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Sunday, November 24, 2002


Judge rules that proclaimers may demonstrate outside of abortionist’s ob/gyn office in Granite City, IL.

In a packed courtroom – Jesus’ name was lifted up and the saints were given the opportunity of a lifetime in this day and age to lift the gospel of Jesus Christ up to the world. By weeks end, a judgement was given by the courts – King Jesus prevails and His laws still reign! Luke 21-12

Flip & saints in front of abortionist Yogendra Shah's ob-gyn office
Flip & saints in front of abortionist Yogendra Shah's ob-gyn office

We know that Christ spoiled the powers and principalities of darkness 2000 years ago on a hill at Calvary, on an old rugged cross. But that Victory is fleshed out in various sundry, and diverse ways throughout history, from the fall of Goliath to the fall of the Berlin Wall, from the collapse of Babylon to the collapse of chattel slavery in America.

Such a victory has happened, with respect to the John the Baptist operation waged by Daniel and Angela Michael and their family, Verna Cepicky, and other saints, against Yogendra Shah, who murders preborn children daily without batting an eye, and then maintains a practice wherein he delivers babies as well. These saints went to the sidewalks in front of his OB/GYN practice to expose him, and the fact of his Janus-faced medical practice with respect to babies, with the hope that by such rebuke, Shah would "stop killing babies and turn to Jesus," as Daniel Michael so succinctly put it.

These saints never harassed patients or staff, or confronted anyone seeking ingress or egress into the medical building (which also houses a pediatrician’s office. "They were on a public sidewalk, and they were taking pains not to stop people going in. They simply wanted to show the community at large that this doctor is an abortionist." -Jason Craddock, Atty. for Small Victories.

Under cross-examination, Jesus Christ proclaimer and ring-leadern(their words) Angela Michael was asked by Hope abortion clinic lawyer Mark Levy, would she continue to protest (proclaim) outside Mr. Shah’s OB/GYN office if the judge does not stop her. "She was honest enough to say ‘yes’, said Mark Levy. 2 Timothy 4: 2-7. After receiving word of the ruling, Daniel Michael said, " I think it’s a great day for the Lord." – St. Louis Post-Dispatch 11-23-02

Angela in Action
Angela in Action

Be encouraged,