June 17, 2001 Update on Rescue Rochester Tuesday, June 5th Rev. Michael Warren and Mr. Jerry Crawford were in Federal District Court before Judge Richard Arcara. These two men were on trial for Criminal Contempt for praying on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood of Rochester, NY and walking on a public sidewalk near the Genesee hospital in May of 1999.Both face upto 6 months in jail and $5000.00 fines. The government alleges that these two men broke judge Arcara's Temporary Restraining Order issued during Operation Save America in Western New York in April of 1999. During this case, Judge Arcara has refused to recuse himself, refused to change the venue to Rochester, N.Y., where the alleged contempt occurred, refused to drop the pursuit of this action even though a Grand Jury did not hand down an indictment against either men. Mr. Arcara has also refused to heed the recommendations of dismissal of the charges by Federal Magistrate Schroeder. This magistrate found in a separate hearing that the TRO that Warren and Crawford were supposed to have violated was expired and therefore was not a lawful order. Since that time the US Attroney's Office, the New York State Attorney General's Office and attorneys for the Pro-Choice Network have pushed for prosecution. Hence this 2-year action continues. In court during the June 5th, 2001 trial the US Attorney stated, "That even if this order was unconstitutional that would not be a defense for these two men." "The longer this case goes on the harder it is to believe that Judge Arcara, the US Attorney and New York State does not have a pro-abortion bias and agenda. That agenda being the squashing of pro-life speech in the judge's federal district of Western New York", said Rev. Mike Warren Director of Rescue Rochester. Both Rev. warren and Mr. Crawford will be back in Mr. Arcara's court on August 2nd for summations and final arguments. A verdict is expected sometime in September. Submitted by Mike Warren