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Abortionist "OUSTED" from Mecca of the Midwest..Slaughterhouse!

Small Victories, Granite City, IL



  Abortionist "OUSTED" from Mecca of the Midwest..Slaughterhouse!

Bottom-feeder, Darwin Jackson
Bottom-feeder, Darwin Jackson

November 6, 2003

Abortionist Darwin Jackson Jr., no longer performs abortions at the Hope Clinic in Granite City, IL and is no longer on staff at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO and his OB/GYN office has been vacated. Gross, negligent, malpractice lawsuits have been filed against Mr. Jackson, Mr.Yogendra Shah, and the Hope Clinic, including wrongful death lawsuits. What appears to be an attempt to divert the noticeable number of lawsuits against the clinic, they have been filed under the abortionist?s name, ex: Dr. "John Doe" Jackson. In the most recent botched abortions the women went through extreme pain, anguish, and medical complications including blood transfusions, hysterectomy, small bowel being pulled through uterus, and removal of internal parts. Dr. Fred Dubee of the Northwest Association for Women's Healthcare in Hoffman Estates, IL gave an affidavit stating the inadequate care given by Mr. Shah and Mr. Jackson. This dismembered baby lay rotting inside this woman?s body for weeks.

  • Plaintiff went to Hope Clinic on May 10th 2001 to start the 2-day abortion. She went back to Hope Clinic on 5-10 and 5-17 because of complications.
  • On 5-31 she went back to Hope Clinic because of pain and cramping. Dr. Shah did not do an ultrasound on her.
  • On June 6th she was admitted to ER at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, MO. because severe cramping, abdominal pain, and 102 degree fever. She had to undergo surgery to remove uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tube. She also underwent blood transfusion.
  • The plaintiff sued for $750,000

The lawsuit states as follows:

  • -Failure to account for fetal parts.
  • -Failure to remove all fetal parts.
  • -Failure to perform appropriate surgical repair for uterine tear.
  • -Failure to help after infection.
  • -Failure to inform patient of risks, dangers of abortion and of emotional stress and pain it can cause.

The most recent malpractice and negligence lawsuit filed against Hope and their abortionist was in 2002. Many lawsuits for malpractice against Yogendra Shah and his OB/GYN practice have been filed with the most recent this year, 2003. Hope Clinic lawyer Mr. Mark Levy cannot keep up with the mounting lawsuits, so he has brought on board part-time public defender of Madison County ( how cozy) pro-catholic, supposedly pro-life attorney Mr. John Rekowski.

According to the Belleville News-Democrat, and local physicians,"Metro-east obstetricians have been complaining about the sky-rocketing malpractice insurance rates," due to "dirty" doctors including abortionist Y.Shah and D. Jackson, Good doctors that are practicing good medicine have been hit in their pockets with their premiums going up from $30.000 to $105.000 in the past year and rising to 175.000 in May 2004.

Ninety percent of the physicians in Gateway Regional (former Catholic hospital) 200 feet across from this mill, which continues to cover-up for the "botched abortions" at Hope(less) and houses the abortionist Mr. Shah, have stated they want to rid this hospital of Yogendra Shah . Meanwhile, Allan Palmer former convicted felon and abortionist with an OB/GYN practice in St. Louis, Missouri has been filling in and making up for lost revenue in Jackson's absence. According to the St. Louis Globe Democrat, Palmer was convicted in Nov 1979, fined $5,000, and spent six months incarcerated in prison.

Hope Clinic specializes in late-term abortions and parental consent is not needed. Abortion prices range from $400-over $2000. Many of the plaintiffs stated in their lawsuits against the Hope Clinic, had they been warned of the risks and complications of abortion, they would have never gone through with the procedure. Abortionist Darwin Jackson Jr. has relocated to the Chicago, IL. area to continue his baby-killing practice . Ephesians 5:11

Be Encouraged ~Angela

Small Victories