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Why Kids are Killing Kids in High Schools

Monday, March 5, 2001




This morning another horrific shooting has taken place at one of our high schools. At Santana High School in Santee, California, there are two confirmed dead and thirteen wounded. The shooter is a fellow classmate at Santana High. Operation Save America Director, Rev. Flip Benham has made the following statement:

Blood is coursing down the corridors of a high school in Littleton, Colorado and the blood shed in those hallways is on our hands. We have no one to blame but ourselves. In high schools across this country (Edinboro, Pennsylvania; Pearl, Mississippi; West Peducah, Kentucky; Jonesboro, Arkansas; Eugene, Oregon), it has become increasingly obvious that government schools have become the very gates of hell. Violence of every sort is overwhelming our public schools in spite of the vehement protestations of school officials and the Department of Education. These people have refused to face reality for years.

Why has the public school become, apart from the local abortion mill, the most dangerous place for a young person to be? Why are our kids, who have been given everything money can buy, killing their friends in school? Why have our schools become veritable jungles where "survival of the fittest" has become a reality? The answer is simple. Violence was done in the hearts of our children long before it murderously manifested itself in the hallways of our schools.

God was violently expelled from school by a Supreme Court decision in 1962 (Engle vs. Vitale). He was banished from the schoolyard and His Commandments removed from the school wall in two other Supreme Court decisions (Abbington vs. Schemp, 1963 and Stone vs. Graham 1977). He has been replaced with police guards, metal detectors, drugs, condoms, gangs, assault, rape, murder and violence of unprecedented order.

We have violently robbed our children of purpose and destiny by allowing God to be removed from their education. Gen. 6:11-13 tells us that violence filled the earth because the people God created chose to remove Him from their minds and hearts. When God is removed, violence always fills the void.

We fathers have violently removed God from our children by abdicating our responsibility to live Godly lives before them. Mothers have violently removed God from our children by denying them divine maternal love and dropping them off at day care centers. We have all done violence to our children by allowing the smallest and weakest to be slaughtered at abortion mills. Government schools have done violence to our children by removing the knowledge of God from them.

"Do not be deceived America! God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." That's what the Bible says! We in America have sown violence into the hearts of our kids, and we are reaping a whirlwind of violence in our schools. We have removed every vestige of the knowledge of God from our children and should not be surprised at the manifestations of senseless brutality and violence that replaced Him.

We are today raising a nation of predators! We have kids who don't give a rip about God, their neighbor, or themselves. They will rob, kill and destroy simply to get what they want when they want it. We are raising kids without a conscience who kill at a whim. Then we look at each other with awkward amazement and wonder what in the world happened. We have purposely removed God from the hearts and minds of our children and are suffering the horrible consequences of our foolish arrogance.

To restore peace in the classroom, we must first corporately and publicly repent of our sin – the removal of God from the lives of our kids. We must acknowledge the fact that we are not smarter than He is, and invite Him back - Ten Commandments and all! We must bring God back to school! He promises to return if we will humble ourselves and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14).

What will it be, America? Another godless million-dollar program sponsored by the Department of Education that will never touch the cancer of violence destroying our kids? Or, will we have the courage to call on the Great Physician Himself, and ask Him to perform the surgery that will completely remove the cancer forever!

For more information contact Operation Save America at: 972-494-5316