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Yale School of Medicine Requires Abortion Training for Ob/gyn Residents

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Wednesday August 23, 2006

Yale School of Medicine Requires Abortion Training for Ob/gyn Residents

By Peter J. Smith

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, August 23, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Ob/gyn residents at Yale's School of Medicine must undergo training in abortion procedures in a required residency program established by Planned Parenthood's Connecticut branch (PPC).

Second year ob/gyn residents will have to complete two four-week rotations with PPC for training in abortion techniques such as vacuum suction, medical abortions, and other “family planning” services in a program entitled Family Planning/Ambulatory Surgery.

"Yale is very satisfied with the experience and training the residents are receiving at PPC and are especially happy with the number of patients the residents see," said Mary Bawza, chief operating officer of PPC to Planned Parenthood's Choice! magazine.

Although the course is required in the residency curriculum, ob/gyn residents do not have to participate in any abortions if they sign a paper that states they believe abortion is against their “personal/religious” beliefs. However, residents cannot opt out of learning the theoretical applications of the program, including techniques related to still-birth, miscarriage, and complications related to abortion. Students also cannot opt out of performing ultrasounds on women intending to have abortions.

PPC established the course last year as part of a frantic campaign to replace the imploding and aging population of abortionists, whose numbers have declined 37% since the 1980s. Although worried about their population decline, PPC seems oddly determined to spread their abortion practices deeper into the heartland of the United States claiming studies indicate 87% of US counties and 97% of rural counties have no abortionists.

Comments to Yale may be sent to Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences and the department's Residency Program Coordinator:

Charles Lockwood, M.D., Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences

Patti Johnson, Residency Program Coordinator

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