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Operation Save America - Dallas Street Reports Brandi Chapman, head Sidewalk Counselor Robinson's Abortuary One the day before Mother's Day, about a dozen moms entered Robinson's High Place to murder their children. However, these mothers, who have denied the God-given gift to nurture their children through tender care, were met by God-fearing Christians. In love, these Christians spoke of what sin does to the heart and how this sin will destroy the lives of anyone who practices it. 15 pro-lifer's came to the gates of hell to pray and intercede for the little one's scheduled to die. On young girl (age 12) was brought in to the mill by her grandmother, mother and step-father. The step-father confided that he was against the abortion, but had no legal rights over the girl. He also shared that the mother and grandmother were the ones pushing for the abortion. We watched as the mother of the girl (who was showing) pulled her into the High Place. This young girl will never be the same again. She will hate her mother and grandmother for doing this to her (as we have seen and experienced through ministering to post-abortive women), yet, she will also be accountable to God for her participation in the abortion. Please pray for this young girl. On an exciting note… Our friends and co-laborers, Ryan and Brandi Kirchoff (who have been with OSA-Dallas since its conception) have announced that they are pregnant!! We rejoice with Ryan and Brandi over this great news! We at OSA-Dallas love them and are grateful to the Lord for placing such steadfast warriors in our lives and in the lives of those being led away to the slaughter! We would like to encourage you to drop Ryan & Brandi an congratulations e-mail! They have been trying to conceive since they were married almost two years ago! This is indeed a great time for rejoicing! You can e-mail them at: Keep Shining for Jesus, John Reyes ROBINSON'S ABORTUARY We rejoice today as we saw two mothers turn from abortion! The first couple did not speak any English, but praise God, a Mexican woman came to the abortuary to pray and was our translator! The abortion-bound woman looked over our Spanish literature and cried when she saw the pictures of aborted babies. She told us that she was told she could never have children and that this child was unexpected. We encouraged her to keep her baby and gave her lists of Pregnancy Centers in her area that would help her. Her name is Erica. As a gift, we gave her a gift bag filled with a baby blanket, booties, a congratulations card and a children's book about Jesus Christ. She never even entered the abortion mill and went home is a smile on her face, excited about her baby! The second woman's name is Crystal. She and her friend walked out of the abortion mill after thinking about the information we had given her. She told us that she had changed her mind! Praise God! Today's Stats: Babies saved: 2 ————————————————————————————— FAIRMOUNT ABORTUARY From Robinson's abortuary we headed over to Fairmount Abortuary to meet up with Teen Mania who had traveled 100 miles to storm the gates of hell! We were introduced to some new faces and reunited with some old friends. In all, we had a time of questions/answers with Teen Mania and were encouraged to see them standing for Truth in the Streets. Please pray for them as they invite and bring more young adults to the streets of Dallas to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Saturday February 4, 2006 Robinson's Abortion Clinic Dallas, Texas We had eight faithful and vigilant saints on the streets this morning and the Lord was so very faithful, as is His nature. A young and God-fearing woman chose to give her baby life after talking with one of our sidewalk counselors and taking some information. Two hours after she had been sitting in the waiting room of the abortion clinic she came out to tell us that she had changed her mind and was going to keep her baby. We believe that the Lord convicted her heart and would not allow her to turn her back on the Truth. Her name is Joy. We ask all of you to pray for Joy. She has a 3 year old son, Caleb, and if this little one is a boy she said she is going to name him Joshua. She attends a local church here in Oak Cliff, Dallas , Texas . She said she was going to go home and sleep in peace. What does that say other than her sleep has not been peaceful since she has considered murdering this precious life in her womb? Yet sixteen other women will not be able to sleep in peace tonight after their own children have been torn from their wombs. A young college couple entering the clinic was not willing to take our information. The young man even became hostile and vulgar towards two of our sidewalk counselors. The security guard came and tried to put a stop to the man's yelling by telling our sidewalk counselor to “shut-up.” The Lord protected our saints and kept harm away from them. The Lord is our Avenger, He is our Shield and He is our Protector. Can we all say “Thanks be to God!” who is faithful to comes to our rescue as we rescue those who are being led to the slaughter!? We can rejoice as we remember Psalms 106, as our leader John Reyes read to the saints today: “Praise the Lord! O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever! Who can put into words, and tell the mighty deeds of the Lord? Or who can show forth all the praise that is due Him?” Brandi Kirchoff OSA-Dallas OPERATION SAVE AMERICA - DALLAS Five faithful saints came out to the streets today to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with men and women who were going into Mr. Robinson's abortion clinic to end the life of their precious babies. There were a total of sixteen women that entered the gates of hell today, leading the innocent lives within them to the slaughter. Many of the couples going into the clinic had hard hearts One man told Ryan Kirchoff that he did not want any of our information, he continued by saying that he “already had two kids and this one has to go.” We were also able to speak to some mothers that had soft hearts and were broken by the situation they had found themselves in. We only hope that these women read the information that was given to them and walk away from this death camp and save their babies. While we were counseling we reminded the mostly African-American clientele that Martin Luther King Jr's. birthday was coming up on Monday. We talked to them about how he encouraged people to overcome the situation they found themselves in, not take the easy way out. We reminded them of a statement from Martin Luther King Jr. “There are two types of laws; there are just laws and there are unjust laws…What is the difference between the two? An unjust law is a man-made code that is out of harmony with the moral law...” The moral law that King was referring to was the Word of God, the Bible Usually Mr. Robinson is the first to arrive in the morning to be followed shortly by the security guard Jesse. This morning Mr. Robinson did not show up by the time that we had left despite the full parking lot. We continued to give the hope of the Gospel to the nurses and workers of Abortion Advantage. Rev. John Reyes spoke to one nurse that was dropped off by her husband last week. When her husband was leaving, he purposefully tried to back his van into the Christians on the sidewalk. Rev. Reyes confronted the nurse about the murder in both her and her husband's heart. He encouraged her to take off the Jesus fish that was on the back of her van; warning her that if she did not turn from her wicked ways, when she met Jesus he would say “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” Matthew 7:21-23 We can praise the Lord that he allowed us to go the streets and lift His name on high. “The joy of the Lord is our strength.” When we are obedient to what the Lord has called us to do He is filled with joy, and gives us strength to continue the fight placed before us Upcoming Events:
Dallas, Texas Street Report On the first Saturday of the New Year, Dr. Robinson's abortion clinic was everything but slow. Operation Save America-Dallas arrived at the clinic at 7:30am, and soon to follow was Dr. Robinson himself. He slowly got out of his car with coffee in one hand and Burger King in the other, for him it was a day like every other day. Yet for nineteen babies this day will bring pain, terror and death. That is true, for the two hours we were on the streets nineteen women willfully walked into the abortion clinic; many of them with the truth of life in hand (literature given to them by our sidewalk counselors). God has stated in His word in Ezekiel 22:3-4a: “The city sheds blood in her own midst that her time may come; and she makes idols within herself to defile herself. You have become guilty by the blood which you have shed, and have defiled yourself with the idols which you have made.” Ezekiel was referring to Jerusalem because of her sacrifice of children. These mothers are committing the same act; they are sacrificing their very own children for the idol of convenience and selfishness. True, we don't know their exact circumstances leading them to make this decision; but God does and he views abortion as murder. Therefore these women cannot come up with any reason or excuse that would validate their answer and persuade God that what they are doing is o.k. The Lord has called us as His workmanship to spread the Good News. The Good News is the news we bring to these mothers every Saturday morning: God hates abortion and those who have a strong emotional attachment (like a friendship) with the world is God's enemy. James 4:4 “Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” May the Lord show Himself real to these women we have spoken to that they may repent and seek God, and to those that are contemplating abortion that our words and information be an instrument to save their baby. OSA- Dallas ARCHIVES
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