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Different Colored Gloves - One Fist Homosexuality, Islam, and abortion have something in common. They are three different colored gloves covering the same fist. Abortion is a crimson glove (stained with the blood of our pre-born children). Homosexuality is a pink glove (stained with the blood of young men and women given over to their own lust, and stained with the blood of nations that approve of such behavior). Islam is a black glove (stained with the blood of Christians, Jews, and anyone else who dares disagree with the false "god" Allah and his demon possessed prophet Mohammed). Three different colored gloves, yet the same fist. It is the fist of him who robs, kills, and destroys. That's right, I'm talking about the devil himself! We are not unaware of his schemes. You see the battle we fight is not just about abortion, homosexuality, or Islam. These are but tragic manifestations of a much larger conflict that has been raging throughout the pages of the Bible and the pages of history since the serpent's appearance in the Garden. It is a battle over "Who is Lord" and "Whose laws reign." It is the Biblical battle found in Genesis 3:15 between two worldviews; the seed of the woman verses the seed of the serpent. It is a life or death struggle! It is a battle requiring every man to choose. Where one stands on the issues of abortion, homosexuality, and Islam are visible manifestations of where he stands in this battle. You are either standing with Christ, or you are opposed to Him. There is no in between! Abortion has proved that we are willing to kill for sex, and homosexuality (AIDS) has proved that we are willing to die for it. A culture of death prevails in our nation today because we, the Church of Jesus Christ, have allowed the seed of the serpent to have its murderous way. The death chant of this seed, "my rights, my body, my choice, my thing, don't judge me!" has replaced God's call to the seed of the woman, "You are not your own, you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body." I Corinthians 6:19-20. Yes, abortion and homosexuality are different colored gloves covering the same murderous fist! Islam is another murderous cover-up for the devil. A false, yet "religious," spirit nailed Jesus to the cross. It has manifested itself in countless false religions before and after Jesus' crucifixion. The devil is very religious. He knows the Holy Scripture and can even quote it. Yes, "religion" is one of his favorite disguises. False religion, however, brings in its wake the culture of death. The sacrifice of children, adults, and the killing of millions in the name of some false god have been its fare. That is why we must not remain silent in the face of Islam! There has been no more deadly a false religion than Islam. Just a short list of Islam's great achievements might be of help here: adult and child suicide bombers, terrorists, dictators, political corruption, subjugation of women, hatred of Jews, hatred of America, hatred of each other, poverty, backwardness, and pure unadulterated evil. In every nation where Islam has become the predominant religion, death and despair await all who will not bow to Mohammed. Freedom and individual liberty are casualties. Death reigns. Why? The Spirit of the Lord is not there. "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty." (2 Corinthians 3:17) There can be no freedom - no liberty, apart from the Spirit of the Lord. Jesus is the Spirit who brings life. There is no other! The culture of death cannot coexist with Him. Islam brings with it only death. It was birthed in the pit of hell to steal many from the truth and lure them into the family of the seed of the serpent. As with abortion and homosexuality, Islam is a different colored glove covering the same murderous fist. It is the devil himself who inspired and continues to demonize this false religion bringing men and women, whom God loves, into horrific bondage and murder. So when we fight for the lives of pre-born baby boys and girls, we are always reminded that we are really engaged in a Gospel battle. We believe, "The weapons of our warfare are not weapons of this world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Every stronghold, every false ideology, everything that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, must be brought down and totally destroyed. This is the privilege of the seed of the woman. It is our Christian heritage. There is no middle ground here - no room for compromise! We must destroy these lies because we love our neighbor. We desire that our neighbor come to know the One who truly can save and liberate his soul - Jesus Christ! Abortion can't save - it leads only to death. Homosexuality can't save - it leads only to death. Islam can't save - it leads only to death. They are, all three, lies birthed in the pit of hell! We are a Gospel people - the seed of the woman! Therefore we fight this battle in the only way it can be won. We don't go to abortion mills so that the lives of little baby boys and girls may be saved, or that abortion may be brought to an end. As noble an endeavor as that is, it is not the reason we go. We go to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the gates of hell knowing that, once there, the gates cannot prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ. The Author of Life will crush the head of the seed of the serpent. Yes, Jesus will bring out of death - life! He conquered death - it is our duty and privilege to proclaim that victory. When we do, voiceless children are given a voice and many are saved from a savage death. Mothers and fathers who feel they have no choice turn to Christ and find a hope and a reason for living. Instead of running away from Him, they run right into Him. Abortionists, clinic workers, and many antagonistic to the Gospel of Christ, find themselves surrendering to the claims of Christ because the seed of the woman was there at the very gates of hell. Abortion, homosexuality, and Islam, far from being political issues, are preeminently Gospel issues. They are physical manifestations of a spiritual battle over "Who is Lord" and "Whose laws reign." If this is true, then the battle for the lives of voiceless children, the battle for those lost in the bondage of homosexuality, and the battle for those suffering under the massive weight of Islam, will never be won in Washington, D.C. The Church of Jesus Christ storming the gates of hell must first win it. We have been promised that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church. They will, however, forever prevail against the Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court. We must stop relying on Conservative and Republican mercenaries to fight our battles for us. It is said that politics is the "art of compromise." The Gospel of Christ, however, is not up for negotiation. There can be no compromise when it comes to any one of the issues mentioned above for they are simply different colored gloves camouflaging the same fist. It is the fist of the devil. We must take this battle to the streets in the Name of Jesus Christ and win it there before we can ever expect to win the battle in Washington, D.C.
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