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The folks in Dallas did this just this past week. The Truth Suppressed at Springcreek Community Church by Kristene O'Dell "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 On Saturday, June 21, 2003, and again the following Sunday, a small group from OSA - Dallas stood outside Springcreek Community Church with signs of live children, aborted children, and literature entitled "Sing a Little Louder." Why would we do this? Because directly across the street is a practicing abortionist. Dr. Stella S. Kwong does abortions in her family practice office in the quiet suburb of Garland, TX.
This was not our first meeting with Springcreek. We first notified them a year ago when we found out about Dr. Kwong. We then went to speak with them again a few weeks ago. Their response was, "give me your five points of what it is you think we should do." Our answer was, "We don't have a program to put in place that makes everything alright. Our message is a simple one. Repent! We can't tell you exactly how that fleshes itself out, but we can tell you that through repentance there is an eagerness to see justice done." The entire time that we stood on the sidewalk outside of this church building, I couldn't help but see that Springcreek Community is a model of who the American Church has become. Not only is there an abortionist across the street that they have made peace with, but there is a Muslim school a stone's throw away. They have services on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. They come to sing praises to Jesus, to pray for the sick, and to be filled with the Word as it is preached. They try to love one another and bear one another's burdens. They tell us they are pro-life. This church is filled with good people of faith. I have no doubt that they are doing all they know to do as Christians in America, but that is what breaks my heart. We don't know our heritage and we are in a spiritual drought that we don't even know exists. We had gone to the pastoral staff the first two meetings. This time we went directly to the people. We were told that we couldn't pass out literature to the congregation because we were not members of their church. We explained that we would not come on their property, but we were on a public sidewalk and we had every right to offer literature to anyone passing by. We noticed most of the congregation smiled at us and drove on into the parking lot. We asked one young man with his window down why he wouldn't at least take the literature to find out why we were there. He told us he was not allowed to take anything from us. We responded that the Spirit of the Lord resides within him and he is allowed to critically think for himself. It was heartbreaking for us to realize that, although men had died so that the Bible could be translated and every individual could read and understand the Word of God himself, we had come to a place where this privilege had been taken from these people on this occasion. If you know us, you know that we are a people under authority. We take great strides to maintain God's designed order in the body, but we must be careful that we do not abuse that authority and forbid a person to respond to God's Word individually. That principle is so much a part of what this nation was founded upon. In the development of New Jersey's constitution, William Penn states it this way, "There we lay a foundation for after ages to understand their liberty as men and Christians, that they may not be brought in bondage but by their own consent, for we put the power in the people."
Sunday morning we had a few very encouraging conversations. John Reyes and John Wesley spoke with a man who saw the need for his church body to rise up. He went to his pastor and asked him if he knew that Dr. Kwong was doing abortions across the street. He was told that it had just recently come to his attention. Brenda Spurlock and I had another conversation on the other side with another member who did not know about Dr. Kwong, but now understood why we were there. You could see the Lord dealing with his heart. Pray for each of these men. We had another man stop and take literature to take to his pastor. He attends another church in the area. God was breaking through. So what is it that we are really trying to accomplish here? Believe me, we have agonized over this endeavor for years. I personally have tried to run from this and lay down this ministry that the Lord has placed me in. I have wonderful justifications in my mind of why I should not continue down this path and if I shared them here, you would agree with me that practically speaking, I could be much more effective in the eyes of men some other way. The problem is, I have been unable to do it. If I want to keep a clear conscience before God and man, I have a message that burns in my bones that must be spoken. The message is for the Church and the message is repent. The book of Revelation was the first book of the New Testament to be translated into English by John Wycliffe. There was a reason for that. Revelation is not a mystical book on prophesies that cannot be understood. It is the book that pictures for us the battle that we must fight. Verna M. Hall says this, " It (Revelation) is the victory of Christ over all wrong-thoughtedness, wrong-heartedness, and wrong-spiritedness; the pictures given in the visions find their counterpart not in one age only, but gather their fulfillment as the ages advance "He comes" is the key. He comes when paganism falls; He comes when brute world-force is cast down; He comes when worldliness falls - He comes, and His coming is spreading ever over the world, shining more and more unto the perfect day the line of conflict may advance and recede from time to time, but it is a triumphant battlefield which is pictured. It is thus the book of the advent and victory of Christ."
The Church is the only institution ordained by God to come against the abortion holocaust. We are the only ones with the spiritual weapons to defeat the enemy that has come to rob, kill, and destroy. We are in this battle whether we want to be or not. We must repent of allowing the shedding of innocent blood to legally take place for the last thirty years in this nation. We can either engage the enemy and defeat him through the blood of the lamb, the word of our testimony, and not loving our own lives so much as to shrink from death (Rev 12:11) or we can allow ourselves to go deeper and deeper into captivity as the enemies of God move closer and closer in. Members of Springcreek, the Lord's enemies are lining up all around you. They will not live peaceably with you. The battleline is being drawn in this nation. It may not be our generation that sees how this thing plays out, but we cannot leave this for our children to deal with. The stronger their foothold becomes, the more serious it will be for the next generation. We are your brothers and sisters in Christ. What affects you affects us. We love you and we are willing to fight alongside you as long as it takes to uproot Dr. Kwong and show to the world that the King of Kings is Lord and "He comes victorious!"
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