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Jennifer O'Neill (Summer of '42) Speaks with our Own Angela Michael Radio Ministry St. Louis, MO Today's guest on Small Victories, KJSL 630 AM radio program is actress/writer, former Cover Girl model and abortion survivor, Jennifer O'Neill. She is the author of "From Fallen to Forgiven" "Surviving Myself" and founder of Women Deserve Better ministry. She is also a sponsor of "Silent No More" - a post-abortive survivors group. (Refer to www.jenniferoneill.com) Who would've guessed that behind the Hollywood stardom, an international modeling career, fame and fortune, Jennifer O'Neill lived on an emotional roller coaster of inner turmoil. A teen suicide attempt, several near-fatal accidents, multiple failed marriages, an abortion, and nine miscarriages colored her life with pain and sadness. "From Fallen to Forgiven" is the story of Jennifer's journey into wholeness and healing. Jesus became Lord of her life, showed her unconditional love and brought her to a place of forgiveness and emotional well-being. Jennifer shares openly and honestly about her life and invites you to join her in your own spiritual journey toward wholeness in Christ. Through her personal stories, life-tested advice, and generous sense of humor, you too will discover that God's love and biblical process for forgiveness and healing is waiting for you. In the beginning of the interview Ms. O'Neill was very gracious and showed her compassion by pointing out the fact that Angela had suffered 10 miscarriages which included a set of twins and a still born. Jennifer added, "And Angela you also have 11 children!" Angela commented on her awesome website. Jennifer said her reasons for writing the book are that she "lived the beautiful life on the outside and a tortuous life on the inside. But the truth will set you free," Jennifer commented. Failed marriages, almost died 3 times, an abortion, and several miscarriages almost destroyed her life, until at the age of 38 by the saving grace of Jesus Christ has absolutely transformed her life. She made Jesus Christ the Lord of her life and wanted to proclaim it from the rooftops. God does not want us to hold to the shame in our lives but he wants us to be a billboard for the truth. Testifying to the U.S. Senate, Jennifer spoke on the abortion that she suffered years ago saying, "I paid for my abortion my whole life." She was speaking on behalf of a ministry she started called Women Deserve better. She bought into the lies of the abortion industry. The lie that came straight from the pit of hell, "It's just a blob of tissue." The Senate may take a closer look if we approached the subject from a post-abortive view; those who have suffered mental, emotional, and spiritual pain. There is so much damage and on-going pain left on those after abortion. She commented on the statistics, on what happens to a woman physically after an abortion, about how her risk of breast cancer goes up 32%. About the risk of having repeat miscarriages and that killing your baby never goes away. Most women don't want to have an abortion, but because of the pressure from family members, financially, social pressure, the father not wanting it, they fold. Jennifer said, "I folded because the father didn't want it. I was told by my parents and by my doctor that it was just a blob of tissue." Then Jennifer stopped the interview and announced," Angela, I have some grand news. My parents live with me and I was just going off to speak at a church for the weekend. Having just finished my editing for my healing from abortion tape and video, I was gathering information and I was talking to my parents about Christ and on the abortion issue. I was able to give them some information and some pictures of a developing baby. When I came home they came up to me and they had tears in their eyes and said 'We never realized.' That's the point, Angela; we have to get the truth out. If resources and options are given to those who find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy, emotional support, financial support, adoption, grants to get through school, nursery care. If you give them their options, really and truly, their choice will be life." Angela said," Once we talk them out of going inside the abortion clinic how are we helping these women?" Jennifer said, "I struggle with the churches and trying to get them on the streets and in front of these abortion mills. Churches are full of a lot of resources - a lot of ministries. You know what's happening? The Church is supposed to be fellowship and healing. We have to confess our Christ out loud. I can go into church after church and many of the people don't have a personal relationship with Christ. They will come up to me in a church of 15,000 with tears and say they have no one to talk to. Most of these churches are full of the walking wounded. Victims who don't know why they're sad or mad, and who are bitter in their anger. The problem we have is trying to engage the church into being proactive. The churches are full of the crippled." Jennifer spoke on forgiveness and how to receive it. She quoted Ephesians 6:4. She lifted the Michael family and the ministry up in prayer. She said, "There is light at the end of the tunnel. It's not a train, it's God!" 2 Corinthians 4:1 Be
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