Hope Abortion Clinic,
a Child Sexual Predator's Paradise |
Hope Abortion Clinic,
a Child Sexual Predator's Paradise
Small Victories helps Arkansas Police with investigation that leads to prosecution of child rapist
By Angela Michael, November 16th, 2006
Ecclesiastes 5:8 “If you see the poor oppressed in a district, and justice and rights denied, do not be surprised at such things; for one official is eyed by a higher one, and over them both are others higher still.”
On March 23, 2006 an underage pregnant girl was forced inside Hope abortion Clinic. Jeffery Cheshier, 41 years old, the girl’s step-father brought her from Arkansas to get rid of the incriminating evidence to conceal the repeated rapes over a two year period of this child. Her cries went unheard.
The Hope abortion Clinic in Granite City, IL, notoriously known for no parental consent, late-term abortion, and underage child rape, has covered-up yet another rape of an underage girl from Bryant, Arkansas by a child predator.
On November 14, after wrapping up the radio program, we were contacted by the Bryant, Arkansas Police Department, after they viewed our website, to see if we had any information concerning this case and we informed them we had evidence confirming a crime had been committed, and the young girl was transported to Hope Clinic on the day in question. You could hear the handcuffs click in the background. This child predator was arrested on the spot and is currently in jail on bond. Had it not been for that picture, he would still be roaming the streets preying on children. His crime would have been hidden.
The Bryant police detective said that, “In my 20 years of law enforcement, I have never been so sickened by a crime.”
When the television crew came to interview us that evening, they were frustrated because they got the runaround by the Illinois State’s Attorney’s Office, who obviously doesn’t even know the law and referred them back to Hope Clinic.
View the video clip: http://www.ksdk.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=107632
When Hope Clinic attorney Mark Levy was notified and asked about the mandatory reporting law, he referred the television crew back to Hope Clinic. Sally Burgess said in the television interview that, “There is no mandatory reporting law.” So who is policing Hope Clinic? Are we to trust them with the honor code? Isaiah 59:14 “…So justice is driven back and righteousness stands at a distance. Truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter.”
This is the crime: In all 50 states, sexual activity with underage children is illegal. Also, every state mandates that if a healthcare worker has reason to suspect that an underage girl is being sexually abused, they are required by law to report that information to a designated law enforcement or child protective services agency. That agency is then responsible to investigate the possibility that the child may be the victim of sexual abuse or statutory rape.
Because the pregnancy of an underage girl is evidence that she is the victim of sexual abuse, any healthcare worker who has contact with a pregnant underage girl has an obligation to initiate a report to the state.
The important point here is that the healthcare worker is required to report the incident, not investigate it. The responsibility of determining whether or not the circumstances that led to this girl’s pregnancy are criminal lies solely with the state agency to which the report is mandated.
Additionally, the fact that a minor girl may be lawfully allowed to have an abortion or secure birth control without her parents being informed is irrelevant.
Why aren’t the Granite City Police, State’s Attorney’s Office, Attorney General, the State Police, or state agencies investigating these crimes inside Hope Clinic? Their silence is allowing the cover-up. Isaiah 59:4 “No one calls for justice…” They are dropping the ball and our children are falling in the cracks as crimes against our children go unnoticed. We protect our trees better than we do our children! A tattoo parlor is better regulated than an abortion mill. This injustice MUST stop and the law protecting our children MUST be enforced!
Why is it that Chris Hansen from NBC is exposing the child sexual predator stings? Have we left crimes against our children up to the media to investigate and report? Why? Where are our lawmakers? Is this what we want for our children? Have we fallen this low into the sewers of moral decadence that we just don’t care?
Hope Clinic and the abortion industry are not only getting away with murder, but they are breaking the law by not reporting this and allowing criminals to repeatedly rape children and are profiting off the crimes. Jeremiah 5:31 “…they rule by their own authority and my people love it this way.” This is wrong and it must be righted. The scales of justice must be balanced for our children. After all, they are our future.
Can you hear their cries? Isaiah 1:21 “See how the faithful city has become a harlot! She once was full of justice; righteousness used to dwell in her- but now murderers!”
Be encouraged~ Angela