Amen, Ruth!
am struggling with our brothers and sisters who are joining hands
with the anti-war demonstrators too.
are the anti-war demonstrators?
They walk lock step with abortion (woman's right to choose).
They walk lock step with the radical homosexual agenda.
They walk lock step with eco-terrorists who value an eagle's egg
above a baby human.
They walk lock step with the idea that any religion is better than
They walk lock step with the idea that Saddam Hussein is more tolerant
than Jesus Christ.
They walk lock step with those who hate Christians more than Muslim
Their ignorance of Biblical, American, and World History is mind-boggling.
They protest in the countries of the West, because if they did it
in the East they would be dead.
They are therefore, cowards who attempt "brave" acts in
safe places.
Their hatred toward America is really a physical manifestation of
their hatred toward God!
right! They are manifesting a hatred toward the the One True God,
whose specific Name is Jesus. This is what we see being lived out
in anti-war demonstrations in our nation and throughout the world
- except, of course, in those countries under Islamic rule. There
will never be protest there because in those countries, there is
no freedom. The reason there is no freedom is because Jesus is not
there. Yep! The BIBLE IS RIGHT AGAIN! "...where the Spirit
of the Lord is there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17.
is no God apart from Jesus - not Gautama Buddha, not Muhammad, not
the god in the tree, and not the god in me. The rebellion the anti
war protestors are living out in the streets is nothing more than
a visible and very violent rebellion against God Himself. What is
dividing us as a nation these days does not have geographic, ethnic,
racial, or economic boundaries. It is a division that cuts right
through every heart of every person. It is a division over "Who
is Lord" and "Whose laws reign." It is a division
that is now dividing the whole world.