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July 11,2001 Will the Real Law Breakers Please Stand Up? Webmaster's Note: This was written in response to Wichita Mayor, Bob Knight's statement that can be found by clicking here. Mayor Bob Knight, in his statement today, emphasized the city's commitment to "protect the rights of all citizens." If this statement were true Operation Save America would not be coming back to this city. All citizens in Wichita and across this nation are not protected. The city of Wichita and its law enforcement are very selective in whose rights they will uphold. Little baby boys and girls, made in the image of God, are being mutilated by Dr. Tiller and their flesh burned in his incinerator. The choking smoke defiles the heartland of our nation. He went on to say that no one has the "right to break the law." We are in absolute agreement with him. The question is who are the law breakers and who are the law keepers? Any governmental system that betrays its sacred trust to protect life and, at the same time, protects so-called "legitimate medical facilities" that destroy innocent life, is itself a law breaker. Mayor Bob Knight is the real law breaker! Rev. Flip Benham, National Director of Operation Save America, in response to Mayor Knight's statements declared, "Operation Save America is not the one bringing trouble into the city of Wichita. The trouble lies with those who claim to be pro-life with their mouths yet prove to be pro-death with their actions. Mayor Knight is the real troubler in Wichita. It is not George Tiller, Planned Parenthood, NOW, or NARAL that is the primary problem with abortion in America. It is those of us who claim the name of Christ and call ourselves pro-life, yet do nothing, that are perpetuating this heinous atrocity of abortion in our land. Abortion will end in Wichita when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind that it will end. By his statement today, Mayor Knight indicates he is far more willing to live under the smoke stack of George Tiller's incinerated babies than he is to lift a finger to save their lives." Rusty Thomas of OSA would remind Mayor Knight and every city and law enforcement official that names the name of Christ that their Lord Jesus said, "If you are not for me, you are against me, if you are not gathering you are scattering, and if you have not done it for the least of these you have not done it unto me." Matthew 12:30; 25:45. "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15. CONTACT: Pat McEwen at 321-431-3962.
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