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Confronting the Church of Jesus Christ in Tulsa, Oklahoma

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 Confronting the Church of Jesus Christ in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Report by Flip Benham April 4, 2003

More than 70 saints from across the nation joined their brothers and sisters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our purpose was to confront the Church of Jesus Christ with her responsibility to speak for children in the womb who cannot speak for themselves. We also sought to bring an evangelical voice to the one lone abortion mill in Tulsa, believing that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ.

Our statement: "Abortion will come to an end in the city of Tulsa when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind that it will end - not one second sooner."

The face of life contrasts the face of abortion

For several months we had been planning to call the Church in Tulsa to the battlefront for the lives of children. Specifically, we targeted Rhema Bible College and Rhema Ministerial Association International (RMAI) for removing the ordination of Pastor Mark Holick, who is the pastor of the 300-member Spirit One Church in Wichita, Kansas. Pastor Mark faithfully brings his church to the gates of hell (George Tiller's abortion mill) in Wichita, as he has for the past three years. For this act of biblical obedience, Pastor Mark was threatened with the removal of his ordination through RMAI.

Many children have been saved, and many moms and dads have been led to Christ as a result of Spirit One's witness at the abortion mill in Wichita. RMAI informed pastor Mark in November, 2001, through its law firm, Winters, King & Associates that: "…your church may not engage in any type of abortion protest activities, such as prayer vigils outside clinics or churches, carrying of signs or placards, circulating abortion-related fliers or mailings, announcing of abortion-related protest events, or encouraging individuals to participate in any such activities would likely result in Rhema's revocation of the church's associate status."

In a follow-up letter dated December 10, 2001, Winters, King & Associates further clarified Rhema's position. "Although Rhema shares your moral and religious conviction against abortion, Rhema does not agree that the Church should participate in or endorse direct action protest activities. Thus, Rhema has now informed me that it cannot permit any person in a position of leadership at your church to participate in any abortion-related protest activities even in their personal capacities. Thus, neither you, nor Mrs. Holick, any member of your pastoral staff, or any member of your Board of Trustees may participate in any abortion-related protest activities or endorse or support any abortion-related protest activities, unless your church first formally separates itself from Rhema."

With these words and others, Rhema, this great epicenter of the "faith movement," relinquished all responsibility to love her neighbor as herself. Not only did Rhema relieve herself from this responsibility, she mandated that her pastors, pastor's wives, pastoral staffs, and boards never touch the issue of abortion. If they do, they will receive the same treatment Pastor Mark Holick received - the friendly left foot of dis-fellowship. Pastor Mark's ordination was removed this past summer. What was his sin? This pastor simply could not sit idly by while little children die.

Pastor Mark obeyed God rather than man. In so doing, he was being truly submissive to Rhema. He has become a public rebuke to a church that has put her finances above the lives of those created in God's image. When a husband asks his wife to sell her body to prostitution to support his cocaine habit, she must submit. In contrast, godly submission is doing what is right and entrusting one's self to God. The wife must do what is right before God, no matter the consequences, and in that way she becomes a living rebuke to a husband that would ask her to do such a wicked deed. This is godly submission!

"Sing a Little Louder" tracts passed out to Rhema congregation

The Bible is replete with examples of those in true submission to authorities even if those authorities attempted to force their subjects to disown God's will. We see it with Daniel in the Lion's den, Esther approaching King Xerxes without permission, and the disciples proclaiming the Gospel when those in authority told them to stop. Pastor Mark Holick now joins their holy company, and has become a black-eye to a church that boasts of its "faith."

Why would Rhema act in such an unbiblical and cowardly manner towards one of its faithful pastors? That is exactly what we went to Tulsa to find out. We were not shocked by what we found. For Rhema is exhibiting a behavior endemic in many of today's evangelical churches. Rhema is afraid! She is afraid of being sued by the "big bad abortion industry." That's right! The church with a spinning sign on top of its dome that reads "Faith," needs to take the sign down and replace it with one that reads "FEAR."

"Faith" logo atop Rhema Church that should read FEAR

Upon arrival in Tulsa on Thursday, March 27, I was invited to speak in four classes at Oral Roberts University. It is a magnificent campus and both students and teachers received us warmly. We made it clear that abortion is preeminently a Gospel issue and therefore the Church must lead in the battle. Two marvelous students at ORU prepared the way for us, Elizabeth Craig and Rebecca Jackson. God has friends in every city and these two students are certainly friends of His.

We held our first rally on Thursday night at the Hilton Hotel, just across the street from ORU. It was a magnificent time with Rusty Thomas leading the charge. If you are wondering what a group like us were doing at the Hilton, you need look no further than Bill and Ruth Darr who graciously hosted the event. God has friends in every city!

Friday morning was our first foray into the city of Tulsa. Rhema cancelled its classes because it knew we were coming into town. Strangely reminiscent of a Proverb in the Bible: "The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion." Pr 28:1. The spirit of fear manifested itself so often and in so many ways at Rhema Bible College and Rhema Church that it seemed incomprehensible to us that Christians would act in such a way.

We brought the graphic pictures of baby Malachi as well as the pictures of the beautiful live baby Jeremiah to the streets. Several folks stopped to ask us why we were doing this, but the vast majority of passers by gave us the "thumbs up." There was no question that the people of Tulsa were pro-life. The question arises then as to why the people of Tulsa, who are obviously pro-life with their lips, are not out at the lone abortion mill in their city, Reproductive Services on 6136 East 32nd Place?

The answer? They have not been led. Men of God must call the people of God to allow their theology to become biography in the streets of our cities. Those who pastor the churches in Tulsa must give their people a vision as to how to live out their faith at the very gates of hell (the local abortion mill). Most pastors are loath to do this because it is not conducive to church growth. But it is not up to pastors to grow God's Church. Jesus Christ will take care of that Himself. We pastors, and the lambs He has given us to shepherd, are to pick up the Cross of Christ and follow HIM! Our cross in the city of Tulsa is to repair the exposed places in the wall and to stop the enemy from killing God's children!

Police fortify Tulsa's sole abortion mill Barricades erected at mill and Rhema in fear of gentle Christians sharing Jesus, truth and love

After being on the streets, we then went to Reproductive Services and the sight stunned us! Police were everywhere - more than we could count. Patrol cars, unmarked cars, SUV's, the Mobile Command Unit, and every other unit one could imagine were on hand to insure that children could be safely killed at this abortion mill. I don't know why we were so shocked, it is commonplace around the country, but the sight was nevertheless a bit discomfiting.

We realized that the mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, small children, and Christian college students who had come to give voiceless children a voice had become the most dangerous people in the city of Tulsa. When the Church of Jesus Christ moves out of the church house in the direction of the gates of hell, watch-out! The entire city government of Tulsa was at the beck and call of the abortion industry. It is an embarrassment to realize that the local abortion mill has garnered for itself the "most favored" business status in our nation.

No other business on the face of this earth receives more favoritism and positive press than the abortion industry in America! Veterinary clinics come under closer scrutiny. There are higher standards of hygiene at a rock concert, than at the local abortion mill. The health department never investigates and the IRS never shows up. Run any other business with these perks and you will do well - guaranteed!

Toward the afternoon we moved to Rhema Bible College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. If we were shocked at the police presence at the abortion mill in Tulsa, it was nothing compared to the police presence protecting Rhema Bible College. There were policemen on the roofs of buildings, there were undercover officers, officers on bicycles, officers in cars, there were police officers everywhere.

Not only were the police there in mass, we were told that, at the Wednesday evening prayer service, the pastor had called for men with military experience to come to the aide of the church during this very difficult time. What was the cause of this "very difficult time" - us! The security at the church was absolutely unbelievable - actually it was laughable. All of these guys running around with their little radios and lapel mikes trying their level best to be incognito.

Saints show the truth about abortion while  Rhema hides in fear

The irony was not lost on any of us that the very same protection offered to the abortion industry was also offered to Rhema. Hmmmmmm! The enemy protects his killing fields, and he will also protect those churches that allow the killing to go on. Sounds like God's Church in Nazi Germany. Could it be that the bride of Christ had been bribed? Could it be that, in exchange for not dealing with the abortion issue, Rhema would be left alone by the enemy - left alone to grow large, pray for healing, sing great praise and worship songs, and financially prosper?

We later found out through one of the Rhema College students that fear was running rampant in Rhema and that there were many contingency plans in place in anticipation of our arrival. One of the plans was that the orchestra would remain on the platform during the entire sermon. If anyone were to come to the platform and speak a Word, the orchestra would strike up a loud tune and the choir was instructed to sing a little louder. Oh, the irony! Sing a Little Louder was the title of the brochure that we passed out to the congregation.

Christians in Rhema church led to just "sing a little louder"

On Saturday morning we stormed the gates of hell in Tulsa, and what to our wondrous eyes should appear, but a mill that was closed, and 40 policemen here. We rejoiced at this marvelous move of God. At least for this Saturday, no babies were killed in the city of Tulsa. Why? Because the Church of Jesus Christ showed up at the gates of hell - Reproductive Services!

Public evangelism of Tulsa churches that profess to be pro-life with their lips

We then proceeded to the busiest intersection in Tulsa, set up the sound system, and gave 'em heaven! The signs were all out and the saints passed out hundreds of pieces of literature. You will want to get our newest edition of Penny Lee's "Sing a Little Louder." We have added the story of baby Malachi to it and also included "What it means to be a pro-life Christian." It is the best piece of literature we have come up with yet, to pass out at evangelical churches.

Sunday morning we were up early preparing to confront Rhema Church with her sin. Rhema was saying with her mouth that she was pro-life, but revealing by her actions that she was not pro-life at all. Of course this meant that we first had to examine ourselves to make sure we removed the log from our own eye before we went after the speck in our brother's eye. This we did with great joy, for it is only the pure in heart that will see God. We asked our Lord to purify us that we might act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. Our desire was that we might correctly represent His heart to His people.

We took our marching orders from Lamentations 4:12-13; Jeremiah 1: 17-19; and Jeremiah 7:1-11.

Upon arriving at the Church, several of us entered the premises with the "Sing a Little Louder" brochures and "Pastor Expelled from Rhema! (His sin was praying at an abortion mill in Wichita, Kansas)." Of course we were told we could not pass out literature on Rhema's property and we complied. Several of us attended the Sunday morning service. Associate Pastor Billy Joe Watts preached a rousing sermon from Ephesians chapter 6. He rightly divided the Word of God and we wondered with awkward amazement at how this preaching (orthodoxy) could end up with such sorry living (orthopraxy). Some might call it hypocrisy! What would Jesus say? Perhaps He has already said it!

Rhema has Tulsa police barricade every border of its property in fear of pro-lifers such as Tom McGlade & son

We brought the graphic truth of what was happening to precious children in the city of Tulsa right to the door of a church that says abortion is murder with her lips, yet does nothing about it with her actions. Several of the folks greeted us warmly but most, as they were instructed the previous week, tried to pay absolutely no attention to us. It was really quite comical to watch them in their attempt to pay no attention to us. They would keep looking over at the signs when they didn't think we were watching. Once you see the truth of abortion, it is hard to forget.

It is interesting to us that Kenneth Hagin Jr. did not preach the sermon this Sunday. He was in town and he knew that we were as well. This was going to prove a pretty significant rebuke for his church, yet the shepherd fled. Why is it that this man of "faith" would not steer his church through the rough waters of godly rebuke? Why is it that this church of "faith" would defrock their pastors and graduates if they ever enter into the abortion battle? How little faith is exhibited when the preachers of the "word of faith movement" (Rhema) are allowed to preach sermons about their neighbor in the ditch, but are not allowed to touch their neighbor in the ditch. What folly!

Flip ponders the scene as police encircle church at Rhema for nought

Why does Rhema prohibit her pastors and graduates from living out the Word of God at the very gates of hell (the local abortion mill)? Why does Rhema cause God's shepherds and lambs to stumble? Why does Rhema cause God's shepherds and lambs to break the Commandments of God? Listen to these Words spoken by One greater than Solomon. Listen to these Words greater than a "word of faith." Glean from these Words that are greater than those of Rev. Billy Joe Watts. Yes, these Words are even greater than those spoken by Kenneth Hagin Sr.

"…Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22: 37-40.