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Servants of God in Las Vegas  

Abortion Kills Children.  We all know that. Every year another 4 million American Citizens forever lose their Right to Life and Liberty;violated at the altar of choice.I beleive in, and support, every Post Conceived Human Beings right to life.

I am trying to start a sidewalk counseling ministry, [ LVLifeSavers ] here in Las Vegas. There are 7 abortion mills,and 2 Planned Parenthood's[they refer only],here. There is also 1 CPC.There are Rosary Prayer Groups at about 5 of the mills.They are out one or two times a week. They will not show any photographs[either of preborn or aborted babies.]They will not allow anyone with them to show them either. I beleive that the photographs work.

I am looking, and praying,for like-minded people to help me. You may reach me at either: debbier318@hotmail.com or lvlifesavers@yahoo.com .

There is one local clinic where no one is praying,or counseling. They brag on their webpage " Centrally located on a private street...no protesters." I want to change that! They offer Child Murder from ages 5 weeks [$400.00] to 23 weeks[$1900.00]

Please, if you, or someone you know, lives in or travels to, Las Vegas, Nevada,...Let's Get Going.

In His Holy Service,

Deborah Kesrawani

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