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Tiller's Lost Soul

March 19, 2001

Tiller's Lost Soul

By Troy Newman

Take a good look at the man in the photograph.You are looking at the face of death - Dr. George Tiller, the most infamous late-term abortionist in the world. He calls himself a Christian, but he desperately needs your prayers.

We will witness to this misguided man - in person - and persuade him to stop killing babies, once and for all.

This may be our last chance to help him!

He specializes in the latest of late-term abortions (all the way to 37 weeks!), and charges as much as $10,000 for each ruthless murder he commits.He has killed thousands upon thousands of late-term babies. His patients come from all over the world - because he's one of the few "doctors" who will kill so late in the pregnancy.

To kill the baby, he sticks a needle in its heart - injecting it with powerful drugs that cause it to die. Other drugs are administered that cause the woman's body to go into labor, prematurely delivering the dead baby who was killed at the hands of George Tiller.

Then, to show how "compassionate" he is, Tiller will dress the stillborn baby... take pictures of it with its parents... baptize it... incinerate the body... and then sell the parents an urn to keep the ashes!

For those babies he doesn't incinerate, he sells the body parts on the "black market" created by "partial birth abortion". (He does perform partial birth abortions in many cases, particularly for "elective" abortions.)

He's been killing babies ever since abortion first became "legal" in 1973, and he's a leading authority on the "best" ways to kill late-term babies. He even gives lectures to other abortionists, with such flippant titles as, "Late Abortion As Day Surgery: A Review of 3,845 Cases". And, he has the unmitigated gall to say that late-term abortion is "40 times safer than full-term delivery!"

But wait, it gets worse: To top it all off, he's a member of a Lutheran church in his hometown of Wichita, Kansas! This man is sick - virtually the epitome of evil disguised as "good".

"Death.com" - You can view his Internet Website at www.drtiller.com. What you'll see there will absolutely astound you. You'll read all about how "compassionate" Dr. Tiller is as he kills unborn babies up to and past the point of "viability". You'll see how he boasts that he gets to determine when a baby is "viable" or not - and that even post-viability babies can be killed at his "clinic". You'll hear him talk about things like "kindness", "courtesy", "justice", "love", and "respect" - truly ironic words from a man who kills babies for a living!

Why, you even get to read a detailed description of how he kills the babies!

I urge you to log on to the Internet as soon as you finish reading this article, and view George Tiller's Web site.

But even more so, I urge you to say a prayer for George Tiller, and plead with God that this man would stop killing babies.