dedicated sidewalk counselors pleaded for the babies' lives. The killing center was especially busy May 6th, as if Goliath was taunting the armies of the living God saying, "Go ahead and pray, I still will receive the blood of the innocent!"
Jerry Crawford (Rescue Rochester) to Report to Federal Prison, April 1st
By Rev. Mike Warren
Posted March 30, 2004
Jerry Crawford begins serving 30 days in jail on April 1. Please pray for him and his family. His incarceration is an odious miscarriage of justice brought about by renegade Judge Richard Arcara. ... The Federal Magistrate found, during a hearing, that the Temporary Restraining Order had expired at the time the men were in front of Planned Parenthood and Genessee Hospital . Even though the federal appeals court admitted that Judge Arcara's methods could be construed as being unlawful, the court ruled the men will have to serve a 30 day sentence. The U. S. Supreme Court denied their writ to be heard. Below is an email from Mike Warren who is awaiting his reporting date as well:
Roe v. Wade in Rochester, NY
By Rev. Mike Warren
Posted January 30, 2004
On January 22, 2004, with the snow blowing and the wind chills in single digits, 21 believers gathered to hold a Memorial Service for unborn children killed in Rochester, NY. We began the assembly at a statue dedicated to a man who courageously stood for truth and morality in his day. Fredrick Douglass was a former slave, abolitionist leader and resident of Rochester. He was a leader calling for this nation to repent and turn from the immoral institution of slavery. He saw and lived in a time when his people were legally made property by the U.S.Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision. In his day, believers, who dared to act on their faith by aiding slaves' flight to Canada , were harassed, fined and imprisoned. ...Fredrick Douglass' words are emblazoned on his monument and statue. "One with God is a majority." ...
"More Murders of Children in Rochester, Ny"
Posted January 30, 2004
... After private home births in 1998 and again some time around Mother's Day of 2003 mother Stacy DeBeer allegedly killed her newborn babies while the couple lived in the rural town of Canadice, NY. Authorities believe that both infants were born breathing and alive and died at the hand of their mother. The infants were placed in separate 5-gallon containers and covered in concrete. Their bodies were discovered January 22, 2004 on the 31 st anniversary of the U.S Supreme Court ruling decriminalizing abortion. The story has shocked the Rochester area community. ... “Why should we be surprised?” said Rescue Rochester Director Rev. Mike Warren . “Since 1973 and the Roe vs. Wade decision we, as a nation have callously dismembered and thrown away a generation of children...
God is Going Back to School - Albany
October 2, 2003
Three Christian witnesses along with pictures of Marty, Malachi and Christian arrived early at South Colonie Central High School to speak for the babies and their deceived families, and to help warn the children about the evils of abortion. Also present was a poster of Jesus weaping, complemented by a large sign reminding the world of the so often forgotten truth - Jesus: "Abortion Kills My Children."
Posted August 25, 2003
This is a report from last week's outreach in Saratoga Springs,
New York with OSA and Fr. Francis McCloskey of Columbia County. Saints
proclaimed Jesus as Lord at the gates of hell from the PP mills to the
Saratoga race track. ..We had early morning devotions breakfast.
Then we were off on foot to Saratoga Hospital ... where little babies
are killed by abortions. We were escorted by police in cars and on bikes.
The Saratoga Police were great. We had about fifty moms, dads, children,
and grandparents out in front of the hospital with signs. Like in the
times of Nehemiah, we must rebuild the walls with our families. This is
a family ministry. We teach our children to stand against evil and to
what is right in the eyes of the Lord. ...
in Buffalo, NY
October 18, 2002
By the Rev. Robert Behn
While on our regular service to our Lord Jesus Christ at 2500 Main Street
Buffalo GYN Womenservices ("Local Slaughter House") of Buffalo
New York. The following incident accrued which we feel is necessary to
report to all. Somewhere about 9:00 AM a group of individuals entered
the clinic to sit in and protest the killing of little children and the
injustice of the judicial system here in WNY.
Rochester - Genesee Hospital is Closing
March 29, 2001
In April of 1999, the Genesee hospital was the sight of an Operation Save America event. Christians from all over the nation stood with the local pro-life Christians to join in prayer and proclamation that the hospital would quit killing or shut down.
Rochester - More Saves
27, 2001
Over the past two weeks there were three more turn aways at this clinic.
One couple was so intent on leaving that they drove their car on the grass
and through the snow banks of a nearby office complex to turn around and
leave the vicinity of the abortion clinic. Since the beginning of the
year there has been a decline in the number of abortions performed on
Saturdays and during our Roe v. Wade Memorial gathering the clinic closed!
Buffalo - Rescuers Staying Strong
5, 2001
IRev. Bob Behn and Christians relentlessly proclaiming the Word of Life
in Buffalo.
Rochester - Injunction News
23, 2000
Magistrate H. Kenneth Schroeder recommended that criminal contempt charges
brought against Jerry and myself be dropped because the Temporary Restraining
Order, under which we were charged, had expired prior to our alleged violations
and thus was not a lawful order. Magistrate Schroeder's comments are as
Buffalo - Mother Harmed from Botched Abortion
26, 2000
There seems to be a rash of injuries lately at this clinic. A possible
cause could be the substantial increase of their business. The killing
has increased since the temporary now preliminary injunction was issued
by Federal Court Judge Arcara.