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Miracle on 21st Street
Midnight abortions (Hope mill opens 1 PM to Midnight 1 day per week) were underway, where 2nd and 3rd trimester babies will be torn limb from limb in their mother’s wombs by the death-merchants at the Hope (less) Clinic for misguided women. As we parked the Small Victories pregnancy van in front of these gates at 1620 21st street in Granite City, IL, Brother John rushed over to us and began unraveling this story of a miracle involving a baloney sandwich. I questioned, "What are you talking about?" He explained that he and another man had just walked an abortion-minded mother with her male friend over to Dr. Mark’s obstetrical practice office, just down from this mill, and that a craving for a baloney sandwich, saved this baby’s life, at least for the moment. Was it a craving? Could it have been the voice of God? Li "Sindy" came all the way from Chinatown, NY to "get rid of her baby". She and her male friend stopped for directions off Route 3 and a man on his lunch break also stopped for a baloney sandwich. Normally this man would have nothing to do with baloney but for some reason he began craving it as he drove along the highway. He pulled into this convenience store and this saint overheard the couple asking directions to Hope clinic and being a Christian and pro-life he immediately thought of Angela and the Small Victories van, since he listens to the radio program. The Holy Spirit filled him with boldness. "I’ve never done anything like this before in my life,” he thought, "but it just might work". So he offered to guide them to the Hope clinic and he prayed the whole way that saints would be there to intercede and that Angela would be standing outside with the ultrasound machine. He stopped a block short of the abortion mill and explained the situation to Brother John. This is truly a spiritual battle. The devil never sleeps; he’s up 24x7. The battle was raging over the life of this little baby. I asked Brother John to set up the ultrasound machine with Savanah and I would be right back with this girl. I walked into Dr. Mark’s office only to hear a woman telling this girl to go into the Hope abortion Clinic and that they would counsel her there.
I prayed for God’s wisdom and guidance. As this couple was leaving the office I met them at the door and introduced myself and said I would help them. They accompanied me to the ultrasound van and I asked them inside and once inside began counseling them. I offered to let this mother hear her baby’s heartbeat. I asked her why she felt she needed to get rid of the baby. She felt as though her mother would be disappointed in her. That was one of the reasons she came all the way from New York and she didn’t want her mother to know She also said, "In New York they wouldn’t kill my baby over 4 months." We picked up the baby’s heartbeats immediately; they were good and strong, 130 beats per minute. She began crying "Oh no." I said, "Yes, this is good that’s your baby." Then I placed the ultrasound probe on her swollen tummy and pointed to the ultrasound screen, "Look there’s your baby. Very big baby" . I said, "Sindy, how far along are you." She wasn’t sure. I began measuring and said, "Sindy, it’s very dangerous at this stage to kill your baby. Your baby is big. Many women have suffered complications with babies this big. You see, the abortionist will rip the arms and legs off of this baby. Their little bones splinter and they become very sharp and dangerous and can cut and tear your uterus as the abortionist pulls parts of this baby out of your womb and you can bleed to death. There are many lawsuits of negligence and malpractice against this abortion clinic." She asked me if women have died and I replied," Yes, some women have died at this abortion mill and many have suffered gross negligence and complications." She confessed she had taken drugs one time during the pregnancy, I reassured her that the placenta has a marvelous purpose in protecting the baby, and that I wasn’t advocating drug usage during pregnancy. I said, "Sindy", would you feel better if we got all this checked out?’ She shook her head yes. "Then let’s go see Dr. Mark and he can further evaluate you and the baby." Just then the cell phone of her male friend rang, It was the father of the baby and he was asking questions. We continued to look at the ultrasound screen and then I asked Sindy, "Would you like to know what sex the baby is?" "You can tell, she asked. Yes, "it’s a boy!" The male friend told the caller and you could hear him shouting "Don’t kill it!" I asked Sindy, "How does the father of the baby feel?" She replied, "He wants me to keep the baby, not kill."
Then we visualized the baby sucking his thumb. "Oh…" I cleaned the ultrasound jelly off her belly and we walked back over to Dr. Mark’s office where he and his staff were waiting to help this mother, and Dr. Mark reassured her that she made the right choice and prayed with us. After sometime at the office, Dr. Mark confirmed a healthy, 21 week presumably a baby boy. "Sindy" was elated. We returned to the gates of Hope (less) abortuary and snapped a picture and hugged with the promise to follow -up with transportation for "Sindy" to get to her Doctor’s appointments. She and her friend thanked us for being there.
Later that night, Bro. John phoned the man whose heart listened to the Lord’s calling, and gave him the update on this baby that was scheduled to die. He and his wife were sitting by the phone, waiting, hopefully, to hear some good news. Can you imagine how many more babies just like this one, could be saved if the Church of Jesus Christ would be quiet and just listen to God’s voice, and obey Him? By the way, this man never did get his baloney sandwich. They were out of baloney! He had to settle for a ham and cheese sandwich. The moral: We need to listen to God and be obedient, not successful. God wants our obedience, not sacrifices. Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God." Acts 5:29 ‘We must obey God rather than men!" Be encouraged, ~ Angela
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