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St Louis radio station draws attention to Hope Clinic

Here is a story that appeared on the front page of the Illinois Leader on Wednesday, May 7, 2003. God is exposing the abortion industry for the murderous liar it is on so many different venues that it is impossible to continue the cover-up. The violent, uncaring, lies of abortion mill employees are being exposed over the public airwaves by those who have actually been through the torturous procedure of killing their own child. Here is one case where a precious woman thought she had had an abortion for over three years, only to find out that the abortionist did not find a baby. She wasn't pregnant! He charged her for the abortion anyway. Read this story from a secular newspaper.

St Louis radio station draws attention to Hope Clinic

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

By The Leader -- Southern Illinois Bureau

Angela Michaels speaks with an expectant mother outside Hope Clinic in Granite City. This mom decided to keep her baby.
Michaels' provides access to a nearby ob/gyn office for consultation for women who are seeking more information before aborting their children.
A baby who was rescued from an abortion at Hope Clinic

ST LOUIS -- Sparks flew recently on popular St. Louis area's KXOK 97.1FM David Glover's radio program when a controversy concerning Granite City's Hope Clinic erupted on the air.

The controversy began when Highland IL's Angela Michaels, who has a regularly-scheduled radio program each Tuesday on Christian station KJSL 630AM, was a guest on Glover's program.

Glover, the show's host, said, "I expected a big response to the program as people always respond to second amendment and abortion because they are very impassioned about these issues."

But even he was surprised at the number of e-mails and call-ins in response to the program. Glover said he felt there was genuine concern about the topic.

Michaels' comments created controversy with the people at Hope Clinic when she told of what Michael's called "wrong doings." The clinic advertises its abortion services on the Metro bi-state area's radio broadcasts.

Angela Michaels and her husband Daniel stand outside of the Hope Clinic in Granite City every day of the week, urging women entering the clinic not to abort their babies.

Michaels' presence irritates the clinic operators. "She encamps herself around that clinic every day" one of the talk show phone callers said on the Glover show.

Angela Michaels appearance on Glover's program created a reaction from the show's audience, so Glover asked Michaels to return back for a two hour segment.

On the evening scheduled for the appearance, Angela had an emergency and she asked her husband Daniel to do the radio show for her.

"Everything happened Tues. night when I was to be there. . . I received word that one of our people from our ministry had been in an accident and I was needed immediately at the hospital, so my husband Daniel went to the radio studio in my place," Michaels said. "It must have been a great program according to the reports I heard about the number of women who called in anxious to tell their story about how they had been hurt so badly due to having an abortion."

Sally Burgess, director of the Hope Clinic, was also a guest on the program for the Tuesday night broadcast. When Burgess said that the cliic did not perform abortions past 24 weeks of pregnancy, the phone lit up. She also sparked a response when she said that Hope Clinic's personnel used "great compassion and care" with their clients.

One person responded by accusing Burgess of lying. The caller said that she was over 24 weeks pregnant when Hope Clinic performed her abortion and challenged her to point out the compassion the clinic workers used.

"Where was the compassion?" the female caller asked, "I felt everything. I bled all over the car all the way home and my parents rushed me to DePaul Hospital in St. Louis. I was 17 years old and had a punctured uterus. My parents were told I may never have children."

Melanie Mills, who is suing Dr. Yogendra Shah, the Hope Clinic abortionist, called into the program and told of the trauma she suffered thinking she had killed her unborn child. After three years of personal agony, Mills discovered

Dr. Shah had committed the abortion on her and she was not pregnant at the time.

The Hope Clinic staffer Burgess said that she is not new to the abortion business. She began her career in Salt Lake, Utah. From there she went to Kansas City and has been in Illinois at the $2 million dollar abortion facility in Granite City for several years.

"There are so many improprieties that could be said about the Granite City abortion mill that the public show know," Angela Michaels told the Illinois Leader.

"For example, Miles Jones is the founder of the baby parts factory in West Frankfort that was featured on the 20/20 television program. The factory was shut down due to the efforts and revelations of Mark Crutcher and Life Dynamics. The Miles Jones who owns the body parts distribution center is the same Miles Jones that is works as Hope Clinic's pathologist."

Michaels reports 157 babies were aborted last week alone at Hope Clinic in Granite City. Five women decided not to abort their babies when Michaels' and her "Small Victories" prayer warriors outside the clinic influenced the expectant mothers not to abort their babies. Michaels claims that 640 babies have been saved since January, 2000.


What are your thoughts about this topic or story? Write us today at letters@illinoisleader.com.

* Small Victories

To support and encourage Daniel and Angela Michaels, who direct Small Victories, contact them at smallvictories@juno.com (email), 618-654-5800 (phone), or write them at Small Victories P.O. Box 143 Highland, IL 62249.

                    Address: PO Box 142
                                Highland, IL 62249
                       Phone: 618.654.5800
                        Email: smallvictories@juno.com

Abortion Counseling
Small Victories stands outside of Hope Clinic in Granite City, Illinois

To support and encourage Daniel and Angela Michaels, who direct Small Victories, contact them at smallvictories@juno.com (email), 618-654-5800 (phone), or write them at Small Victories P.O. Box 143 Highland, IL 62249. 

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