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Three babies spared from death in Bridgeport, CT

Three babies spared from death in Bridgeport, CT

"...but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more." Romans 5:21

Those who hate life were out again but, in spite of their feeble efforts to block the voices of God's people, three precious babies were saved at 3787 Main Street . All the praise goes to our God and King, Jesus Christ. In spite of what the enemy tries to do, the Lord prevails. He moves by His spirit in the hearts of people. Fifteen prolifers came out to pray, the police and the "deathscorts" were there. Every time Carmen would try to talk to a mom, the proaborts would shove their sign in front of Carmen's face and start screaming "pro-choice" or "it's your right, your body," etc. Nothing new under the sun. If they were really "pro-choice" they would not mind them hearing other alternatives besides the one to kill their child. But we all know that phrase is a lie, they are really pro-death. They hate little innocent boys and girls in their mother's wombs. They want them killed. They hate it when we persuade someone to choose not to kill and give their baby life. How sad, please pray for these lost souls. From what we saw:




Christening of saved baby. Carmen's sister Eva is the baby's Godmother and her husband is the Godfather. PTL!

As the season of Thanksgiving is here, we are so grateful to God for 1578 babies saved since 1990 and 358 salvations. God has been so good to us to allow us to be His body and do His work. We are also grateful for all of you who play different parts in this ministry. From coming out to the streets, to helping with follow-up, to donating food cards. We thank you all, God knows. In Psalm 103 (our reading today) we praise the Lord and tell Him we will never forget all the good things he does for us. He forgives all our sins, and heals all our diseases. He spares us from death so many times, and surrounds us with His love and tender mercy. He fills our lives with good things, and gives justice to all who are treated unfairly. His unfailing love is as high as the heavens to those who fear Him. He understands our weaknesses as we live our numbered days on the earth. He extends His salvation to our children and our grandchildren, to those who are faithful and obey His commands. We praise our Lord with hearts of Thanksgiving!