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February 10, 2003

Two Botched Abortions in 28 Days at Hopeless Abortuary


… "Back alley abortions haven’t gone away… they’re just happening behind $2 million dollar state-of-the-art killing fortresses, disguised with misleading titles "Hope Clinic for Women"… ~ A.M.

Saturday Abortionist Shah has his own surgical team for his botched abortions, we saw them flying in. He has three surgical nurses that he uses to cover up for his botched abortions. He calls them in, so they can get these girls patched up and on the interstate before Monday, when the regular administrative staff is at the hospital and nobody knows anything.

Most of his botched abortions happen on the weekends because they're late term and out of state. This woman was from Missouri. There is a lot of covering up. The CEO of Gateway Regional Hospital is Mark Benz.

Botched abortion on Gurney
Toni Bautsch chief butcherette on left and other Hopeless butcherettes rushing botched abortion, 22 weeks, across street into Gateway Regional Medical Center (In court depositions Toni admitted she helps extract and hands the killing instruments to the abortionist)
Deathscort #1
Recruit from Washington University, handcuffed and arrested for battery outside Hope abortion mill- hitting and shoving proclaimers in "death alley".

Husband of botched abortion with
Julie Adams, assistant deathcamp administrator, and deathcamp guard going over to Gateway Regional medical center after transporting botched abortion for emergancy"life-threatning" surgery.
Natalie Pettus
Head "recruit leader of deathscorts" also president of Missouri chapter NARAL, moonlights as deathscort chief at Hopeless- handcuffed and arrested for battery- pushed a little 5-year-old girl down, and she shoulder blocked the mother of this 5-year-old girl.

A former abortion clinic worker Kathy said that Yogendra Shah stated that he wants to spend no more than 5-7 min. with an early trimester and only 20 min. on a late-term abortion. It's an assembly line. He wants them cleaned up and out of there and the next victim in. As for the botched abortions, Shah has stated ,"Once they are patched up and back on the interstate, they are no longer his problem"..Shah's eyesight is failing..and in the D&E or D &X abortion procedure that is performed on a baby over 13 weeks and over, the baby's head is the last body part removed, sometimes these babies heads are literally floating in the mother's uterus...the abortionist is actually jabbing at the head with large forceps to grasp onto it and pull the baby's head out! That's why you see so many perforated uteruse's and bowels pulled through the vagina.and lacerated cervixes..complications. This was part of a sworn testimony given in US District court of Wisconsin, on May 27.1999 by abortionist Dr. Martin Haskell.

Jan.11th Ambulance leaving hopeless clinic with underage girl from Indiana, going to Gateway Regional Medical Center
January 28th Man carrying out boxes of baby body parts from the Hope(less) abortion clinic   

Ambulance arriving at Gateway Regional Medical Center with the underage girl.
The Hopeless clinic delivers again. So sad but so predictable. Which mother's next?

(For more details on the arrests, saved babies and other news below, see the Small Victories street reports from Granite City, IL in the Streets section of our web site at "Another late-term botched abortion within 28 days at Hope (less) abortion mill" and while you're there, scroll down for other recent news in past weeks' reports.)


Let's Make A Deal!

"Yogendra Shah, you're no Monty Hall." A.M.

Apparently the Hope Clinic lawyer Mark Levy approached our lawyer Jason Craddock and has proposed a deal concerning the Michael's and Yogendra Shah and all the frivolous lawsuits this abortionist had filed against these gentle Christian warriors.

Mark Levy, the attorney for Hope Clinic submitted a proposal from his client abortionist Yogendra Shah. "If the Michael's will quit standing in front of his offices (and exposing) then Yogendra Shah will drop all his lawsuits against them." Jason responded by telling Mr. Levy "Well, I will let my clients know, but in knowing Angela Michael, I don't think that's a viable option." The following Monday morning Daniel Michael gave Abortionist Yogendra Shah our answer. He stood out in front of Shah's OB/GYN office for all of 1 hour, showing the truth! - [ See "Let's Make A Deal" link above for more on Shah's lawsuits ]


In the midst of the chaos Saturday of yet another botched abortion, two deathscorts being arrested and three babies being saved as the Gospel of Jesus Christ was proclaimed, God wrought a miracle to encourage us - a special visit by Sandy & her three daughters and the personal delivery of a letter.

Angela (in white shirt) talking to Sandy
and 1 of her pregnant daughters

Daniel getting arrested for helping Sandy on the hospital parking lot

This is a very touching story.This letter is from a woman who crossed my path outside the abortion clinic in Granite City, IL shaking her fist in God’s face and literally in mine. She was bringing all three of her daughters to this abortion clinic when I asked her, "To kill their babies?" She responded, "explicative … yeah!"

I jumped into action and told the proclaimers this woman needs Jesus, grabbed my Bible and ran across the street and in front of the hospital emergency room talked to this woman. This is the same woman Daniel and I helped the next day, bringing her a crib and other baby items! These items were for the baby that Daniel had gotten arrested for when he was on the hospital parking lot.

I’ve participated in two deliveries of her grandbabies. The third one is due in March. The mother of these three young ladies came to the clinic and hugged me and said, "Angie, I thought we were scum, I thought nobody could love us." Angela hugged her and said "Sandy, Jesus loves you and I love you. We’re gonna get through this." This past Saturday, Sandy came down to the clinic amidst all the chaos and gave me this letter. It was a big step for her to do that and to admit it’s a baby and it’s wrong to kill it.

      I am writing you this letter to let you know how much I appreciate everything you have given and done for me and my grandchildren. If they could talk they would thank you too. I thought it was a mistake for my daughters to have the Babies, but I now realize that God doesn't make mistakes. We cannot thank you enough!! I thank God for putting you into my life. I think of you as a dear friend. I know when I first met you I just wanted to slap you for being out there not understanding why people do have their baby killed. But the more I think about it you are right, it's not right to kill them because how they got made or who their moms and dads are. I sometimes wonder if you're sorry you ever talked to me because I must be a headache to you. Then I thought you thought I was lying about my phone number and sending them girls up to you. I would still like to stay into you and your family's life after Leigh has her baby (due in March). I think you and your family are doing a good thing out there. Try not to get discouraged, you can't save the whole world. God has tried too and failed. So don't try to out do God.
                        Love you, Sandy

[ See Small Victories Street Report February 12, 2003 - 12, for much more news in detail. ]

Angela Michaels