It has become disloyal in Granite City to care enough about the murder of children to peacefully intervene. It has become disloyal in the eyes of Granite City's finest to worship the Lord Jesus publicly on a sidewalk outside an abortion mill. Their response has been to terrorize the innocent using underhanded methods while turning a blind eye to real criminal activity by those involved with killing children. The One true Living God sees the injustice and He will recompense the evil-doers one day. "Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent- the LORD detests them both." (Proverbs 17:15) Meanwhile the saints keep serving King Jesus - and through their theology turned biography in the streets - continue to save babies and win souls to Christ. Keep storming the gates saints! Great is your reward if you do not give up. Two Saints Assaulted in Granite City, IL Here's the latest assault on gentle Christians from the Granite City streets. This happened Saturday morning July 26, 2003. On Wednesday, 3 days prior to Saturday’s assault on Daniel, I was assaulted by a 500-pound passerby. She sacked me and tried to force feed me a Gideon Bible that was handed out to her son the day before. I never saw her coming. “How sweet are Thy words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalms 119:103 No weapon formed against us shall prosper…"by the blood of the Lamb".. As gentle Christians were living out their faith outside this high place of sacrifice, wicked men were devising and setting their traps. Hope(less) deathcamp guard Nathaniel Lang bolted from his cage as a hungry lion , pouncing on the righteous as to devour their flesh. Psalm 27:2-3. Nathaniel verbally threatened to physically attack proclaimer Don for allegedly placing a Christian tract on his car which was deliberately parked in front of the abortuary to block the Small Victories ultrasound van from being accessible to abortion-minded mothers entering this deathcamp. About thirty-seven proclaimers were witnessing this demon -possessed guard taking the law into his own hands. After -all he is only a "rent-a-cop", but we've experienced his displaced anger in the past. Under Mr. Lang's authority, he has managed to falsely arrest and falsely imprisoned two other proclaimers on two past occasions. Litigation has been filed in both of these past two instances against Hope abortion mill which employs Mr. Lang. Needless to say the Granite City police (as has become their practice) in true Gestapo fashion looked the other way. It looked inevitable that brother Don was going to be physically assaulted so Daniel snapped a picture of Nathaniel Lang and his threatening behavior.
At that point, Lang pushed Daniel and grabbed the camera out of his hands. He then threw the camera at Daniel's leg and it smashed into pieces on the ground. Onlookers were horrified. Little children on the sidewalk witnessed this assault by Nathaniel Lang, this "loose canon" packing heat! Granitonian “Gestapo” officers, R. Fisher, J. Mangiaracino, Sgt. M. Murgic, and D. Law, were called, for. Once they arrived, they were going to do nothing. It was only after the crowd of Christians threatened a citizens’ arrest that they did arrest Nathaniel Lang, but they did not retrieve his weapon, and they (wink-wink) let him drive himself to the police station to be booked. Angela rebuked the cowardly Nathaniel Lang for his aggressive actions and she challenged Sgt. Murgic after Nathaniel Lang flashed a g-man badge to her. "He has no authority," Angela said. Psalms 26:10-11 The local “Gestapo” however did manage to to issue a ticket to worship leader Pastor Steve, for playing a acoustic un-amplified guitar, and singing God's praises outside this altar of Baal. Angela stood by Pastor Steve and told him to proudly accept that ticket, "Rejoice in the Lord!" Saints on-site witnessing all this felt the injustice that was once again about to happen, so the leaders and pastors picked up the protest line and moved it in front of the Granite City police station and phoned the media. Meanwhile, two hospital guards outside Gateway Regional hospital came across the street to tell proclaimers they saw what happened and they had it on video. When the saints arrived at the police station, within minutes, the police had already released Nathaniel Lang and had only charged him with criminal damage to property - breaking the camera. NO assault and battery, as thirty-seven proclaimers had witnessed. As for the video, isn't iit funny that after the corrupt cops got wind of footage that showed the truth, the video came up as missing evidence? What a coincidence – or is it? Psalm 37:19-25 Church went on in the streets as proclaimers stood steadfast outside these gates - the Granite City police department - sang God's praises and read the Word of God. Psalms 26:6-7 Passersby honked in support of the truth bearers exposing the corruption and evildoers in Granite City beginning with the biased police force, where laws are made up and enforce as they go along, where they "protect and serve" a serial baby-killer, where "evil is called good, and good is called evil," where babies are killed for a price and a pagan hospital continues to sleep with this abortionist covering up for his botched abortions and the many women that have been maimed and bear the scars at the hands of Mr. Yogendra Shah.. Those women that have SURVIVED that is! Praise the Lord! With God interceding through the saints remaining outside the Hope(less) gates, two babies’ lives were saved! We are VICTORIOUS by the blood of the Lamb.. We shall OVERCOME by the blood of the Lamb! To God be the GLORY ~Angela Now read the report from the Michaels from Charlotte last week and some of their team's (Small Victories Weekly Reports) ministry on the streets of Granite City, with 10 babies saved just last week!