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Victory and Justice for all in Jesus!

Who is it that is perpetraring violence again? It is not the gentle Christians holding forth the Word of Life that committing acts of violence. It is those with innocent blood on their hands from dismembering the innocent baby boys and girls who bear the image of God that repeatedly act out that violence outside the abortion mills. The Lord Jesus sits on His throne waiting to pour mercy out upon the repentent and lowly and execute vengeance on the arrogant that devour His brethren like bread.

 Victory and Justice for all in Jesus!
Abortion Doctor, Matthew Kachinas, Guilty of Battery

June 26th, Sarasota, Florida: Words cannot describe what the Lord did in the courtroom today in Sarasota, Fl. Although God's judgements continue to come forth on this wayward nation and irrelevant Church, a small band of His lowly servants experienced the mighty hand of our Lord as evil was exposed, justice actually prevailed and victory was won. This was your victory - all of you who have persevered in the battle for Truth and righteousness - all of you who continue to fearlessly lift up the standard of our magnificent Lord and King, Jesus!

Moments after Sarasota's Chief County Judge Logalbo pronounced the sentence upon abortionist Matthew J. Kachinas, which included extensive psychiatric evaluation "due to the violence and the fact that he has people's lives in his hands daily," he was finger printed and booked in front of a packed gallery of spectators. The interested observers, besides God's people who were there to intercede in prayer, included a half dozen prosecuting attorneys, a more than usual group of bailiffs and even a judge (other than the one who was presiding).

Kachinas was proven guilty for violently headbutting Linda McGlade after threatening her life outside of the Sarasota Women's Health Center, an abortion facility which Kachinas lists as his office. Linda, a mother of seven and grandmother of 6 (3 have not yet arrived, but are due soon!) has been counseling at this mill for the past fourteen years. Kachinas has been killing children twice a week for the past five years at this location.

Kachinas' only defense was to lie fluently in the court room, exhibiting delusion rather than remorse. Noting Kachinas' professional position and his "less than forthright" statements, Judge Logalbo issued a sentence which far exceeded the sentence asked for by the prosecution! Along with the psychiatric evaluations and completion of all recommended treatments, including an anger management program, Kachinas was placed on one year probation in addition to the $1000.00 fine and court costs.

As God's people prayed and others stood obediently surrendered to His will, the veil of darkness was lifted (if only for a moment), but long enough for the gospel of Truth to freely go forth. As living epistles, God's people had the opportunity to testify through word and deed. By the power that can only come through the Holy Spirit, the Lord revealed the difference between Light and darkness - Truth and lies. Almighty God exposed to all who were present the depravity and degeneracy that is manifested from the life of one who kills children for a living - one who had the audacity to try to deceive a whole courtroom of people.

Praise be to our God! Everyone saw the truth, including the abortionist's lawyer who afterwards admitted that he believed our witnesses over the testimony of his own client! There was not one person in the courtroom who was not in some way affected by the revealing power of the Holy Spirit. The two young women prosecutors who handled the case were elated and with tears in their eyes asked God's people to continue to pray for them. Others shook hands and even hugged the Christians who stood in amazement at what their Lord had done. Everyone tasted of the glory of the Lord and everyone loved it!!! Only the Lord knows what will take root and grow as a result!

This trial was the result of charges detailed in a December 30, 2002 article "VIOLENCE ERUPTS AT ABBORTION MILL". December 27, 2002 - Kachinas exited his vehicle in a fervor. Obviously enraged, Kachinas, cursing, walked directly toward Linda McGlade who had delivered the Gospel message of hope and love to the abortionist. Stopping within centimeters of her face, he clearly and pointedly whispered several times the words, "I'm going to kill you!" Then....  

Other acts of violence at Sarasota's abortion mills

On May 30th, Recently, Rimae Blair was sentenced to three months probation, anger management class, 15 hours of community service and court costs for attacking sidewalk counselor Jessica Case (wife of Chris and mother of 3 year old son, Mica) outside of Sarasota's Planned Parenthood abortion facility. Jessie suffered a bloody and swollen mouth after being punched by Blair while she was trying to take a picture of the girl after she tore John Zayet's glasses from his face and threw them across the street. Blair was a client of Planned Parenthood and was angered by those who confronted her with the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

On June 17th, Scott Heldreth was violently attacked (see article "Another Attack ...") receiving several blows to the chest as well as his face at the Sarasota Women's Health Center, by an unnamed male client of the facility. The attack was witnessed by Rachel McGlade as well as Scott's three year old daughter Esther.