Press Release: OPERATION SAVE WAL-MART On Friday, November 24, 2006, the busiest shopping day of the year, Christians from across the nation will bring the Gospel of Christ to the very gates of the largest retailer in the World – WAL-MART! Christianity is moving out of the closet to become biography in the streets to come to the aide of America 's favorite store! Why? Wal-Mart is being blackmailed by the abortion industry and the radical homosexual agenda. That's right! After being lambasted for years by the anti-family, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, radical left, Wal-Mart has finally caved in. This “family store” is bowing to, and being extorted by, the demands of those who hate God, marriage, family, children, and America ! Here is what has happened:
Our schools, businesses, government, and churches are being forced to honor things that are an abomination to God. It's time for Christians to take a stand! It's time for us to come out of the closet and allow our theology to become biography in the streets. The gates of hell cannot prevail! Wal-Mart can be saved and so can America. It begins with God's Church. WHAT: Press Conference