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Press Release - If Abortions are Down 40% Nationwide, Why are they up 30% in Kansas?


May 8, 2001

If Abortions are Down 40% Nationwide, Why are they up 30% in Kansas?

In almost every city and state we have surveyed recently, the number of abortions is down big time. According to Mark Crutcher, the Director of Life Dynamics, the number of abortions in America has declined by forty percent since 1991. This is commensurate the decline of abortion mills and abortionists during the same time period. Yes, the battle for the lives of little baby boys and girls waiting to be born is being won! Neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city, state by state, the battle is being won as the Church of Jesus Christ rises up and storms the gates of hell (the local abortion mills)!

If this is true everywhere else, what is going on in the state of Kansas? According to an Associated Press report done by Katrina Hull on March 26, 2001, the 30% increase in the number of abortions in the state of Kansas is due, in large part, to the number of out of state folks coming into Kansas to kill their children. "Nearly half the women who had abortions in Kansas last year were from other states … and legislators cited George Tiller's Wichita clinic as the main reason."

"The statistics continue to show we are the abortion capital," said Representative Tony Powell, R-Wichita. "I think its really sad." One of the reasons cited by the pro-life legislators for the 30% increase in abortions is George Tiller: "Tiller thrives because Kansas law allows doctors to perform late-term abortions to protect the mother's mental, as well as physical, health."

Pro-abortion Senator, Sandy Praeger, R-Lawrence, said: "Because of Dr. Tiller in Wichita, we do find people come from out of state. We have a doctor who is willing to risk his life. Its hard to find providers who provide late-term abortions and stick their necks out."

"Pro-life and pro-abortion legislators alike, agree on one thing." said Rev. Flip Benham, National Director of Operation Save America. "George Tiller is the reason for the huge increase in the number of abortions done in Kansas. It is in the face of this heinous crime - being committed in the heartland of our nation - that we go with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! July 15-21 and beyond, Christians from across the nation will converge on the abortion capital of our nation to pronounce freedom for the captives. Theology will move from the church house to become biography in the streets of Wichita."