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We will be joining Father Francis in Saratoga Springs, New York this August 17 -23, 2003. Theology will become biography at the four abortion mills in Saratoga Springs at the height of horse racing season. It will be an awesome time in the Lord. The Streets and the Legislature by Fr. Francis G. McCloskey In the not-so-distant past, the Judeo-Christian worldview and biblical morality ruled New York State and its legislature. Abortion and homosexuality, euthanasia and the "culture of death" were illegal and socially disapproved. Homosexuality was known as the "love that dare not speak its name". Abortion was railed against by such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other leaders of women's rights and women's suffrage. Children were much safer both at home without TV sets and in school than is the case today where the perversion comes down through the institution and through the tube and the child is left defenseless. But then the proponents of pagan perversity learned the secret of success. Whoever wins the media wins the culture. And you win the media by taking to the streets with boldness, with in-your-face audacity. The bigger your lies, the more boldly you must proclaim them. That's what it takes to win the media. It is impossible for a Bill Clinton to become president of the United States without a Godless rebellion first winning in the street. This happened in 1968 when pagan rebels took to the streets outside the Cow Palace in Chicago and conducted their own shadow convention while a boring Democratic National Convention droned on inside. The media were fascinated with them and showed America where the real action was. In the end they won the media and the culture with homosexuals emerging from the closet and conducting parades... in the streets... where the media fed it into homes via the tube and dulled consciences. Local Christians proved this in reverse just down the river in Hudson in 1989 when they surrounded the Planned Parenthood molech and closed it down for the day with no babies killed. The media showed up and were amazed at the boldness of the Christians and the size of their numbers. While Planned Parenthood maven Ruth Klepper fumed and fiddled furiously in the parking lot demanding the police make arrests, the Columbia Co. sheriff said "there's too many of them and too few of us. We will just maintain order here until they leave on their own". That night on Albany and Kingston newscasts the reporting on the bold Christian victory was objective and (especially on Channel 13) friendly. Reporters on the scene in Hudson whispered to Christians they were on their side. Christians were interviewed on TV speaking up for the infants. The media were impressed that Christians, long thought to be wimpy and intimidated, would actually stand up for what they said they believed, even risking arrest. While it is important to have Christians lobbying legislators, be aware how few legislative minds are changed in the process. Politicians are experts at wetting fingers and holding them up in the media winds. And the media are in constant touch with the streets. When the media are converted, politicians go along [with exceptions]. The Christians have the numbers to prevail, but not the will or the vision. Christian, are you paying attention? Your church began in the streets and was in the streets, markets, public squares, catacombs, highways and byways for 300 years before it got to build church buildings. However your sanctuary is a heated building which tends to rivet you to pews and comfort zones. The devil concedes buildings as long as he can have all the rest. Where does the rubber meet the road? In the streets. Satan tries to intimidate you from shouting the Good News from housetops. He wants to keep you in your churchy comfort zone. Defy him. To win the hearts and minds and votes of legislators and destroy the culture of death, first win the Streets. As did New Testament Christians in the Acts of the Apostles. Jesus of Nazareth is coming to Oh Saratoga! and requests the honor of your presence. Maranatha! Stand tall with Him. Campground space is limited. Check the brochure. Register early.
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