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“Promise Keepers in St. Louis Confronted with Truth!”

A small contingent of gentle Christian warriors brought the graphic truth about abortion to the very gates of the “Promise Keepers Awakening” in St Louis this past Saturday, July 30, 2005. Please look at the brochure they handed out and see if God would have you do something very similar when Promise Keepers comes to your city. This is a powerful way to stir men's hearts unto righteousness. Sure, the Promise Keepers Staff may give you a hard time, but the men who attend will be very receptive to a message from our Lord Jesus! -Flip

Promise Keepers 2005- The Awakening July 29-30th

An Unpredictable Adventure as God's mail is delivered to St. Louis, Missouri

Written by Angela Michael

Abortion is a man's issue

MEN need to stand in the prophetic role to send a message to the community against evil. Men need to tell other men it is wrong to impregnate these women out of wedlock and it is wrong to bring women to the killing center to terminate the lives of their children. Men must stand for righteousness in their families, in their communities, and in their nation. If they don't our children will pay the price. If the shepherds will just call the men to the battle front and give them that vision, men will do valiantly when they are engaged in war and lay their lives down for others.

1 John 3:16 “…we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.”

The Lord's messengers came out on the streets with us not only at the abortion mill in the morning, where two babies' lives were saved, but also delivered God's mail to the Promise Keepers today, "The Unpredictable Adventure," and it was, when God's mail was delivered to the approximately 11,000-15,000 in attendance. It was awesome!

We ran out of literature, people were coming back asking for more. This year at the "Promise Keepers' Awakening" PKs were more supportive of the signs. They told us we needed more, and it's good, and that people need to see the truth. A man from Chicago said, "Only after I saw those signs did it change my view on abortion. It's wrong!" We conducted ourselves as a loving, informational, and encouraging presence. Only the PK management and volunteers hated the truth. They wanted to put on a nice event.

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Abortion is a man's issue  Angela explains to Promise Keeper from Texas

We came to the Promise Keepers and delivered the message from a woman's view, looking up to these Godly men as leaders, encouraging them to bring their mountain top experiences at this event out on these streets to help fight the battle of abortion with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as the Lord has equipped them to do. After all, it is a man's issue. Women were encouraging men to be men and to address the fatherless in our nation. We thanked and encouraged them for taking this step today.

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Baby Malachi / Body Parts Price List at Promise Keepers Awakening 2005

It was well received by many. We only carried three signs, two graphic and the babies' body parts price list. A few of our men insisted on the signs being there. We delegated them to boldly hold them and the women to hand out literature.

We cried out as mere women fighting this battle, needing help and Godly men to lead us in fighting this battle, and we thanked them for being at this event.

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Have nothing to do with evil, rather expose it 
Eph 5:11

A PK pastor coordinating the event came over to Angela and made her an example by shouting to everyone, “This is how you do it, this woman is here in love giving this message,” and shook her hand PTL! One police sergeant wasn't as loving. He began harassing us and even the four NOW gals. I went over to the gals. They were afraid of the police officers so I told them to hold their ground, that they had first amendment rights to be on that sidewalk too! They thanked me and hugged me. It was wild! I asked them to join us in prayer. They declined.

It's always an "Unpredictable Adventure" when God's people show up for the battle and deliver His mail.

The PK volunteers didn't like the graphic truth of abortion so they tried, in vain, to block one of our signs with their portly bodies, but we then lifted the truth and raised the standard even higher. Clearly, the volunteers with their vulgarities didn't want the PK men to see the truth. A PK volunteer (with a bullhorn) walked up to the police and talked with them. Mia overheard the volunteer say, “You know you have a gun with you right? Is it loaded? You might have to shoot it.” The volunteer then laughed.

One man was far more concerned about his stomach than about the 25 little boys and girls that were just slaughtered in Granite City. He complained he just ate lunch.

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Angela handing out flyers "Can you see Jesus cry?"

We passed out flyers to the PKs Can You See Jesus Cry” explaining the abortion holocaust that is happening everyday across the river in Granite City, Illinois, and the body parts price list describing the trafficking market of aborted fetal body parts. A lot of the PKs read the information and some asked how they could help us. Some men broke down and wept as they personally told their stories of being involved in an abortion and how it haunted them. We listened and tried to comfort them.

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Angie R explaining abortion holocaust in black community

A man stood in front of Angie R. with overwhelming tears in his eyes. She knew abortion was part of his past. The pain always looks the same--just different faces. He said "Thank you for being here." We went straight into a discussion of how his wife had three abortions and that he had a lot of baggage from that but God shed His mercy on them and allowed them to have another child. He knew God had blessed them, that was why he was crying. We then talked about how 43% of church goers sit in those pews with the guilty silence of abortion on their hearts. The church needs to stand up to this silent killer.

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Shelley comforting post abortive P.K.

One man yelled, “I vote pro-life.” That's good, but “You've been voting for 30 years and nothing has changed.” Babies are still being murdered by abortion. Another man said, “ Didn't they ban partial-birth abortions?” “No!” we replied. He came over and spoke to us and was shocked to hear this truth.

A lot of the PKs talked with us. “We didn't know” was the most repeated phrase from them and we also told them to visit our website. One man from Wichita Falls, Texas, a captain with an airlines, talked with Angela. They spoke with one another for awhile and afterward this man prayed with Angela.

Overall, we sowed many seeds among the Promise Keepers and spoke the truth to them in love.

Philippians 1:27 "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel." Stand firm! and be encouraged~ Angela