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Response to "The Walls Come Down"


Response to "The Walls Come Down" 

Below is a letter from a member of Cathedral of Hope (MCC Church in Dallas). It was written in response to OSA - Dallas' article "The Walls Come Down." Although they may be building something new on those grounds, it is being built on a shaky foundation. We pray that there will be many saved from this lie before it is too late! The preceding comments are from Flip.

We are glad that some from Cathedral of Hope read our website. Perhaps it will in some way point them to Jesus - the real Jesus who will set them free from the homosexual bondage that will most certainly hasten their physical deaths.

Because we love them, we tell them the truth! If we, in any way misled folks coming to our web, we owe it to them to make this letter known.

It broke my heart to hear how excited this poor lost individual is to have an even bigger sanctuary so they can spread more lies to more precious people and lead them straight to hell. The most heinous lie of all, especially to those struggling with sexual sin (hetero or homo), is that Jesus loves you just the way you are and you can continue in your sin and know that he has to forgive you. This lie has led to the destruction of millions.

In Christ,


Here is the letter we received:

To whom it may concern:

As a faithful Christian member of the Cathedral of Hope I often look at your website to learn about those who do not understand us. In reading your reports I always wondered how much truth was put into your articles. I now know.

Your report on the removal of the building that housed one of the Cathedral's youth ministries is interesting. However, your report misleads your readers. This is an advancement for us not a step back.

Most of the ministry going on in this building is now taking place in a brand new and beautiful 22000 square foot 2 story building recently completed on our property. Not only was the building you reported about removed but also 2 temporary buildings in the middle of our property.

We have been using the now empty space where the 2 temp buildings stood for parking. However, we will soon be commencing construction on our wonderful and glorious new Sanctuary that will allow us to combine our 3 services and seat over 2000 worshippers.

The demolition of the building you inaccurately reported on was removed to eventually provide relief parking once the construction on the Sanctuary begins this spring.

Believing that you would not intentionally lie to your members or anyone who would happen upon your website, I hope this clears up any misconceptions that you might have had regarding the demolition of this building. Should you ever need any updates on our progress in the future it can be found at www.CathedralofHope.com.

Yours in Christ,

Scott Batson