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Where a Mother's Heart is You'll Find Her Treasure

February 17, 2003

 Where a Mother's Heart is You'll Find Her Treasure

Our son Zack, (fourth heir in line to the throne) of our eleven children, shipped out today for Iraqi war. He is a Corporal with the Marines stationed in Camp Lejuene, N.C. 4th year. He trained in chemical biological nuclear warfare, and did a 2 year tour of duty in Okinawa, Japan. Please keep him and all our service men and women in your prayers. Angela Michael

It's 8:04 a.m. "Hey guys, it's Zack!… I picked up the phone and replied "Hi!" "Hi mom," Zack said... Are you okay? Yeah mom, I'm fine… that's good, if you're calling about your sister, no news yet. Tension is building in my chest, "Zack, are you sure your ok, you never phone me this early… silence… Zack? "Mom… I love you…I'm leaving today… I am heading out"… silence… "Ohh…Zack…no…no. (I'm sobbing at this point) Please… please…don't go…this can't be happening…Zack your within days of coming home from your tour of duty…No…don't go… I remember everything thing about you. You children are all I ever wanted and you're the only thing I have." "Mom, it will be okay…" "Where are you going?.." Somewhere in the desert. "How will I talk to you?" "I'll write…" "Zack…please…" "Mom, it'll be ok…Mom, I'm doing what I said I would do...to serve my country"… Prov. 28:1 "Oh Zack… let me go…I'll go in your place"… "Mom, I love you… it'll be o.k. "I guess there's nothing I can do, but I can pray for you…I pray for a hedge of protection to surround you and that you come back home soon…be safe." I love you ... I love you too ~ Mom Prov. 27:11

This is Flip's prayer in response to Angela's heartfelt plea as a mother:

Angela's broken heart is revealed in these precious words with her son. It is the reflection of many mothers' hearts for their sons that are going off to war. It is the reflection of the hearts of many wives who have kissed their husbands goodbye. These words make us all cry, for God knows how to make us cry.

Angela's broken heart is revealed in these precious words with her son. It is the reflection of many mothers' hearts for their sons that are going off to war. It is the reflection of the hearts of many wives who have kissed their husbands goodbye. These words make us all cry, for God knows how to make us cry.

"God protect them. God have mercy on us in the midst of the sinful mess we have allowed our nation to be in. Jesus, take care of Zack and all of those that will be placed in harm's way to protect our freedom and bring freedom to others. Lord speak to all of our soldiers overseas and draw them close to you through your Son Jesus Christ. Make the Christians who are in the military strong and bold witnesses for you. Our sons and daughters need those witnesses."

"We place them in Your hands. They were never really ours in the first place. Jesus, watch over our sons and daughters. Enable them to be brave and true. Enable them to live and die well. And Lord, please forgive us for killing your babies, expelling You from school and banishing You from the schoolyard. Forgive us for turning our backs upon Your Word and Your Law. Forgive us for not rightly representing who You are to our children. We have forgotten how desperately we need You."

Lord Jesus, help us now. We are unworthy to come into your presence, but your blood enables us to come boldly to the throne of grace that we might receive your mercy. Have mercy on us, LORD! And please watch over our sons and daughters.