Truth 101 taught at Granite City High School
The Godly heritage that our once great country was founded on, and former generations raised upon, has now turned to a garden of weeds. Our youth are starving and dwindling among the barren land. Is it any wonder why we see so many young adults and teenagers, some look like they fell into a tackle box, going into this Mecca-of-the Midwest in abortion-on-demand in Granite City, IL to get rid of the “problem” in such numbers?! The chief abortionist Yogendra Shah runs a small OB/GYN business on the side of his grisly baby-butchering trade in a dark quiet corner of Granite City, Illinois. The office has high visibility and a prime location as it sits directly across from the High School so students and parents have to pass the truth-bearers who stand two – three days a week educating the public with signs and literature. Local law-enforcement is notified ahead of time of our informational picketing plans for our safety and protection as well. Usually an officer drives by or sits at a distance keeping an eye on things. At first, the school kids are pretty receptive and curious; they ask good questions and stare at the aborted babies and gestational stages. Even little Kristen age 5 and Maryann age 7 captivate an audience explaining the truth about abortion. It's usually the parents, mostly women, who scream and curse the pictures and the Christians handing out literature. 1 Peter 3:9 “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.” Monday: a woman on her way to Shah's office stopped and began inquiring about Mr. Shah. She couldn't believe he did abortions. Then Julie showed her a picture of an aborted baby, she stared at it for a long time…no words. She then handed the picture back and said, “I'm not going in there,” turned and walked away. Julie's family has taken on this cause even in the classrooms. Her nephews have now taken the debate inside and turned class time into heated discussions on abortion and the facts. On Tuesday, another Granitonian woman yelled, “Shah delivered my kids, I think he's wonderful!” Had she not been a drive-by, we would of asked her if she thought Adolph Hitler was wonderful? About that time, abortionist Shah pulled up and walked inside to his office. Julie's mom helps her and holds a sign stating ABORTIONIST and an arrow pointing to the building as she converses with two ladies. School kids come across the street and begin chatting about the sign “Tell your teens about abortion” and one student offers to hold the sign for awhile. The others take the lil plastic 12 week old baby models. There were only a few single finger gestures from passing cars. Luke 6:22 "Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil because of the Son of Man.” This past Friday, we noticed a woman coming out of a business close by. She was helping an elderly man to his car. On the way back, she waved and said that she agreed with our cause. When she got closer, I asked her if she knew about Shah. She went back into the building. Ten minutes passed. She comes out again. As she gets closer, we notice that she is crying. She tells us her story about her abortion many years ago and has never told anyone, not a single soul. She said that not a day goes by that she hasn't thought about that baby. You could tell that her heart was broken. Abortion not only leaves physical scars, but a lifetime of emotional scars. The three of us stood there and cried together. Jeremiah 31:15 “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because her children are no more.” What was even sadder was the story that she told next. Her friend had worked in the Hope(less) abortion clinic some 20 or so years ago and witnessed live babies in buckets, grasping for air and wiggling, only to be thrown to the side to die. Tears are welling up in my eyes as I tell you this testimony. God have mercy! God calls all of us to be a beacon of light in a dark world. You'll never know how He can use you, all we have to do is say, “Yes” and make ourselves available. For whatever work God has put in you, He will see it to completion.