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I have worked for Wal-Mart stores for over 13 years. On September 5, 2006, I received a call from my brother asking me if I was aware of what was going on in Wal-Mart. He then informed me that my company had joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). I was shocked! I called my home store and asked one of the managers if this was true. He read me a short e-mail stating that it was, and gave me a phone number to call the home office in Bentonville, Arkansas. I called and asked if this were true. The lady said, “Yes.” When I asked if the money I spent shopping at Wal-Mart would go to support same sex marriage, she simply responded, “Sales are sales.” I let her know how long I had worked at Wal-Mart and told her that I would no longer work for this company and never spend another dime there. She replied, “I hope you don't mean that.” I did mean it. The next day I went to the store and quit. The manager that signed my exit papers had no idea about what had been going on in the leadership of Wal-Mart. I began working with Sam's Club in 1992. Mr. Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart Stores, had recently passed away. The more I learned about this man the more I wanted to do what I could to make this an even better place to work. I worked in marketing and put together the first wedding expo. This was a fund raiser that allowed vendors to set up for a weekend and all the proceeds went to the Children's Miracle Network. It was a huge success. This became a yearly event. I was so proud to work for this company. I was privileged to be the event coordinator for a number of Wal-Mart sponsored events and raised a lot of money in the community. One was for a young man named Luke Clemons. Luke was an18-year-old who needed a liver transplant. His dad came to me at Sam's Club asking for our help because he had heard of all the other people we had helped in the community. We managed to raise enough money for his son's transplant and start a Luke Clemons Foundation. Luke lived about four years after his transplant. I was flown to Bentonville , Arkansas for a Member Service Award that was a wonderful honor. This was not a job to me, it was a ministry given to me by God Himself to help His people in need and get paid for it at the same time. But soon everything changed. We could no longer have the wedding expo or anything else in the club. My husband and I moved to Kentucky and, after eight years with Sam's, I went to work for a Wal-Mart store there. Today Wal-Mart is not the same company Mr. Sam started. I think he would rather see it go under than to see what it has become. Mr. Sam loved God – the store he began does not! I have started a boycott in Mansfield, Ohio, and will continue with other Wal-Mart stores. As Christian's we have to take a stand and get the word out because most people are not aware of what is happening. We will be joining all of you on the day after Thanksgiving, Friday, November 24th to bring the Gospel of Christ to the very gates of hell.
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