Missi teaches
the trainees the
and out's of sidewalk counseling.
Operation Rescue - Dallas/Operation Save America - Dallas held its second
sidewalk-counseling Seminar at Redeemed Community in Oak Cliff, Dallas.
Melissa Owen, the head sidewalk counselor in front of Routhe Street abortion
mill conducted the class. "Missi did an incredible job teaching
the balance between compassionate and aggressive counseling. After only
a year on the streets, she has really grasped a hold of the vision of
the ministry." said John D. Reyes, director of Operation
Rescue - Dallas/Operation Save America - Dallas. "Sidewalk
Counseling is one of the most challenging outreaches because each abortion
- minded client is different, some are receptive, some are hostile; our
job is to train our people how to respond to each, without compromising
the Gospel message."
Sidewalk Counseling trainees
listen to the lecture.
fifteen new counselors completing the course, OR - Dallas/OSA-Dallas plans
on expanding the ministry this Fall to two more of the already six abortion
mills in the Metroplex area. This means that OR-Dallas/OSA-Dallas will
have a presence at five mills. "We have the leadership already
in place, willing and waiting to go with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to
two other high places in the city. Now that we have the counselors, we
are equipped to get out there and storm the gates. Each mill will have
preaching, counseling, prayer warriors and signs. The gates of hell will
not be able to prevail against the Church!" said Reyes.
and Jenna (two of the
trainees) listen to the lecture.
Of course
the class time is just part of the sidewalk counseling training. The real
test comes on the streets when each new counselor is paired up with a
veteran OR-Dallas/OSA-Dallas counselor. "I think they're ready."
commented Reyes. "These folks have been out there to pray and
observe for months; they know the battle. Now they will have the opportunity
to speak into the lives of these young men and women entering the high
place to slaughter their children. The best training they can get is on
the streets! By making themselves available to serve the Lord, they have
already attained success. It's not about the number of babies being saved,
it's about being faithful to do the work that Jesus commands us to do;
that is success! "
1. DSCF0008
- Missi teaches the trainees the in's and out's of sidewalk counseling.
2. DSCF0006 - The Sidewalk Counseling trainees listen to the lecture.
3. DSCF00010 - Jessica and Jenna (two of the trainees) listen to the lecture.