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Our First Report From OSA-Tulsa


 Our First Report From OSA-Tulsa

Here is a report from Tulsa that will be very encouraging to all of you who participated in and prayed for our mission confronting and calling out the Church of Jesus Christ in that city. Many brothers and sisters are being raised up to storm the gates of hell. They are, for the most part, college students at Rhema and ORU who are answering God's call to be a voice for the voiceless. Hallaelujah!

Bill and Ruth Darr, our host family in Tulsa, submitted these reports. Note especially the editor's note - it is in bold.

This is Bill's report:

Brother Flip,

Ruth will be providing a "more formal" review of activities in Tulsa, I just wanted to say hello.

Thanks to you and all the other wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ for an unforgettable weekend. You heard the Macedonian call. Ruth and I miss all of you so much. There is something about Scriptural obedience that tightly binds believers together.

Flip, I have to tell you about the college young people from both ORU and Rhema. Although, we weren't extended the welcome at Rhema that was desired, there were some students that were praying and watching our behavior. You, of course, met Lars and heard his testimony at lunch on Sunday March 30th.

Then, on April 7th, we had the first formal meeting of OSA Tulsa at our home. Of the 18 in attendance, there was Lars and 7 of his friends from Rhema and Rebecca and 3 friends from ORU. There was instant camaraderie of purpose and a game plan was set for praise, study, and abortion mill activities. We agreed to meet every Monday night for preparation and Saturday mornings for presentation. Also, some are going to the mill during the week. The effort at this time is the primary group will go on Saturday and others will go during the week with a minimum of two if at all possible.

Watching God work in the hearts of college age young people, while their hearts are tender and open, is an incredible thrill. That God would honor Ruth and myself in someway encouraging and touching their lives is humbling.

Thanks again to all who heard the call. Those from Kansas, North Dakota, Florida, Texas, North Carolina-and anyone else I missed. The Father used you to bless us for that wonderful weekend---and it's ongoing.

God Bless,
Bill Darr

This is from Ruth:

We met at our house for the first time on Monday, April 7th. There were 18 of us. Nine from Rhema, four from ORU and others. We got acquainted and shared ideas and decided to meet every Monday night at our home. The Rhema kids have been studying the development of a baby, one through nine months. They want everyone to know the development of the baby so they can share with pregnant girls with knowledge and wisdom.

On Saturday, April 12th, we went to the abortion clinic. There were 9 of us who were there 8:00 AM until 9:45. The ORU group arrived right behind us and were there for one hour. There were also 7 Catholic people there praying and we got to know them. There were very happy to have others praying with them. The clinic was closed but that gave us an opportunity to answer a lot of the kid's questions, show them where to stand and fill them in on where to hand out the literature. Our local CPC gave us some excellent handouts.

On April 14th we met again at our home. We had told the kids that we were going to be their support group and we wanted them to be the leaders. They led in praise, worship, prayer, and decided to come together as the ORU group and Rock for Life group, but we were all Operation Save America. Lar's sister, Lana, assigned some to make pamphlets to pass out, some to find out more about the Doctors who are doing abortions, getting information on Planned Parenthood in the Tulsa area, getting information to radio stations to announce our meetings, and things they will all do over the summer as they go their different ways, and how we will come back strong in the fall.

Through the week several dropped by the abortion clinic at different times.

April 19th we went again to the abortion clinic. Lar's and Lana's dad and little sister joined us. They had driven down from Michigan. We had 13 people and met a lady who joined us, who heads up a 24 hour a day "Hope Line". She said she had asked God for a way to reach the girls before they came to the abortion clinic. She said that most of the calls are from girls wanting an abortion and asking questions.

We will be meeting again tomorrow night.

I also want to let you know about an editorial in the Urban Tulsa Weekly. This is a very liberal paper that is available in restaurant lobbies. A lady wrote in about her daughter seeing the horrible pictures of the aborted baby and she was "Protesting the Protesters". The Editor of the paper responded with this note: "Freedom of speech can be a troubling thing. But just like this war has interrupted the "normal" life to which we have become way too accustomed, the violence of abortion also breeds much inconvenience in our everyday lives. Christ didn't preach earthly comfort. His life was anything but that. It is the job of prophets to take us out of our comfort zones. If you feel bad, just imagine how those babies felt."

God Bless,
Ruth Darr