After 2400 miles on foot in six months time, the mail has been delivered! Flip, Rusty, and the rest of the “Walk Across America ” team entered Washington, D.C. on August 28, 2004. Below is the final report from Flip and Rusty.
Flip said that they arrived in Washington, D.C. and were met by Missy Smith and a group of pro-lifers from the area. On Friday morning, they headed to the abortion mill. They went to a Planned Parenthood located on the fourth floor where Gib was assaulted and Flip nearly ran over by a man in a car. Flip said that there were many comments from people who had never seen the pictures of aborted babies. They were in disbelief that these pictures really depict an abortion. Flip said that if we don't show them, who will? People are not going to see them in a doctor's office, or at school, or on television, or anywhere else.
Saturday morning the team headed toward Mr. McCloud's (a local abortionist) neighborhood. As they were unloading the animals, they were met by a neighbor who knew why they were there and was upset. Flip said to him, “We have just walked from San Clemente, CA which took us six months and we are mighty tired, but we still have work to do, sir, and so do you.” At this, the man was visibly angry and explained that they were disturbing their peaceful neighborhood community.
Flip began to explain that it was Mr. McCloud that was disturbing their peace . “He is no respecter of the “neighborhood” where little baby boys and girls reside. He doesn't even knock on their door. He enters their neighborhood with a suction machine and rips off their arms and legs. He boasts on his website that he has killed over 200,000 children. We also know of two women who were killed. We know this because there are two wrongful death claims filed against him. Mr. McCloud is a murderer! ”
Of course the police were called to this very wealthy neighborhood where Mr. McCloud lives. They outlawed the team from the public sidewalk, so they walked with the animals in the street. They informed them that they had to keep moving. One lady was getting groceries out of her car when she saw them. Flip said that she began to whine in a high pitched voice, “You people are disturbing my peace! This is a peaceful neighborhood! What about me and my peace! What about me!” Flip said that this was the general whine of the entire neighborhood. They seemed like wealthy, selfish, foolish, clowns.
The team did find out, however, that the neighborhood will hold a meeting Tuesday night, August 31, and although there was no visible support toward OSA, they were a neighborhood divided.
The team left there and headed toward Lafayette Park which is located directly across from the White House. They were supposed to be there by 11:30. There was so much construction going on that they couldn't get to the park. They would take a turn that they thought would lead them there and get lost instead. They called the group of pro-lifers in D.C. and they told them, “Stop where you are. We will come get you.”
The team kept looking for parking places to park the vehicles several blocks out. They finally arrived at 11:38 to find enough parking for all of their large vehicles directly in front of the park. It was as though God Himself reserved these spaces. If anyone has been to Washington, D.C., you know that parking is always an issue.
Flip said that he saw snipers on top of the White House and a plexi-glass lookout post. He said that he had never noticed that before and thought it to be new.
Mike and Sabina were at Lafayette Park . You may know them better as BARF – Biblical America Resistance Front. They have to be our favorite pro-aborts that come out against us. Flip said that it is interesting that our “enemies” are always present, but our friends are not. We truly love Mike and Sabina whether they understand that or not.
The park police were there as well. But this time, they stated that, “We want to make sure that everything is right for you.” They were very helpful in getting the team set up to deliver the message they had come so far to give. God was working everything out.
Finally, the time had come. Over the sound system, Flip began. This is the message that was presented:
“On September 8, 2001 , nineteen people were arrested in D.C. The police had given the first warning to stop the preaching concerning the defense of little children frozen in a petri dish. They were then given a second warning. It was during the third warning that someone (Flip) stood up and said, ‘No, America! This is your third and final warning!" He then read from Dt. 32:25, “ In the street the sword will make them childless, in their homes terror will reign. Young men and women will perish, infants and gray haired men. ” If we do not protect the most innocent among us then the disasters from Deuteronomy will come upon this nation quicky.' Three days later, nineteen men with box cutters brought this nation to her knees.”
“Mr. President, in your acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia on August 3, 2000, you said, and I quote, ‘We will defend the rights of the aged. We will defend the rights of the infirm. We will defend the rights of the unborn. But, good people disagree on this issue. I believe in tolerance, not in spite of my faith, but because of it. I believe in a God who calls us, not to judge our neighbor, but to love them.'”
“This statement, with one fell swoop, removed the Sword of the Spirit out of the hands of the Church of Jesus Christ. Mr. President, you have taken from us the one offensive weapon our Lord has given us to tear down the strongholds of the enemy. You have left us with defensive armor that will protect us, but no offensive weapon with which to slay the enemy that is ravaging our nation.
“The Sword of the Spirit is judgmental. It distinguishes between that which is good and that which is evil and it destroys false ideologies, religions, and lies.”
“Mr. President, this message began in San Clemente, CA and it is a living parable being delivered to you 6 months later. We are here today as a young boy carrying a broken set of the Ten Commandments. We are here today as a young lady carrying a small white coffin which represents the 47 million children we have slaughtered by abortion. There is a man leading a horse called “Judgment.” A man leading a donkey named “Mercy.” And man leading another horse named “Justice.”
“What does all this mean? Simply this: We in America have broken all of God's Laws and as a result, the weak have become a prey. Remember your acceptance speech, Mr. President. You said you would defend the weak among us and yet, we are euthenizing the aged and infirm and murdering the unborn. The weak in America have become a prey. When we break God's Law, we begin to break God's people.”
“Now you see “Judgment” who reminds us of God's remedial judgments upon our land. Enemies are attacking both from within and from without such as nineteen men with box cutters.”
“You see “Mercy” who says although the judgments of God are at hand, the Lord longs to be merciful if we would just repent.”
“And you see “Justice” who signifies, Mr. President, repentance; because true repentance will always seek to restore justice, “ See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter.” 2 Cor 7:10-11. You could indeed live up to your promise to defend the rights of the aged, infirm, and the unborn by taking this scripture to heart.
“Therefore, we are asking you this day to sign an executive order banning abortion in this land.”
“Mr. President, we will either repent of this slaughter or perish by continuing in our own foolishness and reckless way. Abortion will come to an end in America either through our repentance or the cataclysmic judgments of Almighty God. One way or another, it will come to an end.”
At this point, Flip handed the microphone to Rusty. Rusty reminded them of the warning that he gave on September 8, 2001, which was that if America didn't repent immediately of child-killing, then God would reduce our economic and military might to dust. Thirty hours after they left Washington, D.C., the Twin Towers, the symbol of our economic might, and the Pentagon, the symbol of our military might actually became dust.
Rusty went on to say, “We have walked the entire length of America with a warning from Almighty God. Either the legalizing of child-killing and homosexuality comes to an end or America as we know it will come to an end. When you see great calamities come upon America, calamities in which we won't be able to ‘get back to normal' or buy our way back from, know this for certain – that these things have come upon us because of the shedding of innocent blood, the acceptance of homosexuality, and the calling of good evil and evil good.”
At that point the mail had been delivered.
08/30/2004 It is Finished! But the battle has just begun - Final Walk Report; by Kristene O'Dell
08/25/2004 Jesus Weeping in the Moon - Walk report 8-25 by Kristene O'Dell
08/24/2004 Walk report after Oh Saratoga regional event