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Another attack at the Sarasota (Florida) Women's Death Center On the afternoon of June 17th, Rachel McGlade, Scott Heldreth, along with his three year old daughter, Esther, decided to make a surprise trip to the abortion mill believing that the mill had changed the hours of when they were killing children. Scott had anticipation in his soul that the Lord was going to stir up somebody's heart that day, but never did he imagine the violence ahead. After being there a short time, a young man and woman who obviously had just aborted their child, walked slowly to their car. Scott called out to them to say that they needed to be honest and repentant before a Holy God who absolutely hates the shedding of innocent blood, before they could ever be free and forgiven from their sin. He wanted them to know that the blood was on their hands and the only way to come clean was to be washed in the blood of the Lamb! Upon hearing these words, the young man ran angrily over to Scott and did not stop with just verbal threats and cussing, but took his fist and plunged it into Scott's chest. If that was not enough, he spit into Scott's face, including his mouth. By the grace of God Scott stayed in the spiritual rest of the Lord. He only continued to repeat to this young man that the only way to be free of this anger and hurt was through Jesus Christ. The attack did not stop there. The young woman who was struggling to keep her wits after just going through the trauma of killing her child, tried to persuade her boyfriend or husband to leave. However, when they finally returned to their car, she got in, but he went to the trunk only to get a sledgehammer apparently to use to silence Scott. Rachel was horrified and could only stand by and pray as she held little Esther, who at such an early age began the lessons in obedience to Christ as she watched her daddy get persecuted for the sake of righteousness. The man stood poised with the sledgehammer high above his shoulders threatening to bring it down and silence the messenger if Scott didn't "shut up", however, through the power that we know could only be the Holy Spirit, Scott continued to stand immovable in the face of adversity. (Note: Scott was the guy who while playing roller hockey last season got the reward for the most penalty minutes.) Seeing the pending violence, the young woman again came onto the scene, finally convincing the young man to drop the sledgehammer. He threw the sledgehammer to the ground, then proceeded to punch Scott between four to five times in the face. Scott did not resist or deflect his punches.
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