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Testimony of Martin Wishnatsky on HB 1242 before the North Dakota House Judiciary Committee


 Testimony of Martin Wishnatsky on HB 1242 before the North Dakota House Judiciary Committee

This is a piece of legislation with the courage and the grit to upend the entire abortion industry. Martin brought this up before the Legislature in North Dakota and I am in absolute agreement with him. This is the kind of legislation that draws the line, just like Elijah of old: "...How long will you waiver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal is God, follow him."

This is how Elijah rebuilt the altar of God that had been lying in ruins since Jereboam had become king. People, you can't waiver between two opinions. It is God's way or the devils. It is life or death. God give us more Elijah's like our good friend Martin Wishnatsky! - Flip

Chairman DeKrey and Members of the Committee, my name is Martin Wishnatsky. I am a resident of Fargo and hold a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University. I would like you to look at before and after photos of abortion. [circulates photos to Committee].

Is the unborn child a human being? Science and our own common sense say yes. God surrounds the human person - formed in His own image - with the fiery injunction: "Thou shalt not kill." What God has joined together - the baby in the womb - let not man put asunder.

How much time do we have left before the judgment of God shall do to this nation what we have done to his children in the womb? One year? Five years? One week? One day?

Who knows what is about to be unleashed in the Persian Gulf, and for what purpose? Is terror in the womb coming out of the womb? Are we reaping what we have sown?

A man walking on the ice in 50-degree weather hazards his life at every step. A nation, a state that defies God's command not to shed innocent blood inexorably steps closer and closer to judgment with each innocent life it takes.

Are we willing to take that risk? Do we have another 30 years to tempt God to destroy us for our iniquity as he did the world before the Flood?

Is this not an age in which a nuclear holocaust can destroy a nation in an hour - paying for millions of lives with millions of lives? If God exacts for 40 million lives, the living will envy the dead.

There are two solutions for abortion: we outlaw it, or God deals with us over it. There is no third alternative of continuing to sin and avoiding the penalty.

What is your responsibility as a legislator? Representative Sandvig at Peter Crary's request has forced the issue: Shall we have abortion in North Dakota, or shall we not? They are responding to the urgency of God on this matter. They are a prophetic voice: repent or perish.

It is not the abortionist, nor indeed even the Supreme Court, which shall bring the wrath of God on America. It is the consent that we as citizens of this state give to their acts and decrees by allowing these practices to continue that will seal our judgment.

This is very exactly-drawn legislation. It creates legal equivalency between the born and the unborn. It treats the unborn exactly as the born. It erases the line of demarcation between person and non-person. It ends the lethal discrimination against our own brothers and sisters in the womb, and applies to them the full protection of the law.

Under HB 1242, deliberate killing of an unborn child is the same grade of crime as intentional killing of a born person: first-degree murder, a Class AA felony.

I can assure you that this legislation satisfies God's requirement for exempting North Dakota from his judgment for the abortion holocaust - because it ends the abortion holocaust in North Dakota, decisively and unequivocally.

This legislation does not wait for the Supreme Court to end the holocaust. It ends it now - from the Red River to the Montana border, from Canada to South Dakota.

This legislation calls for courage on your part - for a depth of soul rarely required in the legislative arena.

If for little North Dakota to set the standard, to plant the banner, to take the territory back, and to redeem our souls from sure destruction. God is not mocked. Abraham Lincoln said of the Civil War: "If it is God's purpose to exact on the battlefield every drop of blood shed by the slave master's lash, then we can only say: 'True and righteous are Thy judgments, O God.'"

And if the God who changes not shall in this hour exact from America the price of 40 million dead, shall we not also say: "True and righteous are Thy judgments, O God"?

We can bury Roe v. Wade today, or we can endorse it. We cannot do both. This is an up-and-down vote on whether the crimes against humanity decreed by Roe v. Wade shall continue in North Dakota. Do we want the abortion holocaust or do we not? That is what you are voting on today.

HB 1242 will end the abortion holocaust in North Dakota. We do not need the agreement of the federal courts to do it. We can enforce it ourselves.

- February 12, 2003