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WORD AT THE GATES REPORT Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah. (Psalm 24:7-10). 50 saints from all over Central Texas came to Waco for the "Word at the Gates" invasion. The liberation force of the Kingdom of God received their marching orders on Wednesday, March 19th in Kuwait (the church building) and went forth into battle (invasion of Iraq) on the streets Thursday, March 20th. They went forth with the high praises of God on their lips and a two-edged sword in their hands (Psalm 149:6). They wielded the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, to fight for the souls of men, the lives of children, and for the future of our nation. And as the Scripture promised, the gates over our city were lifted up and the King of glory entered in. Ten teams of about five members each publicly read the Scriptures at strategic gates in our city. We read through the book of Psalms, Proverbs, and the entire New Testament. The gates we addressed with the authority of God's word represented the business community, the political community, law enforcement, and academia. We also went to the major sin centers and demonic high places. We stormed the gates at a porno shop, Planned Parenthood, a homosexual "church," an apostate pro-abort "church," and a Mosque. The saints were invigorated and energized as they returned from the gates. They all experienced their faith become more relevant and their Christianity more alive as they spoke God's word to dispossess principalities and to press the crown-rights of King Jesus over our city. There were testimonies of saints reading the Scriptures and gaining fresh revelation. Others would experience God's power as the word spoken dealt directly with the gate they were assigned. They could literally sense the clash in the heavenlies. Bibles and Christian literature went like hot cakes at some of the gates like Waco High School and Baylor. Prayers were lifted up to God and a few ministry opportunities presented themselves. Some people were curious at the public display of reading the Scriptures and asked what was the meaning of this. One lady thought we were anti-war protesters and was about to give one of our team leaders a piece of her mind. He diffused the situation and ended up praying with her and for her. There is one particular testimony that touched my heart and I pray touches yours. This comes from one of our team leaders who stormed the gate at the porno shop. He was greeted by a police officer who proved to be a valuable ally against this evil. He told our man, Donnie Halbgewachs, that they have fought to close this place for ten years, yet without success. As Donnie's team read the Scriptures and prayed, he felt like he needed to speak directly to the management. Of course, he struggled about how to do it. He certainly wasn't going in there alone. He thought, perhaps, he could go in with his wife to witness to them. As he was contemplating a plan, the police officer volunteered to go in that den of iniquity and bring the management out to the Christian witness. Donnie promptly handed the manager Gospel materials and shared God's heart, love, and message with him. In essence, he shared with him the destructive nature of pornography and the toll it takes upon the owner, employees, their customers, families, and our nation. He pleaded with him to consider his ways, repent of this grave evil, and receive the abundant pardon of the Lord (Isaiah 55:7). We don't know all that transpired that day, but we do know that we were obedient to go forth and publicly declare, "Thus saith the Lord." Seeds were planted, the Word of God was spoken and distributed, and prayers went forth to see our city transformed by the Gospel of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The following is the horrific article that our newspaper printed concerning the "Word at the Gates" event. IS CHRISTIANITY A HATE CRIME? It appears America and the city of Waco has so turned their back upon the Lord Jesus Christ and their Christian roots that now it is standard fare to equate the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom with a hate crime. We have become so reprobate in our thinking that now good is evil and evil is magically transformed into good. Case in point, Terri Jo Ryan's article "Islamic leaders warns local Muslims to be on alert." Why? Because gentle Christians came to their Mosque to speak God's word, pray, and offer to them freely the salvation of Jesus Christ as the Bible commands. On Thursday, March 20th, 50 peaceful, loving Christians went to 9 other gates of our city to speak God's word over our city. The event was not called the "Gates of Hell" as reported by Miss Ryan, but "Word at the Gates." Some of the gates we went to were legitimate, such as Baylor, Waco High School, Police Station, and City Hall. While others we went to were sin centers and demonic strongholds, such as, a porno shop, the Islamic Center, the homosexual "church" on Clay, Planned Parenthood, and a pro-abortion "church," otherwise known as Lake Shore Baptist Church. The article implied that if Christians are to be loving then we should just stay in our churches, shut up, and leave other people alone. Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures is that position taught or commanded. The Bible does not teach tolerance as we have defined it today. Which is, Christians should stand back and be silent. Especially, when we know there are philosophies, religions, and practices that will destroy mankind and condemn them to an eternal hell. This is not Biblical love, my friends, but disobedience to God and a violation of our sacred duty as Christians. The condition of Christianity in America and America herself has reached a dangerous crossroad. The truth is, Biblical Christianity cannot co-exist, tolerate, or condone homosexuality, abortion, and those who are enslaved to a demonic religion, such as, Islam. To do so, is to invite the wrath of God upon America, condemn these precious souls to hell, and to foolishly squander our children's future because of our moral cowardice. This nation is playing with fire and will soon be forced to outlaw and prosecute someone. Someone's lifestyle will be made illegal. Someone's speech will be considered a "hate crime." In the near future this nation will be forced to decide. The time may come when the Church of Jesus Christ may by law have to censor the sound teaching of Scripture and muzzle our preachers. Men of God who refuse to be silent may face fines and imprisonment, while homosexuals, abortionists, pornographers, and Muslims bent on Jihad will be free to trample under foot everything that is decent, wholesome, and honorable in America. Preaching the truth that has the power to save their souls will be deemed a "hate crime." Is this what we want to have to face in the future? Is this the godless legacy we want to pass to our kids? I pray not! I for one will not stand back nor be silent. To do so, is to be a traitor to my country and to commit high treason against heaven.
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