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2003 1st Quarter January - March


  "Small Victories" Reporting from the Streets of Granite City

1st Quarter reports
from January - March 2003

March 24-29, 2003    

Death toll March 24-29th

Monday- 5     Bag n' tag (body parts van picks up dead babies)
Tuesday- 25     AK, MO, IL
Wednesday- 28     Black genocide     2 turnaways     IN 2cars, MO, IL
Thursday- 31     midnight ab.     1 save     IN, KY, MO, IL
Friday- 37     MO, IL
Saturday- 31     2 saves     NH, IN 3cars, AK, MO, IL

157 babies killed. 5 babies saved. 616 babies saved since Jan. 2000!

Aren't Christians Just Supposed to Preach the Gospel?
Why Protest Against Abortion?

Mark Harrington of Center For Bio-Ethical Reform, Midwest has stated: "Abortion is a Gospel issue!"

Harrington relates that "When Eric Harrah, who owned or partnered in 26 abortion facilities across the country, opened an abortion mill in State College, PA. the town went ballistic. They began picketing immediately. However, the gospel was the weapon that God was going to use to penetrate the heart of Eric Harrah. When Eric prayed, "God if you know that what I am doing is so terrible, and if who I am is not who I should be, and if my whole life is so wrong, then send someone to show me the right way." The Lord sent him Steve Stupar. Steve is an elder in a local church and was sent by God to the abortion mill to speak to Mr. Harrah. One day, when others were picketing outside the abortion mill, Eric asked Steve "What are you doing here?" Steve responded, "Because you prayed for me to be here." This blew Eric's mind! Over the next few weeks, with the help of the Holy Spirit, Steve led Eric back to Jesus. Soon after Eric rededicated his life to Christ, he left the abortion industry. Conclusion: Abortion is a gospel issue!"

Pro-Life Work Is Evangelism. Pro-life work saves lives, both physically and spiritually. Pro-life activists experience first-hand, remarkable success stories in evangelism. Many high profile abortion supporters and abortionists have committed their lives to Christ. Dr. Bernard Nathanson (a founder of NARAL), Norma McCorvey (Roe of Roe v. Wade: see her new book, "Won By Love"), Sandra Cano (Doe of Doe v. Bolton), Carol Everett (owned/operated several abortion clinics in Texas) and Eric Harrah have become born-again.

Abortion is child abuse. That is not a secret. However, abortion also abuses (physically, spiritually, and emotionally) everyone who comes into contact with it. Thousands have been healed by Christ's forgiveness and love, through the work of pro-lifers. What is your church doing to help? What are you doing, in the area of personal, direct, nonviolent action? As long as the church sits in denial, the surviving victims of abortion--the abortionists, the clinic workers, the mothers, fathers, and grandparents of aborted children -- must suffer in silence.

Tragically, the rate of abortions within churches is about the same as those who are un-churched. Women simply state, "I am a Christian, God will forgive me."

The Mothers - The Wounded "When these women evaluate the abortion decision, therefore, they do not, as a pro-lifer might, formulate the problem with the radically distinct options of either "I must endure an embarrassing pregnancy" or "I must destroy the life of an innocent child." Instead, their perception of the choice is either "my life is over" or "the life of this new child is over." Given this perspective, the choice of abortion becomes one of self-preservation, a much more defensible position, both to the woman deciding to abort and to those supporting her decision." --A passage from First Things
An unidentified woman called into a radio program on a Christian station. She said, "When I was younger I had had an abortion, not once, but twice."

The mother of three told Mark Harrington (a local pro-life missionary), "I really wish there had been someone like you there (to counsel me). I don't know if God can forgive me for something like that, but I know every time I look at my children, I can't forgive myself. I deliberately, knowing it was wrong, did it anyway, because that's what was easy for me."

Won't you be there for these hurting women, church? Won't you speak up for unborn children? Can you be there to offer counsel before a choice is made that most women will regret, sooner or later? Won't you talk openly about how Christ offers healing and forgiveness to those exploited by abortion?

"In his Great Commission, Jesus didn't tell us only to evangelize. He told us to be "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:20). Jesus commanded us to be compassionate and to take sacrificial action for the weak and needy. If we fail to do this--and if we fail by our words and example to teach others to do this--then we fail to fulfill the Great Commission. We show the world and the church that our words about the gospel are only that--words."--Randy Alcorn, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments.
See The Bible and Abortion

Rights and Irresponsibilityies. Christians should protest against abortion because it is their right and responsibility as Americans. Our Declaration of Independence states that the right to life is "endowed by our Creator." No other right, real or imagined, can supersede it. We act irresponsibly, if we fail to defend the right to life. Abortion is indeed a gospel issue. However, many Christians feel intimidated into silence. They frequently hear that any pro-life effort constitutes political involvement.

"I am amazed by the continual drumbeat that Christians shouldn't be involved in politics. America is a unique experiment in freedom. Our government was designed to be "of the people, by the people, and for the people." While Karl Marx had it right when he said, "Religion is the opiate of the masses," Jesus died that we might be freed from religion to experience a deep and abiding relationship with Him. Christianity has been defined as "Christ in me-ity." If that is true, how can we exempt ourselves from politics without abandoning our rights as citizens? When I, as a Christian, enter a polling booth, in the strictest sense of the now abused definition of the doctrine of "separation," I am mixing church and state for I, and other members of the Body of Christ, comprise the church. And on what moral issue can the Pastor preach who buys into the notion that he should stay out of politics? In today's culture, every moral issue has been politicized from homosexuality, to abortion, to gambling, to marriage, etc. Can you imagine John the Baptist not addressing Herod's adulterous affair with his own brother's wife because he feared the loss of 501.C.3 tax exempt status for delving into politics."--Pastor Rick Scarborough, author of "Enough Is Enough: A Call to Christian Involvement"; VsnAmerica@aol.com

Yes, we have a responsibility as Christians, and as citizens of this country. The majority of Americans claim that they are personally against abortion. How can we, as Americans, stand silently by? How can we allow the slaughter to continue, which we know is a great evil? If we had lived in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust, and we knew where the death camps were, what would we do?

Walk the Talk: Direct Action Versus Procrastination In Granite City, IL there is one abortion clinic. Yet there are 62 churches. In St. Louis, MO there are two abortion facilities and there are over 2400 churches. Why, are abortions still so common? Surely, there is something wrong with this picture.

It is the responsibility of the church, not the pro-life organizations, to speak up for truth and justice However, when people are dying, we must do more than just talk. If the church would come out of the closet, the abortion clinics would go out of business.

Perhaps your church is pro-life. Your pastor may even speak out against abortion from the pulpit. Unfortunately, the world goes on, "business as usual;" while Christians continue their busy work with men's groups, Bible studies, pot lucks. Sure, these things can be productive. Still, babies continue to die, and mothers and families continue to suffer abuse at the hands of abortionists.

When the church does the job of taking the gospel to the streets, instead of expecting the lost to come to the church, hearts change. There should be no need of para-church organizations and pro-life groups. Church members should not have to seek ministries outside the church, in order to fulfill their call from Christ to:

"Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die."--Proverbs 31:8
"Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, "Surely we did not know this," does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to His deeds.'--Proverbs 24:11,12

What do we mean when we discuss "direct action?" We are talking about actually going to where the hurting people are, and offering to help them. We can prayerfully, thoroughly educate ourselves about the facts of abortion and the development of unborn babies. We can sidewalk counsel, volunteer at a pro-life organization or help out a pregnancy distress center. We can donate time, money, and expertise.

We are talking about actually letting your voice be heard, outside the walls of the church. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine. Stand on a sidewalk in front of a clinic and hold a sign. Show the love of Christ, by telling the truth in love.

Ask your pastor if you can be the pro-life leader for direct action in your church. You can become a missionary to the unborn, to abortion workers, to families involved in abortion. Provide your pastor with pro-life literature, information, and current events. The body of Christ--the church-- should lead the pro-life fight--not marginalize it.

The Great Commission, and Direct Action "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.--Matthew 28:18-20

"All that I have commanded you" is the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

The woman at the well did not have to go to Jesus--Jesus went to her. The adulteress, who was being stoned, did not have to run to the synagogue for help--Jesus went to her, to save her. The man who was robbed did not have to crawl to church--the Good Samaritan found him and rescued him.

Please Note:
We confess before God, and before the church that we have not fulfilled our responsibility to our fellow men and women, as Christ has called the church to do. Only through repentance and subsequent true revival (walking the talk!) can our nation be saved from the consequences of the shedding of innocent blood.

"Where you are at today is because of the choices you made yesterday… Where you are at tomorrow, will be because of the choices you make today…"Deut. 30:19-20
We must make the right choices… We have to come to the end of ourselves. We must obey His commands Deut.30:8-10 We must die to ourselves daily. The Lord has set us free from sin and death…"paid in full". God wants us 24x7. There is power in the tongue…We have to persevere, and to endure. Pastor Steve Hunzker

Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 2:3, "You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." The church is not teaching people to endure hardships. Our society in general avoids them. We want convenience- a life that is nice, neat, tidy and sweet. If too much is asked of us, we fold our arms together and quit.

But if the church is going to reverse the devil's decision, we're going to have to endure hardship as soldiers. There are going to b times when our lives won't make sense, when the details aren't "nice, neat tidy and sweet." We will have times when we don't feel like going any further. But we still need to press on.

Let me remind you that we are in a fight! Many men and women in the church don't want to get in the battle; they just want to march in the military parade. And to be honest, I'd rather march in the parade, too. The parade is safe, and it requires little effort. But you don't win the war by marching in parades.

There comes a time when e have to take off our coat, hang up our dress clothes and put on the whole armor of God so we can get down and dirty when we need to get down and dirty. The military uniform looks nice, but it's not the dress blues that makes us soldiers for God. It's our willingness to put on and use our spiritual armor: girding ourselves with the belt of truth, putting on the breastplate of righteousness, shodding our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace, taking the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

When a young man or woman joins the military, his or her drill instructors do not begin by saying, "Good to see you! God bless you for being here! How are you? Just sit down if you're tired. I'm tired too, so I think I'll sit down. What? Oh, we're going to eat in just a minute. No, we won't be doing anything after that because that food's got to settle in your stomach, and we wouldn't want you to get indigestion. We're just going to rest for a few days before we begin to go into discussions about military tactics. Would you excuse me for a minute while I help that person get off the bus?'

When you join a real army, the moment you step off that bus, the drill instructor starts screaming at you. If you mention your momma or taking a break they'll knock you upside your head. "Momma? What do you mean? I'm your momma from now on!" "You want a break? I'll give you a break. You just start running and when I tell you to stop, then you can take a break."

Do you know why the drill instructor is so harsh? Because he knows that if he's nice and sweet he'll do nothing to prepare you for a real war. It works the same way in God's army. God knows that when you get out and the battle gets heated and you want t give up and somebody in the youth group is depending on you, that your training will give you the ability to hang in there. He wants to toughen you up so you endure until the cancer is gone, until the arthritis goes out of your body or until your kids come home.

God is looking for men and women who will hang tough come hell or high water. He wants soldiers who will fight and not flee in the heat of the battle. God is at work preparing believers who will persevere until the manifestation comes!

You can't build great works for the glory of God with people who are soft. Hebrews 12:7 says, "Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?" Hardship and discipline are proof that you're in the family of God. He'll work you over a little bit, but He'll also help you to be better. A quitter never loses graciously, He's just a loser. When you encounter trials, thank God for them because you'll never grow if you never have any resistance in your life.

Be encouraged, ~ Angela  

March 17, 2003  

Death toll for March 17th- 22nd

Monday- 5    
Tuesday- 39     1 save     midnight abortions     IN 3 cars, MO, IL
Wednesday- 24     2 saves     IN, CA, MO, IL
Thursday- 25     1 save     IA, MO, IL
Friday- 38     1 save     IA, IN, MO, IL
Saturday- 36     2 saves     IN, AR, IA, KY, FL, CA, MO, IL

167 babies killed. 7 babies saved. 611 babies saved since January 2000!
We praise you Lord!

Tuesday- As watchmen were standing in the gap for these late-term babies about to be dismembered and ripped out of their mother's wombs, Angela noticed a group of black Americans, 2 older women with at least 8 beautiful children. They ranged from toddlers to adolescents. Angela couldn't help but stop to meet them and one of the women said that all of these children were adopted and Angela asked her if she would give her testimony on the radio and she said yes. She's also against abortion. Angela thanked them and they went on their way.

    A four pack of girls were talked out of going into the abortion clinic. Angela said, "Honey, you don't want to go in there. God has a plan for that baby and for you." One of the girls said, "I already got one." Angela replied, "Well, now you got two." "Please come talk to me." And all four girls walked over to Angela. After some discussion they decided not to go into the abortion clinic and Les walked the girls over to Dr. Mark's office. WHOO HOO!

Thursday- Margarite and her boyfriend came out of the abortion clinic and thanked Daniel and took the information and they decided not to kill their baby.

Friday- the saints were standing when to our shock Angela noticed a young man walking back from McDonald's and Daniel noticed him and went to talk with him. They talked for 20 minutes when Angela went over, and Daniel tearfully explained that this was the save from yesterday. Her older sisters, post abortive numerous times, got a hold of her and convinced her she needed to get rid of it. It was her first baby. Terrence tearfully explained how he begged her not to kill the baby when he found out she came back. The baby will be 24 wks. Saturday. "That baby is my son. They lie. They told her she may have to come back, they may have to kill the baby on Sunday because it's so big." (On Sunday they know there will be no witnesses standing in the gap.) We prayed with him and tried to comfort him. She never came back out during our watch.

Saturday- New Birth, Spirit Life, St. Mary's, World Harvest, Greater Glory, and Chattam Bible youth group took time to be inconvenienced and humbled themselves. Over one hundred proclaimers cared enough to show up and intercede for these precious babies' lives before their mothers and fathers led them into this slaughter- house. The blood of innocent babies permeates this land. Illinois is the catch basin for all the surrounding states. More out-of-state babies are dying. Between 150-282 babies are being killed weekly, and that's just a morning figure!

    One of the saves, Anna, who drove up from southern Missouri with her boyfriend, talked to Angela in death alley. She was seeking an abortion because her father is a Lutheran Pastor and in her words still thinks she is a virgin. Angela calmed them down and offered to help explain the situation to her parents, and told her that if her dad is truly a man of God he will love his grandbaby, and he wouldn't want something bad to happen to his daughter, and he will help her with this. She tearfully thanked Angela and told her to convey her thanks to the young youth group that was standing… it made a difference.

    These babies are not killed out of necessity but out of the most selfish act: convenience. The American holocaust is alive and well and the numbers are slowly creeping upwards at the Hopeless abortion mill. A spirit of death is in the world. If something is a problem, not the right size, not the right color, not the right time, get rid of it. You kill it. "They dress the wound of My people as though it were not serious. 'Peace, peace,' they say when there is no peace." Jer. 6:14.We look to the Church as our "moral compass" in our Nation. But, there is a deception in the church today. That is why the churches are not standing. They call abortion a "social issue." Let the government deal with it. Most Pastors will not get involved. It's too dirty. They like clean pro-life, if they're pro-life at all, but, just like the graphic signs, abortion is ugly, and it's mean. But it's the truth, no nice, pretty sign has stopped a mother from killing her child, but the truth of what they're about to do to their own flesh and blood HAS changed hearts! It's convicting! Why must we keep covering up the truth in the Church? If Martin Nemoiller was silenced, although the government, church, and leaders tried, how many more Jews would have been slaughtered in Nazi Germany? Let's not talk about the unfortunate casualties of the holocaust here in America. While the ruble of human remains piles up, we, the church, will just step over them, and look the other way, until the baby body parts van loads up the boxes and buckets and drives off into the sunset, and the feeling of relief once again is with us... until tomorrow.

    We have been born for "such a time as this"…These babies are crying out, "rescue us... have mercy" ...and where is the church? Where are the shepherd's? " Feasting and playing" …instead of "fasting and praying". Should I tell you what I really think... or what you want to hear? The leaders in our church today are doing their flocks a great disservice and they are leading their congregation straight to Hell. Can you hear me now? Noble Peace prize winner Ellie Vechelli said "I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure humiliation and suffering- we must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor- never the victim. Silence encourages the tormenter, never the tormented. The silence has to stop."

    This is what the Lord says; "I will ruin the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem. These wicked people, who refuse to listen to My words, who follow the stubbornness of their hearts and go after other gods to serve and worship them, will be like this belt- completely useless." Jer.13: 9-10
But if you do not listen, I will weep in secret because of your pride; my eyes will weep bitterly, overflowing with tears, because the Lord's flock will be taken captive. Jer. 9:11-17

    Pastors and Pastorettes, Come off your thrones!" Before it's too late. Your wickedness will be exposed. "Come down from your thrones for your glorious crowns will fall from your heads." Jer. 13:18 Church! If we don't repent God will expose you… to change you… to save you from the fires of Hell. "Because you have forgotten me, and trusted in false gods."
"I will pull your skirts up over your face that your shame may be seen… right there in the streets. Woe to you! How long will you be unclean?" Jer. 13:25-27 God is not going to tolerate the shedding of innocent blood much longer. If you don't go to the war, that has been declared upon the unborn for over 30 years, now, that war will come to you! To God be the glory!

Be encouraged ~ Angela  

March 10, 2003  

Death toll - March 10th -15th

Monday- 6      Bag n' tag MO, IL
Tuesday-39      TX, AK, IN, PA, KY, MO, IL
Wednesday- 26      1 save      OH, AR, IA, CA, KY, MO, IL
Thursday-30      1 save, 1 turn-away      midnight ab.      KY, IN, IA, MO, IL
Friday- 32      2 saves      IN 3cars, IA, KY, MO, IL
Saturday- 34      1 save      IN 3cars, KY 3cars, MO, IL     

167 babies killed. 5 babies saved. 604 babies saved since January 2000!

Tuesday- the abortion mill had a very busy morning, as they took the lives of thirty-nine innocent children.

Thursday- Thirty babies were murdered as saints stood and pleaded for their lives. One mom did change her mind and didn't have an abortion! Another woman turned away before going into the clinic. She was a 'Christian' and needed birth control. She asked Angela if she'd be able to give her some, and Angela told her about the advantages of abstinence. This woman also said that we shouldn't be standing with and holding the aborted baby signs. The truth doesn't always look pretty.

Friday- Cathy and Lynn were discouraged coming into the City of Child-sacrifice, as most of us proclaimers are, there is a feeling of oppression and the smell of death as you enter the city limits to stand at these gates of hell.   

      My stomach was sinking as we entered Granite City and all I wanted to do was go home. We no sooner got to the sidewalk of the clinic when a group of young teens drove up. Inside was a young girl clutching a teddy bear. We talked and talked and then they went in - only to come out about 45 minutes later! Another black couple also came out! Two saves with a sinking stomach! PTL! Lynn and I were so encouraged in God's faithfulness. 2 Cor. 4:16 Another young girl told us we would do more good standing against the war in Iraq. She's against killing in Iraq, but has no problem killing her child...Go figure."

Saturday- thirty-four baby girls and boys were murdered as their moms led them to their deaths. Romans 8:36 One precious baby was saved when a mom didn't have an abortion and left the mill! PTL! Four churches, three ministers, and two priests were living out the gospel of Christ on the streets at the abortion mill.

I pray for our nation, that there is true repentance especially in our fat churches, that it doesn't take a two-by-four to wake our lethargic Christians and AWOL shepherds. But maybe that's what it will take, "God removing" His protective hand from our soldiers that are going into the enemies camp, a tyrannical dynasty, that murders its own Iraqi people. If we don't answer for the four thousand- four hundred babies we've allowed to be killed daily, maybe four thousand- four hundred of our troops' lives will be lost. God's heart is broken each time another child dies. These babies are crying out for the church to do something, to stop this holocaust. Inaction is indifference. How much more do you think the Lord can stomach?

      We must not lean to our own understanding but we must recognize that this is the Lord's battle, however he does ask us to show up to stand in the gap, to plead the case of the fatherless and the widow. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. If God is for you who can be against you? "It is written; this is our weapon, and the joy of the Lord is our strength."

      We must stay humble but we must repent for our sins and keep our emotions in check. Luke 4:18 "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."

Be encouraged, ~ Angela  

March 3, 2003  

Death toll - March 3rd - 8th

Monday- 3
Tuesday- 30     midnight abortions     KY, IN, IA, MO, IL
Wednesday- 28     KY, IN 2 cars, TX, MO, IL
Thursday- 29     2 saves     KY, IA 2 cars, IN, MO, IL
Friday- 38     1 save     KY, IA 2 cars, IN, MO, IL
Saturday- 39     3 saves     KY 2 cars, IA, IN, MO, IL

167 babies killed. 6 babies saved. 599 babies saved since January 2000!

The most dangerous place to be today isn't on the front lines of Iraq… it is inside a mother's womb.

Monday- Just another "Mengele Monday"… Baby body parts van pulled up to the purple surgical doors to collect the buckets full of lil' babies. The man carried them out and heaped them into the back of the van until there was no more room, as proclaimers looked, on in horror. God have mercy!

Tuesday- Late-term mothers were clawing their way into the abortuary as the watchmen cried out, "have mercy"… have mercy!" Their cries went unheeded. Allen Palmer was killing babies today, during the midnight abortions.

Wednesday- another uneventful killing day.

Thursday- " I' am a Christian, you shouldn't be judging me." was the mantra outside Hope (less) as mothers who had just judged, condemned, signed the death warrants, and carried out the execution of their unborn children, staggered and exited from the aboritorium to their cars. A young girl came out and accepted the literature from Daniel and told him she didn't go through with the abortion. PTL!

Friday- 38 babies were killed. One precious baby girl or boy was saved from an abortion! She told proclaimer Jeffery, with tears in her eyes, she could not kill her baby and she took a bible and thanked him. There were several moms that started the grisly two-day abortions and looking at some of them you could see they were farther along with their pregnancy. Their swollen bellies were protruding beneath their tops. Mr. Yogendra Shah was the assassin terminating these babies. Small Victories has a bi-racial baby that is up for adoption that is due this spring.

Saturday- the Church of Jesus Christ was storming the gates of hell, as 39 children were murdered. 5 pastors and 7 churches stood in the gap as we had constant prayer around the abortion mill, approximately 65 proclaimers were present. Pastor Richard came from Uganda, Africa, and was horrified as he watched in shock as mother's were marching into this extermination camp, because they in Africa believe we in America are so Christian,that we believe in freedom of speech and human rights, and that women in Uganda would be stoned to death if they had an abortion. With prayers and God's wonder-working power, 3 mothers changed their minds about having an abortion, and 3 babies' lives were saved!

      Angela was able to speak with a Hispanic couple who had a rosary hanging off their visor .She pointed out to them how Jesus hung on that cross and died for them. He died for the sins of the world, and to kill their baby would be a sin. They knew it was wrong! The driver gripped the steering wheel and hung his head down and began sobbing the mother turned to Angela with tears streaming down her cheek and said "Thank you… thank you! She took the information and they left. PTL! Saints were also blessed to see Tiffany and Tarcus, who have a new baby girl! Their baby was given life because the Jeremiah's of our time cared enough to show up for the least of these, S.V. provided them with baby food, diapers and others items. It is encouraging to see the fruits of your labor. Matt. 7:16

      "When the priests and ministers fail to do their jobs, then God sends his prophets to sound the warning to the Church".~Fr.Patrick O'Doherty

      Being at the abortion mill is the only way to save babies that are about to die THAT day. There is no other way to do it. All the pregnancy homes for unwed mothers, political action, educational action, and all the other great things we do in the pro-life movement will not stop abortions on the day children are to die. And in Proverbs 24:11 we are commanded to "rescue those being led away to their death". That command doesn't mean rescue those about to die tomorrow or next week or next years, or when the law is changed. It doesn't mean to send a donation to a pro-life group, preach a great sermon on life, it means to rescue the children that are about to die this day. The only way I can think of to do this is to be here- standing in the gap, offering love and help to the women. That is the bottom line Pastors- take it or leave it. - Pastor Ed Martin

      It's our time… it's our season… The tide is turning! Church… it's time! I hear the calling… it's time! It's time for the dead to rise… it's time for the wings to fly… It's time to break down the walls… I hear them falling! It's time... I hear them calling… it's time… it's time for the numb to feel… it's time for the wounds to heal... it's time to pay the price… it's time for the sacrifice… it's time! It's time for the church to rise… i hear the calling.

It's time Lord! Ecclesiastes 3:1-22

Be encouraged ~ Angela   

February 26, 2003  

Flip Ministers to the Church in Granite City then Joins the Saints to storm the gates of Hell

Death toll – February 17th-22nd

Monday- 3
Tuesday- 38 (4 saves) midnight abortions KY, IN, IA, TN, MO, IL
Wednesday- 31, ‘Black genocide’ MO, IL
Thursday- 25, (1 save) 'Black genocide' TN, IN, MO, IL
Friday - 29 (1 save) CO, IN, MO, IL
Saturday- 36 (2 saves) (3 ultrasounds given) IA TN IN MO, IL

162 babies killed. 8 babies saved. 590 babies saved since January 2000!

Tuesday- The saints stood in the gap during midnight abortions, as thirty-eight babies’ lives were taken. Parents came from many states to "get rid of their problem" (Kentucky, Indiana, Iowa, Tennessee, and Missouri.) Four moms did change their minds and four babies left the mill alive! PTL! One mom and dad were Jennifer and Mark. Jennifer is 24wks. pregnant, she walked out of the abortuary into Angela’s arms, she made the comment "it’s wrong to kill a child" after discussing the many different resources and options Small Victories can help with, they both prayed with the proclaimers, and thanked them for being there outside the abortion mill. This save accepted the Bibles and pregnancy information.

Thursday- One baby’s life was saved and twenty-five babies were killed. Sondra was at the mill early and was able to pray and talk a girl named "Kendra" from Tennessee out of killing her baby. Kendra got out of the car, and hugged Sondra and thanked her for being there and giving her the help she needed.

Friday- Twenty-nine little babies were murdered today. Proclaimers pleaded for these innocent lives, and one mom, Tammy, did not abort her baby!

Storming the gates in Granite City, IL with proclaimers Angela, Flip, Fr. Bill Sullivan in front of Hope(less) mill

Saturday- God brought a remnant of five churches to stand, World Harvest, Our Lady Queen of Peace, New Birth, Spirit Life Worship Center, and New Life Assembly of God. Over eighty saints and five pastors stood in the gap for the unborn. But it was another day of bloodshed in Granite City as thirty-six baby boys and girls were killed. Pastor Flip Benham, OSA director, led the Church of Jesus Christ to storm the gates of hell, with Scripture being proclaimed, praise and worship, and prayer. The weather was very bitter, freezing temperatures, ice, rain and snow pelted the saints as they stood in the gap pleading to these mothers for their children’s lives. 2 babies were saved from death. PTL! One young mom and dad that changed their minds on Friday came back Saturday and Angela was able to give her an ultrasound! Angela also gave two other moms that were saved from the abortion mill ultrasounds of their baby’s. One mom said, "is that my baby?" She showed her the baby’s heartbeat. She said, " I didn’t know that’s what it would look like. Another mother got to see her thirty-five week old baby sucking his thumb.

Flip, Angela, Daniel in blinding snow-storm after speaking at Faith Baptist in Godfrey, IL
Flip, Angela, Daniel in blinding snow-storm after speaking at Faith Baptist in Godfrey, IL

"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast?" Isaiah 49:15

The escorts were getting very frustrated with Angela because she was getting to the cars before they were. She intercepted Zora, a girl who took the RU-486 pills the day before. Angela had her inches away from going into the Small Victories van to see an ultrasound when the escorts come up behind Angela yelling "don’t listen to her, she’s crazy!" referring to Angela. That’s when Zora said she had to go into the clinic, they had her papers. She went into the clinic, making sure her baby was dead. A while later when she came out crying, proclaimer Linda talked with her and gave her a Bible and some post-abortive information. Zora thanked Linda and left the abortion clinic. We are a window to the womb outside that abortion mill, the last line of defense, standing and showing the truth. Once they see a picture of their baby, how can anyone murder their own child? That’s why this abortion mill does everything they can to try and silence us. Standing outside this abortion mill we’ve seen so many men not acting like men, copulating with anything that is warm, then throwing plastic at the women and telling them to go take care of it.

Abortion is not a woman’s issue, it is a man’s issue. All it does is free a man up to act like a dog. Siring many children, but raising none. Men are called to stand up for the women and teach their children the commandments of God and His laws to live by. (Deut. 8:5) Know then in your heart, that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you. (Deut. 8:6) Observe the commands of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and revering him. As George Washington stated with his hand on the Bible open to (Deut. 28) If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God!

This past weekend Flip spoke on the judgement that is being heaped upon our nation and he tied it in with, abortion, homosexuality, Islam, and the history of our forefathers. There can be no compromise, no "reaching across the aisle," no "middle ground" in the abortion battle. Abortion is a Gospel issue and neither side will tolerate the other. Yes, it is a physical manifestation of the battle between two seeds – the "seed of the serpent" verses the "seed of the woman" Genesis 3:15

It is a battle over "Who is Lord and, whose laws reign." Is it, "my rights my body, my choice, and my one and only commandment is don’t judge me," or is it "Not my will but Thine be done?" When one chooses sides in the battle, he is really choosing between God and the devil – between life and death! The battle has been raging throughout the pages of the Bible and the pages of history since the beginning of time. The "seed of the serpent" is in absolute rebellion against almighty God and His Law. The "seed of the woman" is in agreement with Almighty God and His Law. Every person on this earth must choose to be on one side or the other, there is no "in between." "What one perceives the battle to be will determine how he fights it." ~Flip Benham

In closing, some food for thought. "There is a difference between a man and a woman. Obviously, physical differences. But a woman wants to feel secure and a man wants to feel significant. When you try to please yourself (man pleasers) and others instead of pleasing God, a woman feels insecure and a man feels insignificant. When you please God a woman feels secure and a man feels significant."~ Pastor Joel Oliver

Remember, It’s not about me in 2003. It’s about Jesus.

Be encouraged, ~ Angela  

February 19, 2003  

Death Toll February 10 - 15

Monday- 6 - MO, IL

Tuesday- 29 - 2 saves - IN 2 cars, MO, IL

Wednesday- 25 - "Black Genocide"… - MO, IL

Thursday- 36 - 4 saves midnight abortions - OK, IN, CA, IA, KY, MN, MO, IL - A mother and daughter (27) wks pregnant and a young man and woman (8 wks) pregnant were led to Christ by proclaimers outside Hopeless) abortion mill. These were 2 of the saves. PTL!

Friday- 26 - 1 save - IN, WI, MO, IL

Saturday- 41 - 3 saves - CA, KY, IN, VA, KS, MO, IL

"Saturday lowlites" Clinic guard John told proclaimer Brother John, who preaches the Word faithfully every Saturday, he was quoting the wrong Scripture, and he, the death-camp guard knows because he is a deacon at his church! Matt. 7:15 & 2 Peter 2:1 These late-term mothers from the day previous were already in the clinic by 5:00 a.m. "Highlites" 3 babies were saved from a barbaric death this Saturday, over 65 proclaimers stood in the gap for these precious babies in the cold blowing rain /sleet, with representation of 4 churches and 5 pastors (all imported) including a youth group on a 24 hr. prayer vigil declaring God’s Word ... …JESUS IS THE STANDARD!

164 babies killed. 10 babies saved. 582 babies saved since January 2000!

We really should let you in on a "local" save of an unborn baby...It seems the gas station attendant where Daniel gets fuel at, asked him about our pro-life bumper stickers...I mean our war wagon is kinda obnoxious about the "sanctity of life", and "eternity"... where you can spend it.. "Smoking or non-smoking?" It’s a moving billboard… Anyways, she continued to tell him… "You don’t know it, but your family van with all those bumper stickers "saved" a baby’s life… this pregnant woman saw them and decided NOT to kill her unborn child"! The attendant then asked Daniel, "How could she get hold of some pro-life bumper stickers to put on her car?"...PTL!

What we do is nothing but a drop in the ocean. But if we didn’t do it, the ocean would be one drop less. We have no reason to be despondent or discouraged or unhappy, because we are doing it to Jesus. I know there are thousands and thousands of poor, but I think of only one at a time. Jesus was the only one and I take Jesus at His word. He has said, "You did it to Me …."Matt. 25:31-46 My Sisters, the Brothers and I, we take one person, one individual person, at a time. You can save only one at a time. We can love only one at a time. ~ Mother Teresa

Be encouraged, ~ Angela  

February 12, 2003  

Another late-term "botched" abortion within 28 days at Hope (less) abortion mill…"Back alley abortions haven’t gone away… they’re just happening behind $ 2 million dollar state-of-the-art killing fortresses, disguised with misleading titles." "Hope Clinic for Women"… ~ A.M.

January 11 the Hope(less) abortion clinic delivers again - this time an underage girl.

Death Toll - Week of February 3 - 8
Monday: 4 - bag n’ tag IN, MO
Tuesday: 44 - 3 saves - TX, FL, IN, MO, IL midnight abortions
Wednesday: 31 - IA, IN, KY, MO, IL
Thursday: 27 - GA, KY, IN, MO, IL
Friday: 33- GA, KY 3 cars TN 2 cars IN 2 cars IA, MO, IL
Saturday: 45 - 1 botched abortion - KY 2 cars, IN, IA 2 cars, TN, MO, IL 3 saves (2 clinic escorts arrested for battery)

184 babies killed

6 babies SAVED
572 babies saved since Jan. 2000!

Tuesday- 44 babies were sacrificed to the god of ‘choice’ as saints faithfully stood during the midnight abortions. Moms came as far as Texas and Florida to kill their babies. But by God’s mercy and love 3 moms changed their minds and 3 babies were saved!

Ida came back out of abortuary into the arms of proclaimers, Angela held her and told her it’s gonna be ok, it took a lot of courage to walk out of this abortion mill. She tearfully said, "I couldn’t do it." Angela asked how far along she was with her pregnancy, Ida replied, "23 weeks", Angela said, "so you can feel your baby moving?""Oh… yes!" Ida said… she took the information and the bible and prayed with the saints, then she thanked them for being there and left this killing center. PTL!

Thursday- 27 little boys and little girls were killed. 19 of the moms were black and 8 moms were white. Margaret Sanger’s black genocide still continues today.

Friday- High out-of-state "carnage" day. Multiple out-of-state cars.

Now Hope (less) aboruary delivers yet again.

Saturday- Late-term mothers already in mill by 6:30 a.m. At approximately 7:20 a.m. another "botched" abortion happened within 50 minutes of this couple’s return from the day previous, a young black woman was rushed quietly in full view of proclaimers covered in sheets and on a gurney, she wasn’t breathing... she appeared "lifeless".

Three "butcherettes", including the chief butchrette at Hopeless, the infamous Toni Baustch, (pronounced "botch") and assist. administrator Julie Adams and a new deathcamp guard pushed the gurney across the street into the emergency entrance of Gateway Regional Hospital.

The husband walked over to the hospital twice with the woman’s belongings, and Daniel and Don tried to talk to him and tell him that the "botched abortion" wasn’t his fault and we can help him.

Several of the deathscorts were on hand to make sure abortion was the only choice there was for the moms and dads going in to the clinic. Proclaimers were sharing the gospel and offering other options to these parents, and that must have hit a nerve with two of the deathscorts, who attacked four pro-lifers, including a 5 yr. old girl. The Granite City Police were called and two escorts were arrested and taken in squad cars to the police station.

It must be stated that none of these proclaimers were blocking any of the clinic entrances or preventing anyone from access to this abortion mill. Barry, Ken, and Diane and her little 5 yr. old daughter, who were hit and pushed and "shoulder-blocked" gave their statements to the police. 4 churches had pastors and members standing in the gap- Restoration Christian, New Birth, St. Elizabeth, and Spirit Life Church.

(See the article here, "BOTCHED ABORTIONS IN GRANITE CITY" for photos and more from Saturday.)

God is bringing more saints to stand up for his little babies. He is raising up the Church of Jesus Christ! The remnant is sounding the trumpet! There is a revival in the hearts of His foot soldiers standing on the frontlines and in the trenches of the battlefield outside these gates. Hell is hemorrhaging! The Hope(less) abortion clinic doesn’t have enough fingers to shore up the hemorrhaging dyke. All hell broke loose this day! The devil was rearing his ugly head throughout our watch. It was evident as the devil was backed into a corner with the men & women of God preaching His Word to the deathscorts as they worked more aggressively than usual to get these 'lil image bearers into the mouth of the devil, as his agenda is to rob, kill, and to destroy future generations.

There were 3 babies saved from death today. As a couple sat in their car on the back lot, Karen offered them help and prayed for them. A few minutes later they started up their car and left! PTL! Another couple said they changed their mind due to the large multitude (proclaimers) standing for the "least of these"…

When you’re quiet you are considered pious… When you speak out you are considered a radical, a maniac, a lunatic. We are called by Jesus to shine the light on darkness, just as He did; Jesus chased the moneychangers and thieves out of His Father’s temple, we cannot be of the world. 1 John 2:15-17

We have to stand on God’s Word and stand strong against the Pharisees & Sadducees, Don’t want to sees, Cantusees and Won’t-sees. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives... forever. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But, small is the gate, and narrow the road that leads to life, and only few find it… Matt. 7:13-14

Be encouraged ~ Angela

Tune into today’s Small Victories radio program, AM 630 KJSL, at 1:00 p.m. Guest Jane Chastain, author, political commentator and a co-host of the Judicial Watch Report. Her commentaries on the political, social, and moral issues of the day can be read at WorldNetDaily.com. Replays Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 8:00 p.m. Sunday at 10:00 p.m. and Wednesday and Monday at 12:00 a.m.

February 10, 2003
 FLASHBACK to January 11th, 2003 (scroll down 2-3 reports for more details)

About 40 pro-lifers witnessed another botched late-term abortion. It was a young girl from Indiana. The proclaimers spoke to her the day before and she accepted a bible before entering the abortuary. It was disheartening to arrive at the deathcamp Saturday morning only to visualize this vehicle from Indiana back and other out-of-state cars that were there the day before. That indicated these were late-term babies being killed, the gruesome, barbaric extinction of innocent life.

"We can’t undo the injustice done to over 40 million babies who have been exterminated because seven justices, strip-mining the Constitution, found a right to abortion. We can stop the barbaric butchery of partial-birth abortion. We betray our own humanity if we don’t." – Rep. Henry Hyde

Deathcamp Guard Paulette Holis mistook 12 yr. old Arielle for an abortion client. Arielle was getting out of Brother John’s family van after entertaining his children, while he preached outside the Hopeless mill. Holis approached Arielle and offered to get her into the abortion clinic! Arielle was shocked, she told Sgt. Holis, "I’m not getting an abortion!" Arielle’s dad wasn’t far away, she ran to him and Daniel yelled at Holis, "Are you crazy? She’s only 12 years old! Brother John then held Arielle on the front sidewalk and rebuked Sgt. Holis’s irresponsible behavior and reminded her of the child-predator cover-up the abortion industry thrives on.

The medical truck that picks up the baby body parts brazenly pulled into the clinic parking lot, almost hitting two proclaimers standing there. Proclaimers were able to get very good pictures of this barbaric disposing of little babies, when this man carried out the boxes marked ‘waste’.

Jan.11th Ambulance leaving hopeless clinic with underage girl from Indiana, going to Gateway Regional Medical Center
January 28th Man carrying out boxes of baby body parts from the Hope(less) abortion clinic   

Angela Michaels 

February 5, 2003  

9-year old girl (MO) came for an abortion
Granite City police refused to investigate!

Death Toll for the Week of January 27

151 babies killed. 6 babies saved. 566 babies saved since January 2000!

Monday- 4 Tag ‘n Bag Cars from MO, IL

Tuesday- 33 1 save Cars from IN, IA, MO, IL,

The medical truck that picks up the baby body parts brazenly pulled into the clinic parking lot, almost hitting two proclaimers standing. Proclaimers were able to get very good pictures of this barbaric disposing of these little babies, when this man carried out the boxes marked ‘waste’.

Thursday- 34 midnight abortions 2 saves Cars from KY, IA, IN, MO, IL

One man was led to Christ, He felt helpless that he couldn’t talk his girlfriend out of the abortion, but he wanted to accept Jesus in his heart today. Les and Penny prayed with him. Proclaimers stood in the gap all evening, even past midnight, for the babies that were dying. Romans 8:36 "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered."

Friday- 25 1 save Cars from MN, IN, MO, IL

Saturday- 34 2 saves Cars were from MN, 3 from IN; KY, MO, IL We had 5 Pastors representing several churches and 75 pro-lifers standing. A 9-year old (MO) came for an abortion, G.C. police refused to investigate. Claudine Myia was born, at 5lbs. 13oz 18 inches (recent save).

A man & woman that came from Indiana to kill their baby had a picture of the crown of thorns on Jesus’ head on their license plate that said, "Jesus still saving lives". This coward cursed and profanely gestured with his fingers to the prayer warriors as they plead for the life of this baby. After 5 hours, this couple came out of the abortuary without their unborn baby and the man angrily continued to curse the gentle Christians as they prayed for them. Another young woman yelled at the proclaimers, "My God will forgive me!" as she entered the abortion mill. Three older women took a terrified little girl passing through the proclaimers and the sidewalk counselors who were standing in dismay and shock at this sight…

They begged the women not to take her in this house of mayhem and murder. The more vocal of the three women cursed the onlookers, then she actually quoted Scripture better than most pastors do, and she announced "she was covered by the blood"… she could do what she wanted.

What is the problem in the Church when "Christians" are going into abortion clinics and killing their children and screaming biblical verses at the "truth bearers"… How dare we "dirty-pro-lifers" stand in the gap 24 x 7, and love our fellow brothers & sisters enough to lay our lives down and give them the "truth"!

What is wrong with this picture? Who do we hold most accountable? No, not Hope clinic, not even the mothers and fathers or the abortionist’s who are physically killing the pre-born… the Church of Jesus Christ is to blame and the lukewarm sometimes apostate shepherds who refuse to stand and uphold God’s Word. It’s a "hard truth", but that seems to be the problem or the catalyst for every confrontation… the "truth". The sign outside every abortion mill, including Hope (less) mill, should read, "This abortion mill stays open by permission of the local (62) churches."

Jeremiah 5:27-31 "Like cages full of birds, their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful and have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit; they do not plead the case of the fatherless to win it, they do not defend the rights of the poor. Should I not punish then for this? Declares the Sovereign Lord. Should I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this? A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, priests rule by their own authority and My people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?"

The 1973 Roe v. Wade decision decriminalizing abortion in America is about death, but it is not only about the death of the forty million unborn children who have been sacrificed on the altar of expediency. Morally sensitive ears can indeed hear the rising cry of these image-bearers of God as they call out for justice in response to the shedding of innocent blood. But beyond the chorus of personal victims can be heard another sound: the rumbling and crashing of a civilization in collapse. Roe v. Wade was both a manifestation of that disintegration and a powerful catalyst of its acceleration. It is a sign of the death of Christian culture. And this death is no more evident than in that foundational institution of society, the family.

God made men for leadership, for action, for the defense of His holy standards in the world. When men cease to be men, a civilization dies. Ours is dying because Christian men stand passive in the face of God's enemies and their agenda to destroy life and wreck the family.

Malachi 4:5-6 contains a sober warning: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse."

The death of forty million unborn children is just the most vivid manifestation of God's curse on a dying nation. That curse will not and cannot be removed unless Christian men turn their hearts to their children and all future generations - until they become active in the defense of life, active in the leadership of their own homes, active in restoring God's order first in their own hearts and then in everything else they touch.

Be encouraged, ~ Angela

January 31, 2003  

Death toll for the week of Jan. 20-25

Monday– 5, Tag ‘n Bag

Tuesday- 31, 1 save, 5 mo. pregnant midnight abortions, - IN, KY, IA, MO, IL

Wednesday– 25, 1 save, Erica, 20 wks. pregnant (Roe v Wade memorial) TN, KY, IN, MO, IL

Saturday- 40, 2 saves, 1 couple from Indiana., 1 young couple from IL, IN, KY, TN, MO, IL

149 babies killed. 6 babies saved,
560 babies saved since January 2000!

Wednesday- 30 saints stood in the frigid weather to remember the 45 million babies killed in 30 years, since Jan. 22nd, 1973. We held a memorial service outside the mill with prayer and praise and worship to our mighty Savior, Jesus Christ! Angela was able to give to young women ultrasounds in the Small Victories Mobile Pregnancy van; they both decided to keep their baby. Erica announced she is 20 weeks pregnant with a baby boy! The news reporters gobbled this information up. Kerry came with her boyfriend and got an ultrasound. Saints also gave her a coat, hat and gloves because she didn’t have anything but her clothes on in the 9-degree weather.

Matthew 25:34-40 "Whatever you’ve done for the least of these you’ve done for Me."

Saturday- 40 babies killed. Cars from IN, KY, TN, MO, IL, There were 2 babies saved; a couple from Indiana and a young couple from IL! The couple from Indiana said, "what changed their mind was the number and presence of pro-lifers." Over 150 proclaimers stood in the gap for the unborn with 6 pastors who came as far as the southern tip of IL and Mo. imported leadership, once again. PTL!! Heavy police presence was noted as KING JESUS was worshipped and glorified. Thank you Lord, "blessed are those who are persecuted, in My Name". They come against me from all ends. We are cursed by men, churches, pregnancy centers, fellow brothers & sisters and the devil himself. Psalm 7 "He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment. He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit he has made."

When you follow hard after Christ, you will be hated! In the last days, men will be lover’s of themselves… we are the Jeremiah’s of our time… crying out against unrighteousness and exposing darkness & evil. You can pour perfume on a pig… but it is still a pig"! Jeremiah was thrown down a well… but he cried out, "Judgement is coming"! Jeremiah 38 We are the Jeremiah’s of our time. Passions are inflamed at the slightest mention of "truth". We are cast in the same light as Jeremiah, we are scorned, mocked, ridiculed for our beliefs, But we serve a powerful God, who always has the last word! We are the Jeremiahs boldly speaking the truth, in love.

As I look back through the centuries, there have been all kinds of movements. Some, more noble than others, but I see an amazing, tenacious, effective, and resilient core of volunteers who have helped form and sustain the most selfless movement in all of history. The pro-life movement exists simply to say: you may not kill the weakest and most defenseless among us. Yet, when you identify yourself with this unprecedented effort, you will pay a price: Be it friendships, reputations, and in some cases, even jobs. HELLO?! But, we do it anyway. Because we know it’s right, and someday, we all will be called upon to give an accounting for what we did, on behalf of "the least of these"…But be encouraged! We have not been demoted, but promoted by the Lord. Remember, to go from a two lane to a four lane, you must of necessity become a one lane for a time. God will not fail us, He is faithful. The persecuted church knows where they stand in their culture. They witness for today. They see the battle. They are not wasting their energies in trying to get the world to love them. They know the world hates them.

On a lighter note, "Angela Sue-me and The Supremes" (with STOP sign in hand) were singing their choruses "STOP, in the name of love! Before you break God’s heart. Think it over…" To the women going in the clinic. Just remember, "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord…"

A group of saints were able to talk with one of the younger deathscorts and she listened to what we had to say. She dialoged with us for a couple of minutes and also accepted a Bible!

Remember Psalm 37"Do not fret because of evil men, or those who do wrong, for like grass, they will soon wither away… Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. He will make your righteousness shine …the justice of your cause like the noonday sun…"

Be encouraged…and keep SHINING for Jesus!

In Him ~ Angela  

January 14, 2003  

Death toll January 6th - 12th

Tuesday- 29, 2 saves, IA, MO, IL - midnight abortions

Wednesday- 27, 1 save, MI, IA, IN 2, KY, MO, IL

Thursday- 28, - IN, MO, IL

Tuesday- Saints came to stand in the gap as 29 babies were killed. 2 babies were saved, and one of them was all the way from Champaign, IL. She came with two other men, and when they were leaving they stopped and Les talked to them. The girl was crying, but the men said she changed her mind and wasn't going to have the abortion. Les gave them some phone numbers, and they asked if we were cold standing out there, but thanked us for being there and helping them. The woman was 23 weeks pregnant.

Wednesday- As abortionist Shah celebrated his 59th birthday and another year of life, 27 babies were being murdered. Moms and dads drove several hours and many miles to kill their children, coming from Michigan, Iowa, 2 from Indiana, Missouri, and Kentucky. One childs life was saved!

Friday- Another day of bloodshed in Granite City, 35 babies were killed. Most were late-term babies, as the two-day procedures were being started. 3 moms alone came from Indiana. One of them had a "kids first" anti-child abuse license plate. WE shared the gospel of Jesus Christ to as many as we could, as they were clawing their way over the watchmans backs to gain entry to the altars of sacrifice to offer their little image bearers to the god of convenience. They paid no heed, as we pleaded for the lives of their children to be spared. And the 62 churches just, "sang a lil louder" to cover the cries from the babes mouths.

Jeremiah 5:31 "The prophets prophesy lies, priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way."

History is repeating itself as people claiming to be Christians avert their gaze from yet another holocaust. They cross over the Christian lepers to the other side of the street Counterfeit Christians are walking into their churches less than a block from this murder-mill on ground that is soaked in the innocent blood of butchered children while doing nothing to stop it.

Jeremiah 6:14 "They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace they say, when there is no peace."

Oh sure, theyll unpack and pull out their once-a-year pro-life sermons, and theyll take up a big collection and throw money to these cash-cow pregnancy centers that are never open on the busiest killing days in Granite City, and who pick and choose what girls theyll help, in order to ease their conscience, so they won't brake their arms patting themselves on the back to say their pro-life, unlike those lunatics who stand on the frontlines, that literally lay their lives down for these women and babies and become their last line of defense.

Saturday- "Back alley abortions havent stopped; they are just being done behind the walls of state-of-the -art $2 million dollar abortion mills." About 40 "dirty-pro-lifers" witnessed another botched late-term abortion; a young girl from Indiana, whom the proclaimers spoke with the day before, they even accepted a bible, before entering the abortuary. It was disheartening to arrive at the deathcamp Sat. morning only to visualize this vehicle from Indiana, and all the others out-of-state cars that were there the day before. That indicated these were late-term babies being killed, the gruesome, barbaric extinction of innocent life.

"We can't undo the injustice done to over 40 million babies who have been exterminated because seven justices, strip-mining the Constitution, found a right to abortion. We can stop the barbaric butchery of partial-birth abortion. We betray our own humanity if we dont." Rep. Henry Hyde

Deathcamp Guard Paulette Holis mistook 12-yr. old Arielle for an abortion client as Arielle was getting out of Bro. Johns family van after entertaining his children, while he preached outside the Hopeless mill. Holis approached Arielle and offered to get her into the abortion clinic! Arielle was shocked, she told Sgt. Holis, "Im not getting an abortion!" Arielles dad wasnt far away, she ran to him and Daniel yelled at Holis, "Are you crazy? Shes only 12 years old! Bro. John then held Arielle on the front sidewalk and rebuked Sgt. Holiss irresponsible behavior and reminded her of the Child-predator cover-up the abortion industry thrives on.

Sunday- Yes, the Hope abortion clinic stoops even lower, killing one child on the Lord's day. As Christians were marching in their churches turning a deaf ear to the cries of the death camp only a block away, 2 butcherettes were finishing an abortion on a very big, late-term baby from Indiana. The partial-birth abortion was started on Friday.

We might choose to call our death camps abortion clinics rather than relocation centers. And we like to describe our victims as blobs of tissue, instead of useless eaters as the Nazis described theirs. And, of course, we would never use a term like the final solution. We prefer the word choice. But those verbal gymnastics can't change the reality of what we are doing. God help this nation! Since the beginning of the American Revolutionary War in 1775, up to spring 2002 (227years), about 1,300,000 Americans have been killed fighting in battle to defend our country. Thirty times as many American children have been killed by abortion since 1973. How many more innocent people will have to suffer horrible painful deaths before the nation accepts the truth that with abortion, we are destroying our country and our future. "The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion." Have mercy on us Lord. Judgement will begin in the house of the Lord.

Proverbs 24:11-12 "Rescue those being led away to death. Hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, "But we knew nothing about this," does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not He who guards your life know it? Will He not repay each person according to what he has done?"

Be encouraged, ~ Angela  

January 8, 2003  

Death toll December 30th - January 4th

Tuesday- Closed

Wednesday- Closed

Thursday- 38, Midnight abortions - MO, IL

Saturday- 30, 2 saves (Tamika, 6 wks), - TN, IN, KY, MO, IL

114 babies killed. 5 babies saved. 546 babies saved since January 2000

Thursday- Saints stood in the gap for the 38 babies that were killed during midnight abortions. We spoke out and pleaded to the moms and dads that were walking into the mill. They heard us, but turned away from our words of truth, help and love. They rejected Jesus and His plan for them. (Isa. 53:3) One young man who came with a van full of people listened and talked with us. Saints got the chance to tell him what would happen to the baby that was going to be killed, and how he would also be accountable for the innocent blood shed. Proverbs 6:16-17 "The Lord hates.. hands that shed innocent blood.." We also gave him the "If you could see me now" pamphlet that shows the gestational stages of the baby in the womb, after he made the comment, "she's only 8 weeks along, the baby isn't even formed yet." Angela explained fetal development to this young man, 18 days after the sperm penetrated the egg (ovum) that baby's heart began beating". He said he was going in to get her ..unfortunately.. he never came back out during our watch.

Saturday- Proclaimers braved the cold weather and stood for the innocent babies being murdered. 30 babies died but 2 precious ones were saved. Tamika, a senior in high school in St. Louis, was dropped off at the mill by her boyfriend who left. She was going in to the clinic when Daniel and John talked to her. She was crying, they took her over to Angela. After consoling her Angela, John & Daniel prayed with her, and she gave her heart to Jesus and said she was going to keep her baby! PTL! They drove her back to Saint Louis and will keep in contact with her!

One lady stopped on the hospital parking lot, and after the deathscorts tried talking her into the clinic Daniel went over and asked if we could help her. She wanted to talk to the pro-lifers and confront us about how we help these girls. We said we help them with any need they may have. She explained that her mom wanted to abort her, and she abused her. Her father was a big executive with Wal-Mart and left her family when she was very young. She was very bitter that no one offered her help. Daniel said, "That's why were here, to offer these women a real choice!"

While saints were taking turns dialoging with this woman, a save walked into our arms. This woman was able to stand by and witness the love of Jesus the saints were showering upon this pregnant young lady. She heard this girl ask for Jesus to come into her heart today. PTL! Before she left she thanked Angela and the saints that spoke with her and said she appreciated the work we do outside this abortion clinic and to "keep up the good work." She left with a different attitude toward these foot soldiers that lay their lives down on the frontlines for their brothers and sisters, and knew that we do help these girls with a real choice on earth.

1 Corinthians 6:13 & 6:18

There can be no doubt that the sexual drive within man unrestrained by the government of God has proven to be a disaster beyond comprehension. The casualties of the sexual revolution continue to mount. Rape, incest, homosexuality, abortion, STD'S, and the breakdown of the family have reached epidemic proportions. America, undeterred by these staggering realities continues to use sex to sell, to further its political agenda, entertain the masses, and to weal sex as a weapon of unprecedented might. Through abortion, it is clear America is willing to kill for sex. Through AIDS, it is revealed that America is willing to die for sex. Through pornography, America stands ready to destroy its families and moral integrity for sex. Sex dominates this society and its preoccupation has enlarged Hell's mouth to swallow our nation whole. The moral decay of our society only emulates the culture of death.

Abortion in America will not end until the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind it will end.

Any conviction that does not become participatory is worthless. Theology without biography is religion. ~ Flip Benham OSA Dir.

Christian leadership of America needs to rise up and call God's people to the battlefront of this generation, which is the local death camp, abortion mill, that is destroying God's little image bearers. The praying, praising, preaching, and proclaiming Church of Jesus Christ must confront the gates of hell, knowing that under God's blessing they will never prevail against us in Jesus' Holy Name! ~Rusty Thomas Assist. Dir.

Be encouraged ~ Angela  


2002 4th Quarter October - December
2002 3rd Quarter July - September
2002 2nd Quarter (Feb.) March - June

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