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What NOW Really Thinks About Laci Peterson

April 22, 2003

What NOW Really Thinks About Laci & Connor Peterson

"Then He [Jesus] said, 'What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and put in his garden; and it grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches.'" (Luke 13:18-19)

As gentle Christians advance the kingdom of God through living out the gospel of Jesus Christ in the streets, hell is hemorrhaging. Scripture teaches us not to despise small beginnings for "the path of the just is like shining light, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day." Proverbs 4:18

The enemies of God that conspire to keep the American Holocaust churning out blood money for the abortion industry are cowering in fear. To put it poetically, the demise of NOW and its cohort terrorist groups has been greatly under-reported. We are winning the hearts and minds of this nation.

Witness the latest posturing by the National Organization for fewer and fewer Women over the media coverage of the murder of Laci Peterson and her 8-month old unborn son Connor. NOW is alarmed that Scott Peterson have been charged with double homicide under California's hypocritical penal law. Like over 2 dozen other states, the law classifies the killing of an unborn child in the act of a crime to be murder - except in the case of abortion.

Morris County NOW President Mavra Stark told the Daily Record of Parsippany, N.J. that this law alarms her because it may provide ammunition for the pro-life lobby. "If this is murder, well, then any time a late-term fetus is aborted, they could call it murder. There's something about this that bothers me a little bit. Was it born, or was it unborn? If it was unborn, then I can't see charging [Peterson] with a double-murder. [The boy] was wanted and expected. [Laci] had a name for him, but if he wasn't born, he wasn't born. It sets a kind of precedent."

First off NOW refers to the prosecution of a killer of an unborn baby as giving ammunition to the pro-life lobby, not the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Interesting choice of words NOW and its spin machine, the major media are using here. They try to keep their opposition in an ambiguous "fringe" named box.

Second, abortion has been called murder since the 5th century BC. The Hippocratic Oath condemned abortion as murder as did the early Church starting in the 1st century and ever since. Only 30 years ago did the medical societies vote to abandon requiring the Hippocratic Oath to allow murder by abortion by those doctors that forsake the healing profession. I don't know of a pro-lifer worth their salt that does not consider abortion to be murder although a few groups and too many Christians fail to act like it.

Mavra Stark and her cronies are not just wringing their hands here. They are choosing their words carefully. They know that they are losing the battle big time in their campaign of lies to deny that the unborn are children that alive. Just a quick glance at one of the graphic photos of aborted babies dispels any notion that it is not a child that is violently killed in every abortion committed. Even 2-year old toddlers recognize that it's a baby.

No the terrorists in the abortion industry are up to something much more sinister. Stark and others are attempting to distinguish a new classification for human life. They used to say recently that it's a child if the mother wants it and something else if the mother does not want the baby.( Orwell called this "newspeak" in his novel, "1984" warning us.) Now that the bloodshed sown in the womb is being reaped in the streets (Hosea 4:2), the public has demanded new laws protecting unborn victims of crime.

Thus NOW began this war of words in their unsuccessful battle to stop state legislatures from passing so-called fetal protection laws. These laws usually make sense except for 2 glaring contradictions in logic. They all exempt abortion under the false presupposition that the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade and companion Doe v. Bolton opinion is the "law of the land." It is not the law of the land. Anybody who can read can easily see this in Article III Section 2 of the US Constitution in under a minute.

The other contradiction is that instead of scientific and medical proof that life begins at conception, some state laws say "quickening" or the bogus "viability outside the womb" argument. An infant 6 months after birth cannot pass the viability test as it depends on others for nourishment and care to sustain his life.

Murder of an unborn child is murder and the mother's state of mind about the child can never change this fact. NOW and the abortion industry know this full well. If the public begins to cry out against the murder of unborn children such as Connor Laci and demand that the killer be prosecuted, the public mindset will shift dramatically. That women would think for themselves terrifies the likes of Mavra Stark and her ilk. Imagine the people thinking again instead of just believing the major media and professional groups with hidden and not so hidden agendas?

This weekend I grew sick of even Fox News referring to Scott and Laci Peterson's baby boy as an unborn "fetus" depending on the general public's ignorance of Latin as if Baby Connor was less than a person. In the case of humans the term fetus and little child are synonymous. But modern dictionaries are deconstructing the definition as we speak. The Abridged Mirriam-Webster dictionary online has altered the definition in this past year.

Still, people know it is a baby. No mother ever yet announced to her friends that she is expecting a "fetus or a potential life." It cannot be stated enough - If it is not a baby, then you are not pregnant Ma'am. NOW knows this also.

So what does NOW wish to add to the definition of the unborn in place of "the biological child" definition used by DNA experts? They don't say. Their agenda is to just get rid of any law that prosecutes the murder of an unborn child outright. Murder is murder. A growing number of people realize that the murder of a child in the abortion mill down the street is no different than the killing of Connor Peterson. Therefore NOW denies that Connor was murdered.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist or government-funded study to understand why fewer and fewer women belong to NOW. Now if Christians will just engage their mind and will that God gave them and act like abortion is murder by renouncing the hypocrisy of laws that codify murder of unborn children into law that the mother deems "worthless" by exempting murder by abortion! As we say to those in recovery groups of all kinds, "De-nial ain't just a river in Egypt," and truth proclaimed and lived out brings life while silence kills.

Laws that claim to protect unborn children yet contain exceptions are hypocritical and inconsistent. In Kansas, there is no law at all protecting children that reside in the womb up until birth. Even if such children are murdered by criminal acts other than abortion on the due date of delivery, our pro-death state Supreme Court has ruled that "no one knows when life begins" and the "Legislature has not defined it by law."

In the late 1980s a man I know had a problem with alcohol. One night while driving drunk he crashed into a car killing the 7 & a half month old unborn child of his mother. The case was tried here in Wichita and he was rightfully convicted of vehicular homicide in district court. The state Supreme Court overturned the conviction in effect declaring that the unborn child was "neither alive nor a person." Science, medicine and logic refute this lie.

The lawsuit against the State of Kansas required by the Human Life Resolution (passed last year by the Kansas House of Representatives) to be filed by Attorney General Phill Kline would correct this ludicrous legal definition and more if successful. The Resolution bases the lawsuit by the Legislature on life and personhood beginning at conception.

While Mavra Stark is "ruminating" over NOW's quandary, we will take Jesus to the gates of hell, the local abortion mill, to save lives and pray that we as a nation will come to our senses and end the hypocrisy. Let us return to the Lord Jesus together and throw ourselves on His mercy. Looking at the world around us is convincing proof that our own ways result in confusion, death and destruction. It's time we as a nation do it God's way that our children and we may live. (Proverbs 14:12; Deuteronomy 30:19-20a)

Passing laws that allow murdering some children invite God's judgment. Proclaiming the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the embodiment of all truth changes hearts. When the heart of a state or nation change, the laws will reflect that change. It is for this reason we as Christians cannot possibly be in the will of God unless the Church is proclaiming Jesus as Lord in the streets. God has given us no alternative for victory. Therefore saints, hit the streets. You can lead, follow or get out of the way. Just be aware that is God's way that you are opposing if you are not proclaiming Jesus or opposing those who are.

Steve Mashburn