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Signs in the Skies


Signs in the Skies 

Flip's response to those asking about the prophetic impact of the Space Shuttle Columbia's disintegration over Texas.

I don't know how much of a prophet I am other than the fact that, on occasion, I speak prophetically about the events of the day as viewed through the grid of the Bible. For the life of me, I cannot discern specifically what God is saying to our nation other than, "Mr. President, if you are relying on technology to get you out of this one in the Mid-East you had better think again.

We are about to get entrenched in a war from which we will not easily be able to extricate ourselves. This does not at all mean we should not fight - this war must be fought! It is simply a fact that Almighty God (not to be confused with allah) has placed us in a situation where there are few choices. Islam will either dominate and subjugate or Christianity will bring liberty - there is no common ground between the two. We will either win to Christ those lost in the bondage of Islam, be killed by them, or kill them. Not a comforting thought, but true. God has allowed it to come to this so that we would have no place to turn but Him. He knows how to make us cry.

The disintegration of the space shuttle Columbia this past Saturday morning was just one more tragic manifestation of this truth. It brought us to tears. We cried over the devastation of 9-11. Some of us have cried over the millions of Christians killed in the Sudan by Islamic terrorists over the past several years. Many of us have wept over the mindless acts of violence perpetrated by the monsters created by Islam. Many Muslim mothers have wept over the suicidal deaths of their own children to the lie called Islam. Oh yes, God knows how to make us cry!

The loss of these seven brave souls, however, has led to the bellowing of Islamic Imams all over the world that allah (not to be confused with Almighty God) is exacting vengeance on America and Israel. Ilan Ramon was the first Israeli Commander to be on a Space Shuttle team. Now he is dead, along with five Americans, and one Hindu. From Saddam's brutal regime in Iraq we heard that the Space Shuttle disintegration, "…was the beginning of allah's punishment on the USA and Israel." There was joy and boasting of the greatness of allah in the Islamic streets.

Joy over the tragic deaths of seven precious people? It is like 9-11 all over again. The world weeps and Islam rejoices. Why? The Bible tells us that those who reject God, whose specific Name is JESUS, will find themselves living out this principle: "…all who hate me love death." Proverbs 8:26.

Islam is a demonic menace to all mankind, but it has been raised up by God Himself to deal with the sorry state of His Church and the sorry state of His nation, Israel. That's right! The Muslims don't know this, but God is using them to bring His people back to Himself. Islam is simply the shell in which the devil himself resides to rob, kill, and destroy.

Just a short list of Islam's great achievements might be of help here: child suicide bombers, terrorists, dictators, political corruption, subjugation of women, hatred of Jews, hatred of America, hatred of each other, poverty, backwardness, and pure unadulterated evil. The very same spirit that inhabited the shell of Pharoah and Haman - son of Hammedatha, inhabited the illiterate shell of Mohammed, and inhabits his followers to this very day.

Islam is a murderous religion, inspired by the devil that is filled with a hatred of all that God has made. In particular, it hates all those who hold to the testimony of Jesus, and it hates the Jews. It sees value in people only as they convert to its false theology. This spirit now inhabits 1.3 billion people on our planet. Muslims hate Israel and they hate Christianity. In reality, they hate the God of both the Old and New Testaments. It tells us in Revelation 12:12 that the devil has been hurled down to earth and that "...He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."

A Condensed "Biblical History" of Islam

Yes, he is indeed filled with fury, because he knows his time is short. If this Bible verse doesn't fit Islam to a "T," I do not know what does. It is an oppressive, stifling false religion that has enslaved over 1.3 billion people with its lie. Long before Islam came into being through Mohammed, however, an ancient hostility existed between the descendants of Isaac and the descendants of Ishmael. They were brothers (half brothers really). Both were to become great nations as was prophesied by God Himself. Ishmael, however was to be a wild donkey of a man who could get along with no one including his brothers (Arabs today). Genesis 16:11-12.

It was Isaac that God made the "son of the promise" through whom the whole world would be redeemed. Yes, Jesus would come from the seed of Isaac - not Ishmael. The descendants of Ishmael (the rejected brother) hated the descendants of Isaac for that. There was a jealousy that ran deep and persists to this day. Jihad is almost always declared against Christianity or Israel.

Further, we see that the descendants of Isaac to whom the promise was given, Jacob and Esau, were twins who wrestled in their mother's womb. Esau was born first and therefore was entitled to the promise. He despised his birthright, however, by giving it to his brother for "a mess of pottage" and then had his blessing stolen from him by his conniving brother Jacob. God had said in Genesis 25:23 that the "older would serve the younger." Esau was going to be the one serving his younger twin brother. This was God's doing. He was going to work through the mess of this brotherly hatred.

There was an ancient and very deep hostility that existed between the descendants of Esau and the descendants of Jacob. It was the same "rejected brother syndrome" as was Isaac and Ishmael. But God used this hatred between brothers to bring Jacob to his knees at Peniel (Genesis 32: 22 - 33:10) so that instead of being Jacob (one who wrestles with men), God changed his name to Israel (one who wrestles with God). This hostility between these brothers actually brought God's purposes for Israel into being.

That being said, Esau intermarried with the daughters of Ishmael (Genesis 28: 8-9) and the hatred these two (rejected?) brothers had for Israel continues to this day.

Enter 610 A.D., when Mohammed received his first "revelations." The natural brotherly hatred the descendants of Ishmael and Esau had toward the descendants of their brother Israel was ratcheted up exponentially. Demons are now involved and the false religion they inspire is Islam. Now it is more than just brotherly hatred - it is a demonic loathing that says that Israel has no right to exist! It says that Christians must convert, or die!

That is precisely where we find ourselves today! No peace accord, no political solution, no amount of negotiation, or compromise can possibly solve the mess we are in. God is using the murderous, suicide inspiring, demonic spirit of Islam to bring Israel and His Church in America to their knees. Just as He used Esau to bring Jacob to His knees and forced him to cry out to God for mercy, so he is using Islam to bring his nation Israel to her knees so that she will cry out "Baruch haba, ba' shem Adonai." Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.

Jesus said it to the Jews when they rejected Him the first time, "You will not see Me again until you say, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord." Matthew 23:39. God is using Islam, in all of its demonic wrath, to bring Israel to her knees and acknowledge that her Messiah has already come. She need look no further than Jesus!

He is using Islam to bring the Church of Jesus Christ in America to her knees so that she will cry out to God for mercy over the shedding of innocent blood (the murder of pre-born children). He has not been silent about the innocent blood filling the sewers of this land.

So, this is where we are at this point in time in our history. I pray that we will have eyes to see, but we are living in an age of great biblical ignorance. Therefore many Christians in America believe that if we have the right technology and, if we support Israel, then everything will be fine and we can continue to ignore God and His call to us.

Surely God would not judge us, would He? It is Islam that is the bad guy. We are Israel's friend. Perhaps we ought to just look around at some signs in the sky. Nineteen men with box cutters? They certainly weren't very high tech. The Space Shuttle disintegrating into pieces, over Crawford, Texas, the home our President? This was the best technology America had to offer. An Israeli Commander on Board the disintegrated Space Shuttle?

Is someone making it very clear that, apart from the mercy of Almighty God, we are in an utterly hopeless situation? He knows how to make us cry! Maybe we ought to start doing that now. After all, we have killed over 45 million of His babies, expelled Him from school, banished Him from the schoolyard, called his enemies friends, ad nauseam. We have sung "God Bless America" from the steps of the capitol building. Shouldn't that count for something? Or is it possible that the Lord sees through our little charade of honoring Him with our lips while our hearts are far from Him?

Soon, very soon, we as a nation will cry out to God for the help that only He can give. He knows how to make us cry! 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

It wouldn't be a bad idea to do this now! We are in big trouble and we don't even know it yet.