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Press Release - Another Abortionist Quits


May 11, 2001

Another Abortionist Quits

KS - In what is becoming an avalanche of abortion mill closures, and abortionists quitting their lucrative businesses, it was announced today in the Lawrence World News, that Dr. Kristen Neuhaus will stop killing children in Wichita, Kansas. Neuhaus has, for several years, been a circuit-riding abortionist killing children in both Wichita and Lawrence. The News reported that Neuhaus made the decision to quit because Christians from around the nation will gather again in Wichita this summer to proclaim the Gospel of Christ at the gates of hell (abortion mills).

Ten years ago, in July of 1991, thousands of Christians converged on Wichita, Kansas, during the "Summer of Mercy" to face off with the abortion industry. The theology of the Church of Jesus Christ became biography in the heartland of our nation. There were over 2,400 arrests as peaceful Christians laid their lives down in front of abortion mill doors. The battle waxed hot, as the eyes of our nation were upon Wichita. That was ten years ago. These Christians are coming back to Wichita this summer for the "Summer of Mercy Renewal!" That was all Dr Neuhaus needed to make her decision to never return to Wichita to kill children.

"When the Church of Jesus Christ allows her theology to become biography in the streets of our cities, the battles are being won!" Said Rev. Flip Benham, National Director of Operation Rescue and Operation Save America. "Nation-wide, the number of doctors doing abortions has dropped 40% since 1991. The number of abortion mills and the number of abortions performed has also dropped almost 40% since 1991."

"We don't have to wait for the President, the Congress, or the Supreme Court, to begin doing what's right for children waiting to be born." Said Rev Benham, "We Christians have a responsibility to 'speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.' This is what we are doing in cities across our nation. This is why the battles are being won!"

The Gospel battle that began in Wichita during the summer of 1991, will begin anew during the summer of 2001. This time we will stay until it is finished!

Contact: Rev. Flip Benham (972) 494-5316 or (214) 707-9396