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Arrival of McKenzie Nicole: A Baby Saved From Abortion

April 1, 2001

Arrival of McKenzie Nicole:
A Baby Saved From Abortion

Here is a picture of McKenzie Nicole - the baby that was saved. Praise the Lord!

For those of you who were in St Louis last summer, you may remember Flip asking everyone to pray for Brooke who was considering having an abortion. Brooke is my second cousin and I did not receive the news until we arrived in St Louis. It devastated me to think that one of my own family members could seriously consider having an abortion when I was so strongly opposed to abortion.

At first, I thought about leaving St Louis and flying to Indiana. As I began telling all of you to pray for Brooke and for wisdom for myself to know what to do, I began to feel assured that God wanted me to stay in St Louis. I called Brooke and told her that she would be committing murder. She had been told that the baby was just a blob of tissue since she was still in her first month. She also told me the timing of all this could not have been worse. She had too many things on her plate being a senior in high school to have a baby. I continued to tell her that she should have thought of that sooner and that make no mistake, she was pregnant with a baby not a blob.

I was amazed at how blunt I was. That was not like me at all. God was definitely doing the speaking. I knew I was going to have to trust to take care of Brooke. That was very difficult for me because I wanted to be there to take charge.

On Tuesday night at the rally, different prayer requests were prayed for at the altar. I went forward to pray with Flip and from that moment on I knew that she was not going to go through with the abortion. God gave me a peace and an understanding that he would take care of it all and He did. McKenzie Nicole was born on April 1, 2001!

I want to thank all of you for all of your prayers. God is faithful! I also want to thank Carmen for sending Brooke the Hard Truth video and other information. Brooke has shown that video in her current events class and God is really using her to reach out to other girls that are expecting.

Dorrie Rayburn

Webmaster's Note: Dorrie lives in Dallas, TX. At the time of our last national event, Dori had been active at the mills in Dallas for about a year. St Louis was her first national event. She is now helping out in the Operation Save America office.