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September 14, 2001 An apologetic of our Press Release - 911 THIRD AND FINAL
WARNING It has been a couple of days of returning back from Washington DC, from the actual scene of the great tragedy that has befallen us to finally begin to digest the horror that has struck America. Many voices are crying out, many so-called "Biblical interpretations" are being served up to try to make sense and assuage the shock that has pierced the heart of our beloved land. Most unfortunately, still seem incapable of discernment at a time America desperately needs to hear a clear trumpet sound that will lead her to repentance and the acknowledgment of the truth. I've heard comments that God is not directly responsible for this act against the idols of America, that He would never become a terrorist and kill people. One can only try to imagine what Bible they read. One can only scratch one's head and wonder what brand of theology has produced this kind of deluded commentary. In Amos 3:6, the Lord God Jehovah asks these rhetorical questions, "When a trumpet sounds in a city do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it?" These questions are written to a people who should know better. They should know that God can and does visit cities and people with disaster. Who was it that rained strange fire from the sky that incinerated Sodom? Who was it that enveloped the earth with a flood and wiped out the entire population on the earth, save those on Noah's ark? Who was it that drowned Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea? Who was it that sent an angel that massacred 185,000 Syrian soldiers in one night? Who was it that struck Ananias and Sapphira dead for lying to the Holy Ghost? Who was it that sent an angel and struck King Herod dead while the worms feasted upon him? And who was it that warned in the book of The Revelation, "Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that women Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and beguile My servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality and she did not repent. Indeed I will cast her into a sick bed and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation unless they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death. And all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. (Revelation 2:20-23) How many accounts do we read in Holy Writ where God lifts His hand of protection and actually inspires His enemies to strike His people as a judgment. It is a constant theme in the Scriptures and yet we act as though the Lord is incapable, unwilling, or that this aspect of the Lord is somehow inconsistent with Biblical teaching. Yet, God's word declares, "For I am the Lord, I do not change (Malachi 3:6a)." Obviously, God does personally, directly, and forthrightly kill and bring sickness upon people who refuse to repent. He doesn't just lift His hand of protection and allow tragedy to strike. He often in the Scriptures is personally involved in striking down His enemies and bringing chastisements upon His people. To teach otherwise is flat out heresy, false doctrine, and a complete misrepresentation of the Bible and the righteous and just character of our Lord. Can there be any wonder why there is still no fear of God in our land that will bring us to depart from our wicked ways? Brothers and sisters, our nation can no longer refuse to see the terrible signs and judgments that are coming upon us. Flip and I and many other Rescue leaders have consistently warned these days were swiftly coming to pass, lest we repent. We warned that God's judgment would increase in frequency and intensity, lest we turn from our wicked ways of sexual perversion and child-killing. For thirty years God has patiently put up with our apathy, indolence, and lethargy. For thirty long years God has raised up His prophets to cry out that abortion, the shedding of innocent blood will produce a rod of violence that will punish the iniquity of our nation. But just like the Scripture in Hosea 9:7 declares, anyone who would dare say that God is bringing punishment and recompense upon us for our great iniquities the people of the land and even many in the Church will consider these prophets fools and maniacs. As one who has fallen into this category, my only response is I may be considered a foolish maniac in the eyes of many, but like Paul of old, I can honestly say, "I am innocent of all men's blood, for I have not withheld the whole counsel of God." In response to what we said last Tuesday, September 11, 2001: "AMERICA - THIS IS YOUR THIRD AND FINAL WARNING!" The horrific attack on America this morning was no coincidence. Reminiscent of accounts in the Old Testament when God used prophets to warn nations of their wicked ways, America has been given its own warning over the shedding of innocent blood. The most recent national rebuke was this past weekend when a prophetic word was spoken to the White House and President George W. Bush on Saturday, September 8, 2001. Rev. Flip Benham and 18 other pro-life pastors and leaders from across the nation gathered in the nation's capital to bring a prophetic warning that if we continue to sow bloodshed in the womb, we will reap it in ever increasing horror in our streets. Standing in front of the White House, praying, and proclaiming the prophetic Word of God, these gentle Christians were threatened with arrest. They refused to move, and instead continued to pray for the mercy of God on our nation. As they were given their third and final warning, Benham spoke these prophetic words, "No America! This is your third and final warning!" Then he read from Deuteronomy 32:25, "In the street the sword will make them childless; in their homes terror will reign. Young men and women will perish, infants and grey haired men." "The Supreme Court of the United States of America declared that children in their mother's wombs were not fully human and therefore were not entitled to the full protection of the law of our land," said Rev. Benham. "Because of this open rebellion and blatant disregard of the Law of God and for life, our nation is suffering under the remedial judgments of God Himself. Blood is coursing down the corridors of our schools, workplaces, and streets. Because we have not hated bloodshed, bloodshed is now pursuing us." Ezekiel 35:6 The astounding events of this morning are just another sign of the judgment of God upon our nation. We have turned our backs on God and we are now reaping the horrible consequences of our error. The President of the United States of America asked this morning for a "moment silence" to remember those in harm's way. There was not one mention of crying out to the only One who can save us, Jesus Christ!" We've been silent long enough! If we do not return to the God of our fathers we will continue to reap the whirlwind of our own foolishnes." Some in America are blowing an unclear trumpet sound of error that must be corrected with truth if America is to survive. One Christian lawyer that responded to the press release accused Flip of being happy about this great tragedy. Perhaps many of you reading my commentary will be tempted to think the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. I trembled and my heart broke and continues to break for America. The whole purpose for our life, ministry, and obedience to Christ was to somehow give God a reason to show mercy to America. Our righteous desire was to prevent this from happening in the first place. Our prayers, preaching, and prophetic message had one common denominator, Lord, spare your people. Alas, for some, it was too little, too late and that which we feared has finally come upon us. The only question that remains is will we awaken, repent, stop the killing of our children and the perversion that is running rampant in our nation or will we continue to harden our hearts, stiffen our necks, close our eyes and ears till we go the way of every other nation that dared to shake their fist in the face of a Holy God!? IN KING JESUS' SERVICE, Rusty Lee Thomas
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