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Reporting from the killing fields of Granite City, Illinois Judicial tyranny being exposed through the gentle Christian warriors. Lawsuits are being filed in Madison Count, IL because of the outrageous judgments and financial settlements given inside this courthouse. But the tide is turning. Luke 18:7-8 “The Lord said…And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”
Hope abortion Clinic, largest in the Midwest which has overseen the murders of over 10,685 in the past twelve months, is represented by attorney Mark Levy and Catholic attorney John Rekowski. Once again, the Hopeless mill can't attack the message so they retort to attack the messenger through the legal system. Gentle, Christians have been very effective in exposing the lies and the sin of abortion by their faithful stand outside these gates of hell, Mark Levy's law offices and Hope abortion Clinic attorney John Rekowski's Catholic church in Maryville, Illinois. On Thursday, February 10th, 2005 in courtroom 320 of the Madison County Courthouse, with the honorable Judge George Moran presiding, King Jesus showed up. Mark Levy falsely accused Daniel Michael of not showing up for yet another recent deposition in his office and was demanding sanctions, and dismissal of the recent lawsuit filed against Jane Doe who is represented by the Hope Clinic attorney Mark Levy for slander, libel, and defamation of character of the Michaels and their ministry Small Victories. The judge had the wisdom of King Solomon and saw through the lies of the Hope Clinic attorney. It was a divine appointment as God pulled back the covers of deceit and from the judge's mouth came forth true wisdom, “You people seem to be all for a woman's choice, but, what about the Michaels and their choice? I believe they still have a First Amendment right to stand and protest on a public sidewalk. As a matter of fact, there may come a day when I expect to see the Michaels inside this courthouse protesting. They have that right!” Praise God Judge Moran believes in the First Amendment. The judge also denied the motion to dismiss the lawsuit against Jane Doe. As for Hope abortion Clinic attorney Mark Levy, a former state's attorney commented, “He's a prime example of a rabid ACLU attorney. Keep up the good work, they're listening!” Mark Levy and the Hope Clinic aren't pro-choice, they're pro-death. “All who hate me, love death” Proverbs 8:36. They make a lot of blood-money off of a woman's choice and defending baby-killers and back-alley abortionists, they want to do it in secret, under the veil of darkness. We just give them free advertisement by being the salt and the light.
The scales of justice need to be balanced once again. “God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools…and He has not been disappointed…If I have brought any message today, it is this: Have the courage to have wisdom regarded as stupidity. BE FOOLS FOR CHRIST. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world.” ~Justice Antonin Scalia Be encouraged~ Angela
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