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"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…For He who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is His name…He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly." (Luke 1:46,49,51,52)

The Budget Bill passed with the Rider 11 attached! This, in effect, defunds Planned Parenthood abortion mills in Texas. They can no longer receive our tax money to slay the innocent in the wombs of their mothers. They now have to make an impossible choice, money or abortion. They can no longer have both.

We asked you to pray and I'm here to report that our prayers were heard from on high. He who is mighty has done a mighty thing indeed and Holy is His name! He has put down the mighty Planned Parenthood and exalted the lowliest amongst us, the precious unborn baby. I received an e-mail from a good friend today that announced this good tiding of great joy for every Christian/Pro-lifer in the state of Texas.

There is one draw back, however, it won't take place until September of 2004. There was a compromise, typical of politics, that delayed the implementation, but victory is in sight. Waco will soon be delivered from the sin of shedding innocent blood. The holocaust in this city will go the way of every other tyrannical murderous regime in the history of man. We give our Lord all the praise, the glory, and the adoration for showing Himself strong on the behalf of His people who labored, prayed, and cried many prayers to see this day come. Thank you, my precious Lord!!!

The following article comes from Planned Parenthood's own website that verifies the truth. You're getting it straight from the horse's mouth. Read it and rejoice, you that love the Lord, His Kingdom and His unborn children.


Rusty Lee Thomas

The budget Conference Committee passed Rider 11, by a vote of 6-4, on May 22. The vote was strictly along party lines, with the Republicans voting in favor of the Rider and the Democrats voting against the Rider. The Rider now becomes part of the 2004-2005 state budget.

Thank you for all the calls, faxes and e-mails that were sent to members of the Committee about this Rider!

As passed by the Committee, Rider 11 of the Health and Human Services budget, denies family planning funds to "...entities that perform elective abortion procedures or that contract with or provide funds to individuals or entities for the performance of elective abortion procedures."

Rider 11 will deny funding for family planning services to the 5 Planned Parenthood affiliates in Texas who also provide abortions. These affiliates operate a total of 53 women's health clinics throughout Texas. In North Texas, Rider 11 could displace approximately 26,000 women and men who receive health care from one of our 12 subsidized clinics. In many cases, these patients will find that alternative providers are over-crowded and unable to schedule appointments for several months or, worse, that there are no other providers in their community.

No government funding is currently used to provide abortion services. Since 1995, Texas law has explicitly prohibited health care providers from using public funds to pay for the direct or indirect costs of providing abortion, and organizations like Planned Parenthood are audited by the Texas Department of Health (TDH) to ensure compliance.

Rider 11 goes into effect on September 1, 2004 (instead of 2003). The Committee agreed to a "compromise" that delays implementation of the rider for one year. This gives TDH a year to find other family planning providers in the effected regions. Planned Parenthood is the main family planning provider in Texas and a recent TDH impact statement said there are not enough alternative providers.

Planned Parenthood offered a compromise that would require an independent financial audit, paid for by Planned Parenthood, to ensure all costs for family planning clinics and abortion clinics were kept separate. Unfortunately, Republican members of the Committee did not agree to the compromise.