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Resurrecting Rescues


 Resurrecting Rescues

Below is email communication between Flip and Joseph Parente concerning the "resurrection" of rescues since the NOW vs. Scheidler case has been settled. We thought many of you might be asking the same questions. Congratulations are in order for Joseph and Stacie on the birth of their first son, Joel Asa. We pray this little arrow hit the mark he is destined for with courage and zeal for the Lord Almighty.

Hi Flip,

I have a question about "rescue" (pre-F.A.C.E. era) at this point in history. You've probably fielded this question in lieu of the OR/Scheidler victory, and I'm just wondering what your thoughts are. Do you see concerted acts of civil disobedience such as the blocking of clinic entrances being revived in the near future? I've been wrestling in my spirit with the question of "to do or not to do" from the moment the word came back on the Supreme Court decision and I'd like to hear what you think God is saying about what is next. It was such an effective means of standing in the gap and inspiring those on the sidelines to get involved, as well as simply bringing the battle for the lives of our children to the forefront of American awareness. We're into the second generation of rescuers now and I'm praying that God will give us His wisdom and power so that my son won't have to fight this battle. Obviously F.A.C.E. is still a roadblock, but is it something that needs to be challenged in the near future in order to open up our options? Or is this all too forward? Please let me know when you have a moment.

God Bless You, Run Hard! --Joseph

Dear Joseph,

Congratulations on the new baby. May he grow up to be a mighty warrior in the Lord, just like his daddy.

You ask a great question. For me, when one lays his life down in front of an abortion mill door he is becoming a "living parable," a visible representation of God's love for pre-born children. That person is allowing the theology of the church house to become biography in the streets. He is allowing the Word of God to become flesh. He becomes to the entire community a living rebuke that abortion is wrong and that God is right!

Most importantly he is bringing the Gospel of Christ right to the gates of hell. We know what happens when the Church storms the gates of hell - they cannot prevail! Rescue then, is always a right thing to do.

Strategically, rescue as we remember it, with many folks lying before abortion mill doors, is probably something that does not need to be resurrected. The venue for the battle has shifted from the abortion mill door to the public sidewalks outside the mills. We are getting arrested for just being there holding a sign and passing our literature.

Our call is to be the wheels upon which we bring the Church of Jesus Christ to the very gates of hell - the local abortion mill. When we bring the praisers, proclaimers, prayers, preachers, and counselors to the streets we become an insuperable force which cannot be denied. That is because we walk in the power of Jesus' Name.

You will notice, however, that at every Operation Rescue sponsored event, there are those precious saints who do lay their lives down at abortion mill doors identifying with the helpless lives of pre-born children. This will always be a part of who we are. Your father-in-law was one of our great teachers and he showed us the way. It is the way of the cross. It certainly doesn't appear to be the most expedient or pragmatic way, but it is, nevertheless, the way that demonstrates to the whole world (1Kings 8:60) the awesome power of God.

We don't use rescue at abortion mill doors as a strategy to shut the abortion industry down. It will never be used in that way again. We rescue at abortion mill doors to be a visible representation of God's love for mothers, fathers, and their children, and to be a living rebuke to our churches, our cities, and our nation, that the slaughter of innocent children is a sin that cries out to God.

Please give me your thoughts.

God bless you Joseph and congratulations -- way to go Stacy!

Dear Flip,

Thanks, we're enjoying him immensely. We named him Joel Asa because Joel means that God is Faithful, and Asa means Healer. We're believing that God will use him to bring healing to his generation.

As far as your answer, I can certainly understand what you're saying. I guess I am always looking for the next most effective tool. As much as "rescue", as I phrased it, was effective in its time, I can see why it would not need to be revived. Which begs the question, what are our most effective strategies now? Thanks for your reply, I really appreciate your insight.

God Bless You, Run Hard! --Joseph


The single most effective thing we can do is call the Church of Jesus Christ to repentance over the slaughter of God's children. It is only as God's people repent that He will hear, forgive, and heal (2 Chronicles 7:14). To do this we must continue our presence at abortion mills, attempting to rebuild the wall at the exposed places. We must continue our witness at schools and college campuses across the nation. The large signs of aborted and live babies are very effective here. We must go to the Church and bring the message, "Who Is My Neighbor?" right to the door (gate).

Here is our statement Joseph: "Abortion in America will come to an end when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind it will come to an end - not one second sooner."

True repentance Joseph, is powerful and effective (2 Corinthians 7: 8-11). We have not yet tapped into this because we are wanting everyone else to repent, little knowing that God Himself is waiting for His Church - that's you and me - to repent of her apathy and indolence toward His precious pre-born children.

For the Church of Jesus Christ to come to the realization that she needs to repent, there must first be a prophet sent to her. Someone who will tell her the truth about her "wicked way" (revisit 2 Chronicle 7:14). Once she does, the abortion industry is finished. The altars to Baal and Molech will be torn down and the altar of the LORD repaired. Life will again return to our land.

Keep fighting the good fight!

In Christian love,
