Video clips of Flip and Rusty preaching at City Hall in Columbus. These are short and can be viewed in either Windows Media Player or RealPlayer.
Clip #1 in Windows Media Player - Flip Benham: Jesus is God and there is no other (1.5MB)
Clip #2 in Windows Media Player - Rusy Thomas: God does get angry (1.9MB)
Clip #1 in RealPlayer - Flip Benham: Jesus is God and there is no other.
Clip #2 in RealPlayer - Rusty Thomas: God does get angry.
If you do not have one of the media players listed above or cannot open the file, please select and install one the players from below.
For those of you who were not able to attend the events Coach Daubenmire hosted live updates twice a day so that you can remain informed about the latest developments. These live broadcasts were heard at 10:30 am and 5:30 pm, and broadcast through the facilities of WLRY 88.5 in Rushville, Ohio ( Live internet streaming is available, so no matter where you live, you can receive instant updates on the Truth of the event, rather than a report filtered through the secular media. In order to receive the live updates go to and click on the OSA Update icon. In addition, Coach Daubenmire will archive the broadcasts on his website so that you will be able to listen to them in case you were not able to catch the broadcast live. The first broadcast was Sunday July 18 at 5:30 pm EST.
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By Brenda Spurlock
Posted August 1, 2004
When Muslims rallied in support of suspected terrorist Nuradin Abdi at the federal court building in Columbus, Ohio on June 16, observers say there were no armed guards surrounding the group. There were no snipers on the roof and no police in riot gear on the courthouse steps. There was no injunction read aloud by a federal marshal forbidding them to enter the building and no restriction to ½ of the public sidewalk. |
OSA Special Report
Posted July 28, 2004
Jad Humeidan was spotted at Columbus City Hall, Thursday July 22, 2004, when Operation Save America (OSA) burned a "gay" flag, a copy of Roe vs. Wade and a Muslim "holy" book, the Koran. Mr. Humeidan, camera in hand, took picture after picture of OSA Director Flip Benham. |
Posted July 28, 2004
The commotion last Thursday was actually coming from two floors below, where more than 100 Muslim women were protesting on an icy downtown street corner. What turned them out was a French campaign to ban all forms of religious symbols, including the hijab—the traditional religious head scarf worn by many Muslim women. Who turned them out was Jad Humeidan, executive director of the Ohio chapter of CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Debunked by Pastor Steve Mashburn
Posted July 24, 2004
The article below appeared in The OTHER Newspaper in Columbus and it is good that they covered us but there are several inaccuracies that we will point out in [ bracketed ] red text as a means of correcting the record. Bias has no place in journalism but unfortunately most of the media at best is controlled by editors with godless and leftist political agendas and at worst is full of reporters with the same agendas. Not all are biased mind you but most, some more than others. This article is indicative of the problem. It is chock full of lies and missing information that is just too convenient about OSA in Columbus this week. It is great in that it shows us some of the reactions to the gospel by the enemies of the cross.
Brenda Spurlock & Dorothy Boyett reporting
Posted July 24, 2004
Day 7: Approximately 50 men, women, children and babies, entered the grounds of the abortion mill where Mervin and Milroy Samuels kill to plead for mercy for unborn children. Christians sang hymns, prayed and spoke with moms and dads, employees and police on behalf of the babies. They left after receiving warnings from the police. Following that, an even larger group rescued at Planned Parenthood. ... |
Brenda Spurlock & Dorothy Boyett reporting
Posted July 23, 2004
Day 6: We all met at City Hall at 11:00 a.m. for a memorial service honoring Baby Mercy, a little girl killed by abortion. A bagpiper playing Amazing Grace led a solemn procession. Shekinah Thomas who has carried Mercy’s casket across America said, "When I look at my baby sister Torah, I wonder how somebody could do this. She wept as she said, "One third of my generation are gone…My generation will have to be the one to stand. We must give the babies a voice." She was interrupted throughout her speech by hecklers. As the service continued the heckling from these people grew more intense. They shouted obscenities through every prayer and Bible reading. |
July 23, 2004
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America: On June 26, 2003 the Supreme Court of the United States of America declared itself God. The Church of Jesus Christ will take issue with this arrogant and foolish assertion and confront this court. An Ecclesiastical Court will be convened to hold this Court in contempt of the Court of Almighty God. "We will no longer sit idly by while our rich Christian heritage is being flushed down the toilet by Court Anti-Christ bigotry," Rev. Flip Benham, National Director, OR/OSA.
This picture shows it all - well almost.
July 22, 2004
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America: Unlike those hecklers who chant "no law," we are law bringers not law breakers. We jumped through every hoop the City of Columbus required, while the city officials practiced content-based discrimination. Finally, after the city received a letter from a lawyer specializing in constitutional law warning of 1st amendment violations, the city granted the burn permit. Now we will burn the abominations!
Brenda Spurlock & Dorothy Boyett reporting
Posted July 22, 2004
Day 5: All during the week we’ve had a small cadre of proaborts, homosexuals and other evil-doers disrupting our rallies by banging on pots and yelling obscenities. Police have refused to intervene, saying they are entitled to their free speech. At the rally last night a young boy was invited to the microphone to read an essay he had written entitled, "My Three Mothers." He told how his birth mother loved him enough to give him life, his foster mother loved him enough to take care of him and his adoptive mother loves him enough to raise him. Sabina, the wicked witch from BARF, began to hoot and holler to interrupt him. Police steadfastly ignored her as they’ve done all along. |
July 21, 2004
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America: We attempted to follow the ordinances of Columbus by obtaining a burn permit. We submitted the forms and asked for an answer. The city is “neither hot nor cold.” They did not deny or allow. In true cowardly fashion, they simply did nothing. Then, they sent over 100 law enforcement officers to prevent our proclamation of repentance. While felonies were occurring in the city the police, until the early hours of the morning, followed a little band of Christians and an empty bucket around the streets of downtown Columbus. The police, trained professionals, sworn to protect the innocent, followed a bucket because the authorities of the city were too cowardly to answer. Today, Wednesday, July 21, 2004 we will again apply for a permit and we will not leave until we have an answer, yes or no. Then we will repent and burn the abominations.
Brenda Spurlock & Dorothy Boyett reporting
Posted July 21, 2004
Day 4: Tuesday morning Operation Save America split into groups to visit three abortion mills throughout the city. Our group went to Planned Parenthood. At 11:00a.m. we all came together at the United Way organization. Coach Dave Daubenmire, of Minutemen United told us that in the spring of 2004, the United Way of Franklin County in central Ohio made the decision to de-fund the Boy Scouts. They claim the Boy Scouts are discriminatory for not accepting homosexual scoutmasters. They decided this even though the US Supreme Court said the Boy Scouts, as a private organization, has a right to limit their membership. Approximately 70% of the American people agree with the Boy Scouts. In addition, he said, United Way no longer allows contributors to choose the charity they want their money to go to. "They’re going to determine it for you," Coach Daubenmire said. |
July 20, 2004
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America: The United States is under the manifest judgment of Almighty God. We have shaken our fist in open defiance in the face of the God of our forefathers. We have embraced false religions and gods inviting God’s wrath upon us. We have sacrificed our children on the altar of convenience so that the very ground is cursed. We have called an abomination a right and have become a laughing stock to the world.
Posted July 20, 2004
After entering the city with a press conference attended by approximately 150 Christian friends & supporters and 100 some pro-abortion pro-sodomite protesters on Saturday, Christians attending our national event visited several "affirming churches" that preach another Jesus and different gospel than the Bible plus visiting an abortionist's neighborhood on Sunday. Monday saw other child-killers visited in order to expose their grisly trade to their neighbors and the historic signing of the Emancipation Proclamation for the Pre-born Child. Today the main newspaper felt they had enough to report on OSA. The article below from Tuesday's edition of the Columbus Dispatch is over all a fair one given the secular worldview held by most in the media. The obligatory comment of "there have been no disturbances so far" is of course included. Why do they keep hoping for what has never happened at an Operation Rescue event in over 16 years?
Brenda Spurlock & Dorothy Boyett reporting
Posted July 20, 2004
Day 3: Monday, 7 am: After prayer and praise and a word from David and Flip Benham outside the hotel, we divided up into our groups and went out to visit local abortionists at their private practices. Later we assembled outside City Hall as Pastor Rusty Thomas read the Emancipation Proclamation. The pastors of Columbus area churches led the saints in signing the proclamation. |
July 19, 2004
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America: The U. S. Supreme Court once ruled that a black man was not fully human and therefore not worthy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They were wrong! The Emancipation Proclamation did not free one black man - it did free our nation of the bloodguilt of slavery. The U. S. Supreme Court now rules that preborn boys and girls are not fully human therefore not worthy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They are wrong!
Brenda Spurlock & Dorothy Boyett reporting
Posted July 19, 2004
Day 2: We met for prayer and marching orders at 7:30 am, and then divided into three groups to visit area churches. Our group went to two campuses of First Community Church, a "welcoming and affirming church." Pastorette Barbara Cunningham preached the same false gospel message at both. She told the congregation that God is in everyone, we are to love and affirm all. Her text was Colossians 1:24-29. She expounded on the message by using a Hindu parable and quoting one of the founders of the New Age movement. |
July 17, 2004
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America: Judgment begins in the house of the Lord. Before we seek to remove the speck from our neighbor’s eye, we must remove the log from our own eye. Repentance must begin in the house of the Lord. * We, the Church of Jesus Christ in America, have failed to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. * We are guilty of compromise, apathy and syncretism. * As men of God, we have failed to live out our God ordained purpose. * We have embraced the fear of man and a man-pleasing spirit. * We have squandered our costly Godly heritage.
Brenda Spurlock & Dorothy Boyett reporting
Posted July 18, 2004
Day 1: A footsore but jubilant walk team was greeted with hugs, smiles, and cheers by approximately 150 friends and supporters as they entered Columbus early this afternoon. Also on hand was a group calling themselves Stonewall Columbus, a loose knit cadre of approximately 100 homosexuals, Christian haters and proaborts, protesting the arrival of Operation Save America in their city. |
July 15, 2004
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America: It is time for a second American Revolution! We are fed up! We are absolutely fed up with the United States Senate and the elected officials who vote their own prejudice and narrow-minded causes rather than the will of God and the people who elected them! Mainstream America is not in favor of and will not accept homosexual, unnatural unions. Marriage is the bond between one woman and one man before Almighty God. No action or inaction of politicians, who are basically evil, or too weak to stand up for what is right, will change this. WE ARE FED UP! We are through with waiting for our government to do what is right. Now, we will act!
Posted June 21, 2004 (Corrected July 27, 2004)
As hundreds of Christians prepare to descend on Columbus, for the Operation Save America National event July 17-24 it is important to understand the attack that Ohio's capital city has been facing. Considering the following: * The year 2003 was one of the bloodiest in the history of Columbus. More than 100 murders were committed last year. Once considered a "cow-town," Columbus now ranks with the leading cities in America in violent deaths. ...