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by David Lackey, Director, Operation Rescue Alabama

Sunday, January 19, 2003, we brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the horror of child-killing to the very gates of the Church of Jesus Christ. Like Jeremiah in the Old Testament we were called by God to deliver this message and "Stand at the gate of the Lord's house and there proclaim this message: … 'Reform your ways and your actions, and I will let you live in this place." Jeremiah 7: 2-3.

With our faces low to the ground, knowing the great difficulty of bringing a message like this to our Lord's Church, we carried a banner that read "HOW CAN THE CHURCH CONTINUE TO REMAIN SILENT AND DO NOTHING!" We also brought the graphic pictures of children slaughtered by abortion to all three services of "Guiding Light Church."

At first we were met with a lot of opposition from the elders and ushers. They were determined to remove us from the public sidewalks in front of the church. We can attest that when we arrive at the gates of our Lord's church with these signs and brochures that implicate "her" in the sin of abortion, all hell generally breaks loose. No one wants to be implicated in this crime, especially those who feel that they are already pro-life and vote that way!

But God has given the primary responsibility for loving and caring for the "least of these" to us, His Church. We have got to stop pointing our finger at the big bad abortion industry, NOW, Planned Parenthood, ad nauseam, and get it pointed in the right direction. It is us! Yes, it is those of us who comprise the Church of Jesus Christ that are most responsible for the abortion holocaust savaging America.

We should have, with one mind and one heart, fought and won this battle long before January 22, 1973. We didn't even show up for the battle. Today, there are over 45 million children dead because of our apathy at best, and our cowardice at worst. To admit and confess this horrible truth is the first step toward true repentance. We know that repentance is a gift that comes from God Himself and therefore, when we are confronted with the awful truth of what we have done and what we have become (being hammered by the law of God), we can lift our brokenness and hopelessness up to Him and cry out for mercy.

Just a cursory reading of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and 2 Corinthians 7: 7-11 gives great hope concerning the power of repentance and a repentant heart. God's hand is then released to forgive our sin and heal our land. The Church of Jesus Christ is the only institution ordained by God to storm the gates of hell. We must turn from our apathy and cowardice toward children in the womb and admit that we have failed to take care of the "least of these." Then God will have an instrument He can use (His Church) to storm the gates of hell and demolish the sin of abortion.

I had sent a letter to the Pastor two weeks before our coming to the gates of the church, detailing the reason for our coming. The senior elder went back to the Pastor to see if he had received the letter. He did! Then a most fascinating miracle happened!

The Pastor told his leadership that we were doing the job he should have been doing all along. He gave them instructions to help us in any way we needed. They parked my truck with the large sign right on the church property. They parked it right where I requested it to be parked. The Pastor then asked for our literature to be brought inside the church. We had already given out over 2,000 pieces of literature.

At the beginning of the 3rd service, Pastor sent his brother out to ask me to give him 15 minutes of my time after the service. He apologized for any inconveniences we experienced and confessed that he needed to be doing more. He said that our coming was the catalyst to accomplish that.

I found out the next day that the woman who goes into the public schools with Planned Parenthood materials also goes to this church and was there while we were outside. I am meeting with Pastor Lowe this week regarding this employee.

Praise the Lord! When God's Church meets His gentle rebuke with repentance, His hand is loosed to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or imagine.